The Gossip Bakery

Posts written by Squiggly Lines

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    She cannot post anything on facebook because of something she said or posted that broke the rules. Sounds like 3 days but who knows.
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    THIS JUST IN!!!!! Posted by Jacquette Wood in Bev's facebook group!!

    Bev just informed me that she is in FACEBOOK JAIL! She will be posting on GAB for the next 3 days. You can find her there. I'll post any updates as she gives them to me!
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    QUOTE (Cottonwood @ 5/30/2022, 10:27 PM) 
    Squiggly Lines

    I'm sorry your daughter struggled with addiction and am glad she was able to overcome it. I have delt with addition in my family with a younger sibling.

    I love the Gospel of Matthew. In chapter 17 my favorite verse, is verse 5.

    Bev is beyond hope.

    Wasn't my daughter but that's ok...I did have a son who was addicted and who is clean now. THANK GOD. I had to let go of it and have faith that even if I don't have the ability to fix it... there is one who does. He's living a very happy, productive life now and has left all the torment of drugs in his past. May it always stay there.

    My son's name is Matthew btw. : )

    Bev is not beyond hope...there is hope for her to live a very productive, healthy life if she chooses. But, I truly believe she is getting to that point of no return and if she doesn't do something like...NOW....she won't make it much longer. She could turn her whole life around. But, even so, in the end she will still be judged for her blasphemy of the holy spirit...which according to the the only unforgivable sin.

    I do wish her well. I wish her eyes would be opened even if it would be too late. But, there are those who love the lie I'm afraid she is most likely one of them.
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    QUOTE (VicV @ 5/30/2022, 05:17 PM) 
    Maybe she did get the adsense money. This could explain all of the money spending all of a sudden She just doesn't want to tell her subscribers.

    I agree with you VicV
    She has to keep the poor poor us scheme to keep those donations rolling in.
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    KAPOW!!! You have all spoken the truth on a grand scale....

    You've all said the things I was this is how I see things from my point of view.
    The pharisees called Jesus a demon...while THEY were the ones operating in that realm. That is EXACTLY what Bev is doing. All we do here is discuss what SHE herself is displaying to the world. Granted, some may use descriptive terms about her physical appearance that to be honest, I don't think is right...even if it is true. Just the way I was raised I guess. However, her calling US really very, very telling. It shows that she really can't handle the truth. ABOUT ANYTHING!!! She points her finger and declares that we are what she actually is. She's the dark one. She's the liar. She's the one deep into the occult.

    Bottom line truths she cannot and will not accept::

    1. She is not a Christian. She does not know God. She has blasphemed the Holy Spirit and therefore is doomed.
    2. She is a 100%, bonified, dyed in the wool drug addict and has never, EVER been clean or sober.
    3. She e-begs like a mo fo. BIG TIME e-begs. ALL the time. Definitely.
    4. She abuses people and animals.
    5. She lies.
    6. She is working with and through the occult which is counter Christian. 100% darkness. She is going against God's word operating in the occult
    7. She is full of rage, darkness, anger and puts a very thin veil over it which slips more times than we can count....WHILE....talking about herself being a star seed light worker of God. A true hypocrite.(makes me kind of sick right now)
    8. She's a narcissist in the highest degree. 33 degree mason narcissist even. No apologies to any masons.
    9.Her good home economics are absolutely ridiculous and in fact, do the opposite of saving money.
    10. Many people are catching on to her schemes, her phoniness, her cult like bs. But, unfortunately there are those who are still praising her for her beautiful wisdom. Woe is them. Leading others astray from the Truth of going to be another reason for her total ruin and downfall.

    The TRUTH and Bev are strangers. Always have been. She's lost. She's sick. She's continuing to believe the lies the darkness is feeding her. She's voracious that way. She is consuming as much of the twisted lies as she possibly can. She loves it. Could she turn around? SURE she could. Will she....I highly doubt that. She loves what she believes. It suits her right down to the ground. She is a mini god and she loves that. She is a star seed light worker (not) but it elevates her to a status above the rest of us..."volunteer cannon fodder". She won't give that up.

