The Gossip Bakery

Posts written by SkeletonOnThePeleton

  1. .
    My goodness, yes I am!

    I didn't think anyone here would be familiar with the name , lol
  2. .
    Buddy eats up all the publicity he can get lol from the Bakery
  3. .
    Talking about the cake boss, we have a local bakery that grew enormously and is popular. Back in the early days when my niece was a decorator for him, all of his recipes were handed down from his grandma. As he got more popular and expanded the store he started testing out premade batters. My niece actually would bring samples of cakes and cheesecakes home. People now line up around the block for their sweets, but to me it all tastes the same as a grocery store cake. No flavor, just tastes sweet, and that's what the people want. My sister bakes better tasting cakes, but that bakery is now famous, even selling presidential candidate faces on cookies that trump jr came in to buy hundreds to hand out to try to boost the orange cookie sales. So now it's just more fame than flavor, IMO.
  4. .
    If that $7,000 counter depth fridge looked like a giant ugly Gucci purse she would have hauled it home strapped to her back, tweaked knee be damned!
  5. .
    I think I remember her saying Scott was collecting gift cards, maybe for Home Depot, to buy a gas grill. So of course she gave him the final one he needed. I can't believe she read 'Crib Through' out loud off the box for the baby hamster bottle, instead of Crib Trough, like she doesn't know what a trough is, lol. Those prank boxes were popular back then, I got one for my husband that looked like a camera to put on a fish underwater that was the perfect size to hold a package of golf balls. It fooled him at first too. I don't know how anyone in her family could think she was organized
  6. .
    Ooh! If there's a full moon coming up that's the perfect time for Gene to be one with nature with her Wiccan book collection! Thinking of her dancing in the moonlight brings to mind the scene from The Proposal with Betty White and Sandra Bullock :hearty-laugh:
  7. .
    I was going to bring that up too. I rembered one of the bakers spotted that, she could be glamping in her heart state, creeping through the alfalfa fields getting her drone caught in the tree branches!
  8. .
    She can rebrand as a sloth, they have big brown eyes too.

  9. .
    Glennon is starting to look better than Jen, and that's not saying much........
  10. .
    Why does she do this to everything? Lol simple, she is an overachiever in the body of an underaccomplisher
  11. .
    I can't understand why she always used the excuse that she doesn't know how to sell stuff online. She sure figured out quickly enough how to sell Don's bar cart! She acts like she is rehoming a pet when it comes to her junk, err belongings, like she has to guarantee they go to a good home. I bet the buyer would have to fill out a questionnaire lol.
  12. .
    Lol, I'm 64 and I've known who Lauren Hill is for almost 20 years. My daughter introduced me to all the good music back then because I actually showed interest in what she listened to, unlike Gene. But I did buy her all the edited versions, and imagine my surprise when I heard the unedited 50 Cent for the first time! Fun fact, she drew a picture that The Game featured on the back of his video cover back in the day. Anyone know who that is?

    She falls into the " deliberately making herself gently uncomfortable " category, methinks
  13. .
    I love chipotle and now I want some.......
  14. .
    I went out for cat food, special urinary food, Jen will need that next, and came back to this thread 3 pages ahead. I thought she finally got off the pot! Thanks. TheHairyChild for that link to Pamela's. I plan to share that with my sister who was diagnosed with Celiac two years ago. I learn so much from reading here!
  15. .
    She really is missing out on a golden opportunity to make friends. I was a sahm with my daughter, my one and only. I didn't maintain friendships with friends I had from when I was working, so I was in a similar situation,BUT, when my daughter was 3 we went to Gymboree classes where they played and had gym activities which required mom participation. Her and I both made friends, then she attended private schools where I made some of the best friends in my life. I'm an introvert, and with covid I'm basically a hermit, but volunteering at her school opened up a whole new world of responsibilities for me. I may be lazy, but thankfully not lazy like Jen. I cherish those years now that my daughter is 30 and out on her own with her own career and is a responsible adult. And when I'm gone from this world I hope what I'm remembered for is being an awesome mother, not how many purses or shoes or blushes I hoarded. I want them to overlook my hoard lol.
661 replies since 17/3/2021