The Gossip Bakery

Votes taken by WhiteChristmasIsMyFavoriteMovie

  1. .
    She’s crazy!!! Get off the internet then!! Lol
  2. .
    I was looking at old photos of her with her family and although she and her family may have been annoying but it look warm, happy, fulfilled. I was thinking if I caught Jen now, I wouldn’t even follow or subscribe to her channel. She looks cold, lonely and dull.

    She’s reprimanding us again btw lol
  3. .
    That does make sense, I could see and believe that.
  4. .
    Anyone else see similarities between Jen and Kate Gosselin. Both husbands are low key and went with the flow of what their wives wanted. The only difference Kate had 8 children so as much of a bitch she is I kind of give her a lot of credit, whereas Jen is hardly a mother at all to her two beautiful, healthy children. She really angers me because she shouldn’t be allowed to have any custody of her children at all. They should live happily ever after with Don, new mommy and his family with supervised visits with her parents. She shouldn’t get any of his money either!!!
  5. .
    Oh okay, yea she probably says that to save face lol I do hate when she acts as if Don was so terrible to her. I do realize no one knows what happens behind closed doors, but if he was as bad as she seems, would she even be a content creator??
  6. .
    So do we know exactly why the divorce or is it still speculation?!? I feel like he definitely left her. If she left him, he would be like a sad puppy but in those stories from Christmas you guys have, he looks completely different and pissed at her!!!
  7. .
    Omg I have watched this video and forgot about this part lol She is too much!!!
  8. .
    Thank you so much!!!
  9. .
    Hey everyone, I’m new here but I have been following you on here for a months now. I find you all to be hysterical and refreshing. Truth is I was a follower of Jen’s and didn’t mind her in the beginning. She was who she was, but since the divorce she’s been insufferable. I find myself not really watching her content lately and I have unfollowed her on all platforms because I don’t care or respect her anymore and I don’t want to support her. Her children are beautiful though and I do feel bad for them and Don. As arrogant as he may seem he definitely is awesome husband material. Just my opinion lol What I really wanted to know was where is the crying over milk video?? ❤️
444 replies since 9/4/2021