The Gossip Bakery

Votes taken by Blasquina

  1. .
    Yes she says brooshy for brioche. I was watching the day she and Nate puzzled out to pronounce it 🤦🏻‍♀️
  2. .
    She sounds so ignorant when speaking . She cannot pronounce consonant blends .
    Is it laziness or a speech impediment?
    For example:
    Catchers instead of Skechers
    Ruce instead of Bruce
    Jetro instead of Jethro
    Bunting instead of Bundt
    Surrlanto instead of cilantro
  3. .
    Those 2 bags of dollar candy are going in the “garbidge “ she says . It was painful to watch her try to bite into that egg 😖with her grey possum teeth .
    Didn’t she say a few weeks ago that she was gonna cut down on buying all that dollar store crap including paper plates ,
    napkins , paper dog bowls and plastic flatware ? And when Bruce called her on giving his “kuhbasa” to sandy , her first impulse was to lie to him , then make a great sappy deal about giving sandy more of it when Bruce wouldn’t , calling “daddy”
    “Cruwel “. And when she urged Bruce to gear up to go strawberry picking and he said “I’m not doing it this year “ she wasn’t having any of it saying “ yes you are ! “ as her dark eyes flashed .
    Attending to her new cam feeder, a guy drives by playing music and she sputters “that guy’s gonna get me copperated!
    The irony of buying not one but two Welcome signs for a cabbage that NO ONE EVER VISITS ( except Bill )
  4. .
    Yes when they were walking into the store Nate asked if they took debit cards and she said yes . Why the hell does she care if Nate wants chip clips that He’s paying for ?
    Just why ? She gets 2 $10.00 puzzles and a load of other stuff , one grab bag including a giant syringe , a silicone mat and some “what are these for ??” pancake molds .
    She is so despicable. Crowing over a bunch of cookie cutters , crowing that she “scored” , yeah .
  5. .
    I just watched the vlog of the three of them thrift shopping at value village a couple weeks ago. After moo getting all her bowls and puzzles cookie cutters and pancake molds ( she had no idea what they were)
    They’re back in the car and she asks Nate if he got anything. Nate grumbles that he wanted to buy a bag of chip clips , but Michele barked “we don’t need those!”
    My first thought was no , moo You don’t need those because you eat a whole bag at a time so no need for clips to retain freshness. My second thought, later as she mocked and bemoaned that Nate doesn’t like thrift shops was why not let him get some $3 item and say ‘sure we could use those !” In the interest of encouraging him to like thrifting? How many of the dozens of things hogmom thrifts in a month does SHE
    need ? She’s mean to Nate , it infuriates me .
  6. .
    They were talking about the greeter for sure…. Nasty and judgemental
  7. .
    Also , that woman’s complexion could just be her natural skin tone . The Bridges are such ignorant bigots . If it ain’t white it ain’t right mindset .
  8. .
    Presenting her haul I cringed every time she said “delishus” with her spit filled mouth . ( 9 times !) What a score , she got some “loco” cotton candy .
    She made sure to order her fried chicken sanweedge with extra mayo . Then as she ate it she said “ I gotta scrape off some of this mayo , what was I thinking?” Then a few bites later , she was dipping the sandwich into the mayo she scraped off 🐽
  9. .
    Yes HSS , bluetti the generator company supposedly “reached out “ to moo and offered to give away a Bluetti to one of moo’s subscribers but she stipulated that you must subscribe to be eligible, not just comment . It was a blatant bid to get more subscribers, then it was never mentioned or
    featured again. It was a lame and laughable review, mentioning what a life saver it was as it allowed her to have a light for doing puzzles and coloring when the power went out . No mention of her cpap machine or a pump for a well or anything related to off grid homesteading. She’s such a conniving,
    scheming liar.
  10. .
    Thank you Linda 🌼
  11. .
    Hello bakers , I’ve been unable to like or comment for a couple weeks, yikes ! I’m only here on a temp password and I still don’t know how to log back in permanently.
    Very frustrating!
    Anyhow, very interesting to read all your comments and responses! First of all the estate sale million dollar “dream house” : moo is swooning and slobbering over it
    (Pray they win the lottery you guyzz) as she voices her true desire: Bruce can live in the basement, install a kitchen to do “his “ canning and have his “studio” down there,,
    She need never have to see him unless she needs him to nail up more kitschy signs or to bring her some pop , or ice or ketchup,
    to chop her rhubarb or adjust the curtains or to let “San” in or out or shellac another puzzle … or she notes as they are leaving , he could live in the wood shop with the fancy balcony . As always only thinking of herself and what she “wahnts” as they were touring that basement, I thought it might be a good space for Nate to have his own quarters. Get him a mini fridge , an air fryer
    ( I didn’t notice if there was a small bathroom but that could be arranged) She
    NEVER THINKS OF NATE or any small way to foster his independence. Of course it’s
    no “flat in NYC” but it would be a start .
    As for her “harvesting” 8 stalks of rhubarb,
    did anyone notice that she used what appears to be a decent chef’s knife?
    We’ve seen Bruce use it once before after he read here about moo using that oversized steak knife for everything.
    Yes she has noted before that she is very
    precise in her presentation (because of her “OCD” doncha know) And I second the idea that she include that pie photo in the baking section of her apocryphal (look it up moo) cookbook. The state of that pie ! Is she lazy , demented , ham handed ? Or does she just not care anymore ( subs commenting on how “delicious “ her pie looked) Instead of ‘fake it til you make it’
    it’s now just plain ‘fake it’. She’s a pitiful, delusional slob.
  12. .
    I do think it’s more than $40 . They will often get what they want and go to a different place for what Nate wants.
  13. .
    The way she orders Bruce around imperiously is so despicable! Lower your chair , close the curtain, close the blind , shut the door , let Sandy out , go shush Nate , let sandy in…. I honestly don’t understand how Bruce permits it . Never a please or a thank you either . Bossy and disrespectful.
  14. .
    Linda, for all the world she looks like a hog
    being slopped (corn fed sow)
  15. .
    I don’t recall them saying they moved in
1166 replies since 8/4/2021