The Gossip Bakery

Votes taken by Chickendance

  1. .
    Well the truck is seen, with ample info, including phone number.

    Tessie being the YouTube influencer she claims ....with 68k subscribers and basically making false accusations giving out misleading information about this charitable organization handing out expired food before it hits the landfills later that either a bold face lie about them..or about her.

    Anyone who is buying new cars...proudly staying online she's not in financial despair any longer, and is no longer poor then 3 days later drives her new car back the food bank taking advantage of their generosity deserves to be reported.

    The fact she tells this agency she's actually giving out order to obtain more....she keeps 95% for her hoard gives the rest to her daughter.
    Scott doesn't eat the free truck food...

    Theresa is an absolute scammer.
  2. .
    I wonder what the generous program would think seeing Tessies video claiming the foods expired, on its way to land fill...

    offering hungry people bad food on its way out? That's what Tessie says...she's saving the landfills...and the food is pretty much expired.

    I'm sure Charles wouldn't be impressed.
  3. .
    Costco is a luxury...our Costco also have motor scooters...ones that hold bigger people.
    A lot of our stores don't offer them...Wal-Mart has them but they won't hold Bevs weight.
    My future son in law had knee surgery and he's 6"4 250 pounds and he was too heavy.

    So...Bev loves Costco because she can actually go in... We see her send Briar into IGA, send Howard for groceries...she's not been doing the grocery shopping in person for well over a year ...she did pop in with Nan...on her visit but it was brief.

    Costco is way over priced... But it's like going to the carnival for her. If she spent that $700 at Wal-Mart and Food Basics...or No Frills... Where butter isn't $8. A pound it's $5.88.. Along with all the other over priced crap she buys, and the huge bags of His and Hers chips she hides from the cam.

    But she will claim it's because it's the only place to her organic sugar... Which being 400+ pounds REALLY doesn't make a difference ...and Howard's diabetic issues... Neither should be eating bacon, pounds of butter, sugar, white flour, white rice, white bread CHIPS but that's their main diet.

    She loves Costco no matter what things costs.
    That's just GOOOOD homeconomics folks!!!
  4. .
    I think Blessings of Hope...needs more people to contact them.

    During these tough times...buying robot vacuums, new vehicles while taking food out of the mouths of truly hungry people with children ...makes me sick.
  5. .
    Mel has already told Arthur ...HIS mother is not having her baby shower. Let's face it...Mel is not a huge fan of Bev...

    Mel's family and friends will be holding the shower..Bev I'm sure will be invited out of respect but there will be mask/vaccine issues and a fight in sure...
    Martyr Bev...won't be attending guarantee it.

    First of all Bev knows she can't have people over to their filthy house, she can't clean, she can't cook, she can't decorate ....she has no money so she claims.... But guarantee she will milk this pretend shower for months expecting little gifts, donations, etc... And she'll get them...and shower Mel with all the freebies from her look aid kids...of course not spending a fine of her own money.

    Bevs already scheming.
  6. .
    QUOTE (wonderwalk @ 27/6/2022, 17:18) 
    Did Michelle say, “It’s rilly unique and I love it so much?” Or amazing and she “loves it so much?” 🙄

    Okay, I had to go look at Michelle’s channel. She’s a hot mess today - did she even watch back before posting?

    None of these folks is reviewing, only unboxing, and I think everyone can figure that bit out for themselves. At least Sleazy Scott delivers what he promises - he unboxes. Nowhere does he say he will actually review the products.

    Think about it - this family is getting cash and thousands of dollars of merchandise just for taking things out of boxes on camera. Viewed objectively, it’s crazy.

    It's fraud. I've reported them...and sent links to the company they are falsely making reviews for. Honestly if the company finds it acceptable it speaks volumes for the company itself ...I wouldn't buy from a fraudulent company endorsing fake reviews.
  7. .
    QUOTE (Cottonwood @ 27/6/2022, 16:31) 
    8 more Amazon product reviews up today. Yes, she has been workin' hard. She reviews a "nebralizer" lol. 40 seconds. Opens it up shows us what's inside. It all comes in a "seowd" bag so its sterilized and "seowd" End of review. Come on Tessie, put the mask on and show us a breathing treatment. lol.

    I report the fake reviews.
  8. .
    Well looks like Ganja Grandy was busy folks!!


    The real folks!!
    That manure, dirt, mouse just added flavor.


    The pot plants are of course green and very well taken care of...unfortunately that can't be said for Daddy's precious onions!

    Those...fuzzy...filthy teeth... :sick:
  9. .
    Tessie got pregnant in highschool,she was 16, dropped out... Ken pretty much had to marry her, he was 5 yrs. older.

    She had her first baby at 17.

    She's a notorious liar even her siblings will attest to that.

    Tessie has lots of secrets but...she forgets everyone knows her family where she lives...and she forgets or tries to block real life people she her neighbour who actually outed her many times complete with photos. The burning of plastics in Tessies yard where the city came down...etc..

