The Gossip Bakery

Posts written by Chef Elzar

  1. .
    QUOTE (Sharewithblunder @ 2/19/2022, 06:00 PM) 

    Guess not.

    You can only do so much before giving up and throwing the towel in. Don's moved on. Jen has...well, who knows what she's done other than spend $$$$ traveling and buying crap.
  2. .
    Jen is such a tedious and boring person. I cannot believe their marriage lasted as long as it did. There is no depth or substance to her whatsoever. Her conversational skills are juvenile at best and downright annoying most times. She is unable to see anything beyond the lens of her own experience.
  3. .
    Michele needs to be in managed care as she is a feeble-minded half-wit who is incapable of caring for herself, let alone the genetically defective child those two managed to create. Nate needs to be in a group home with other males of his age. He needs socialization and human contact outside of his monster of a mother and retarded dwarf of a father. The stupid rebel-in-his-own-mind dwarf just needs to be thrown into prison for life. He'll be the favorite fuck toy on his cell-block. Given Bruce's short stature and readily apparent mental retardation, I would not be surprised if his mother had a thyroid deficiency when she was pregnant with him.
  4. .
    Kimmy's food hoard borders on obsessive-compulsive. How much stuff from hoard gets tossed because the cans have ruptured or rodentia has gotten into boxed or bagged goods? Kimmy needs some serious psychiatric help and medication to deal with her myriad of mental issues.

    Her spending habits have landed them in the inlaw's basement. She's homeschooling a child that needs to be in a real school and taught by experts who can work with her learning issues. Kimmy isn't qualified to teach a dog how to sit let alone educate a child with learning disabilities.
  5. .
    I missed Julie's live and ended up watching the recorded version. I'd have loved to see the Laken commentary! Laken is a long gone has-been from the planner community. Her only value these days is for comedic value and snark. Laur doesn't get on my nerves like Bacon does. Laur seems to have her head on right. She's just not my cup of tea.

    While avoiding housework, I popped into the Gram and this is what was on Lumpkin's IG::

    So now the balding pink prat is a "musical theatre nerd"? :eyeroll: Flunken, if you are reading this, you are a "musical theatre nerd wannabe failure".

    GiveMoneyToGriftken is still trying to figure out how to create an ideal work schedule that balances her excitement, goals, and rest. What exactly does that mean?! How does one balance their "excitement, goals, and rest"? It sounds like the balding fake redheaded failure just strung words together without any comprehension of their meaning.

    She's selling herself as a "goal setting expert" yet cannot figure out how manage her own dismal and apathetic life. Do the idiot fan-girls who pay to be her friend even understand that, without their money, AssHatKen wouldn't give them the time of day? Do they understand they are being grifted? Are they that desperate that they have to pay for a "friend"?
  6. .
    For the most part I like Julie. I cannot stand the voiceovers any of the vloggers do though!
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    QUOTE (Westcoastb @ 2/18/2022, 02:56 PM) 
    I think she’s pregnant.

    I think so too.
  8. .
    The Brydges put the "scum" in 'scum of the earth'
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    i think Sam is big into Hentai (anime porn).
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    Laken was pretty sure she was the bomb back in the early days of the planner scene. Now she is a washed up has been who-has been dumped by the big names in the planner community. After her dismal, boring, and fake performance during the Cultivate What Matters video, I'd be surprised if they send her free stuff next year.
  12. .
    Shrimpy Smalldick grows pot in his garden shed, he has illegal cable, he has access to funded health care, he has a roof of his own over his small, balding head, he gets paid a living wage, vacations and holidays. He has ready access to food. If he doesn't want the vaxx, he doesn't have to get it. His "freedoms" are being repressed due to being required to wear a frigging mask in public?! Sure would be a shame if he was canned from his job for this performance. I bet there are plenty of others who'd love a union job and a steady paycheck. Canada should strip the Brydges right to medical care, disability income for Nate, pensions, and any other government/tax funded programs they are on. Then we'll see what they think of their freedoms.

    Bruce and his first world problems...

  13. .
    QUOTE (PlannerLurker @ 2/16/2022, 07:07 PM) 
    In her live today, someone asked if they were going to stay in NYC after their lease is up -- she shut that down right away and said "she's not ready to talk about that"

    so... maybe the pregnant thing is more believable that she "can't raise" a child on her own without her mommy dearest near? Or just that they cannot afford life there since she was canned and can't make it on her Patreon + stalkers paying for 1:1's

    She has some real issues. A simple answer to that question would have been "we don't know" or "we haven't thought/planned that far ahead". Instead, she shows her real self with her bitchiness to the people who are responsible for her living. If I were one of her Patreon suckers, I'd have dumped her and left a comment as to why: "I'm not paying you $XX per month to hear you snark at someone for asking a simple question".

    There's a reason she is going nowhere fast...she is not congenial, she is not pleasant, her holier than thou attitude is annoying, her crappy "merch" is crap, her content is crap, she is crap.
  14. .
    Both the male Brydges were subdued. Nate really looked rough. I think she is in the hospital and probably not doing too well. It wouldn't surprise me if she was on a vent.

    Nate seemed more off-kilter than usual. The kitchen looked pretty messy, but the sascrotch isn't known for being neat either. It won't make me sad if the nasty cow dies from Covid.
  15. .
    CreepyWithWonder I think you are right about Michele. That was a "guy haul" if I ever saw one! No pee pads for the heifer. No soda for the heifer. No dip for the heifer. Even if she was at home and sick, she'd still be making herself known in the background. The card they refused to show is probably a "get well" card.
1476 replies since 10/3/2021