    She cannot face the real truth. That takes REAL guts....and allowing yourself to be humbled under the mighty hand of God. I can tell you is frigging painful to see yourself in the light of perfection. It is gut wrenching to admit your failings and deepest, darkest sins before a Holy God. In order for her to go there, she would have to deny how wonderful she thinks she is and how special to the world and universes. She cannot admit she is just a sinner like the rest of us...a regular human created by God and that there is ONE path of redemption and it aint through raising the vibrations or ascending. It's by taking up the cross. Going the narrow way and few there be that find it. It would mean she would have to throw away all her cards, necromancy, sacred sage, crystal balls, divining rods and other bs and picking up the bible and believing it. She's swallowed the lie that made up "knowledge" is the way. Hook, line and bada bing....SINKER.
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    Oh my....she is manic or higher than usual. Dont think I can watch her over the top enthusiasm on this one.
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    And Bevvie's new angle emerges for her channel.....intoducing.....

    Bev the Frugal E-Begging Bugle!

    Depression era wisdom....when there were no meat trays...only butchers wrapping meat in paper and tying with string. No tin plastic margarine containers.

    Oh joy.
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    EU countrygirl

    Haven't seen you in a bit....please let us know how things are there and if you are ok. ❤
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    I seriously about lost it when she did this with cow shit compost.....
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    Wow....she's so in denial.....her rage is so much better she says... yeah right!!
    Her bug eyed, excited video about getting gas like it's the biggest thing since...well since driving home after the storm, is freaking hilarious. Did not warrant a frigging video that's for sure. What a life she has. Mine is dull, boring and centered on home, hearth and garden (I prefer it that way) but neither do I make a video about every STUPID detail!
    But she is THE QUEEN OF NOTHING and turns every single minute event into a breaking news flash. Oh man I wish she would get a clue....that her life is JUST NOT THAT INTERESTING!!! At ...all
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    Wasn't she talking not long ago about how the veil is about to be lifted...and that the solar flare is going to cleanse everything and that she's going to ascend....while the rest of us fry cause we are just volunteers and cannon fodder??? Well then....if that's TRUE...then why stock up? Why worry about anything? Why say things are going to get bad??

    Naw...everything is going to be alright as long as we don't let "fear rule....but let love rule instead" Ya feel me?? She is so utterly lost. NOW the universe is telling her that it's time to buckle up. To brace. That barcodes are lucifer's number...sheesh
    Talk about a wonder she wears a neck brace.
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    QUOTE (Gingersnapt @ 5/22/2022, 10:20 PM) 
    The only thing that brings him joy ?!? You know what should bring you joy ? Is a well stocked pantry and bills paid on time like the money you owe Nan you idiot also sell the truck you never leave the house anyway !!!

    YES! And a clean house, a presentable wife who is a female...not a man woman. A woman who pulls her own weight or at least TRIES. A woman who can keep things neat and tidy. That would go a long way for a man to have joy. How about a woman who doesn't throw a tantrum when her tea order is gotten wrong? How about a calm, collected, peaceful woman who isn't easily rattled or pissed off?? She will never be those things. Sad to say but it's just the truth.

    QUOTE (Nettie Spaghetti @ 5/22/2022, 10:38 PM) 
    She is getting messages from the feel me?
    Bad stuff is coming.

    HEY...what happened to all those wonderful star seed light works raising the vibration to clear out the ring realms??? : )

    Oh my oh my....panic is setting into old Bevvie Poo!! NONE of this surprises me in the least. I've been ringing the warning bell for a couple of years now while she's been talking about fixing the realms and upping the "vibrations". She didn't heed any warning and now is shittin and a gettin to do what should have been done for the last 20 years!!!

    Edited by Squiggly Lines - 5/22/2022, 10:53 PM
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    That was the sidewalk to the barn. The pavers heaved up with the ice and snow of course so they took it out and put the pool where the boxes are in that photo. Then they moved the boxes over to where they are now. They've really let things go for the last few years. We are far older than the two of them and we are maintaining everything because that's what you do!!!

    They have just gotten more and more into drugs and more and more into racing so they don't even clean the gutters anymore. Hell, they don't even rake up crap in the yard! Wouldn't take much to make it presentable but they just don't have the mental or physical capacity to function anymore. That's what happens when drugs are taking over your mind and body. It's so obvious to everyone who can see that they are on a downward spiral...
360 replies since 19/4/2021