    Tessie doesn't attend the church her parents and family went to for years and years and years....there was a huge falling out.

    Tessie has caused drama for the entire family. Her " haters" as she puts it started long before youtube.

    It's her lying and stories that get her into trouble. We've seen how she's spoken of her parents and siblings...on the internet to complete strangers ...wonder what dear Aunt Fanny would think of all Teresa's nonsense, lies, and scams?
  10. .
    Briar works a minimum wage paying job at a convenient store and has zero money to build Bev a computer, Arthur and Mel have much more important things going on. Howard is an idiot and busy spending cash weekly at the track...and fixing up his bedroom on wheels.

    So that leaves The Kool aid kids!! Give generously folks.

    One of the problems with Bevs computer and with any new computer is the resin from smoking,the dust and filth piled high...( We've seen her keyboard that was only 1 year was a Christmas gift from Briar not last year, the year before) this is where cleaning is important.
    Desk top PC's, need maintenance...the tower should never be on the floor, and you shouldn't smoke anything in the same room because the fan pulls it into the tower.
    The cover needs I be removed a few times a year and cleaned out the gathering of dust inside the tower must be outrageous.


    We see how she cleans....

    So a new computer will only be temporary because she will destroy it like everything else in her house.

    Instead of getting the outdoor bathtub up...should of put money down on a new one, won't Hubby put it in HIS credit card and Fatass can pay him every month with her pay?? I mean she does work 24/7 right??

    Bev could get a real job, Howard could give up 2-3 weeks of race car spending... She could put a computer on layaway...make payments etc... Sell her wigs, have another yard sale....

    She's definitely hinting and manipulating her cult followers to donate to The Cause of Bev.

    Grandy....won't be sharing much more about Arthur and Mel....she's already destroyed that.
  11. .
    She has more personalities than THE Mrs. Volfie!!
  12. .
    She's buying her subscriptions but 100 blocks at a time...there's various packages pretty cheap.

    It's all business for our lying Pennsylvania Dutch Scammer
  13. .
    QUOTE (Gingersnapt @ 25/6/2022, 18:06) 
    Wonder why the pic of Arthur and Mel was removed for her fb?!?

    Guess someone told Mel and Arthur about Bevs antics?

    Arthur isn't on Bevs FB, but he is on Howards and Mel's account is her old one....

    Get your popcorn ready's going to get good!
  14. .
    She's a very angry person. As far as her " people pleasing "goes....I don't believe that for a minute.

    She wasn't a people pleaser she was a girl with an agenda. She said and did everything with her own agenda in her head, and when it failed and continues to fail or not go her way she gets angry and TAKES her channel in a new direction. All actually started when her parents died.

    When they were alive in their 70's, her mother suffering with Alzheimer's Tessie had an frugal she never fixed the basics in her double wide because her agenda was to get her parents house in a couple years when they passed...when that didn't happen everything unravelled for Tessie.

    Everyone saw her lies, her true greedy selfish heart and her schemes.

    It's been down hill since then. She's lied about their taxes, their finances, her husband's business...last night's video is basically her admitting she got caught lying. We all saw this stuff and brought the truth out here ...she resents us for that.

    The lies..about finances, her illnesses, her hospital bills, the gifted washing machine her fake reviews, once Amazon got enough complaints about her and Scott ..the fake reviews which were really just box openings..( You can't give a review on a product you've never used) Scott changed it's name to unboxing! Tessie started actually making sure the products were seen being " used" online..because she was caught lying. We've posted her lies here revealed her lies and scams...
    Don't hate the messenger Theresa!

    More and more of her viewers are now actually seeing through her lies...with the new vehicle , new tiller, paid 20k medical bills which started out being 50k but she constantly changed the amount because she knew she'd have to explain where the money came certainly wasn't from her measley YouTube channel with 62k subscribers that she makes $600 from a month, or hubby washing the Windows at Aldies on a Saturday.

    So now..she's not poor because her full time job schlepping Amazon fake reviews and deleting comments on her videos are her two full time jobs and taking food from the homeless and hungry people lined up at the food truck is her third....not to mention all the free stuff she gets and sells!

    Theresa you are a LIAR and everyone is seeing it, your friends, your viewers, your already know what your neighbours think.

    This is why your siblings want nothing to do with you, this is why your parents weren't giving you another hand out, this is why you don't actually attend a church in your community ...because you lie...

    It's amazing how easy it is to grow a pair when the covers off and the world sees what's actually growing in there.
  15. .
    Yes..and every time I buy something from Amazon they contact me too Tessie by email asking me to do a review of the product ...and I don't even have a channel!!!! ( it's a form email're not special)

    So Amazon the billion dollar company known world wide wasn't begging you and your rinky dink channel that's had 62k subscribers for 6 years...especially when your videos are asinine and childish to come " work for them! "

    You're a lying scammer....and you've been caught and everyone knows carry on.
2232 replies since 2/4/2021