The Gossip Bakery

Posts written by TrophyWifeLikeTensleigh

  1. .
    Very true!
    And I agree with your theory!

    QUOTE (pinksims @ 31/3/2022, 08:50) 
    QUOTE (TrophyWifeLikeTensleigh @ 31/3/2022, 07:54) 
    I think there’s a Jen in the UK according to this mumsnet thread 😂

    :lol: There's a Jen in every divorced family. Only thinks about themselves, acts entitled to things they are no longer entitled to.

    I would have loved to have seen Jen's face when Suzanne told her that 'it would be best' if Jen didn't come to Utah with them over the summer.

    Just speculating, but maybe this is partlywhy Don was motivated to move on so quickly and meet another woman... he needed to block Jen from continuing to hang around his family like a bad smell.
  2. .
    I think there’s a Jen in the UK according to this mumsnet thread 😂
  3. .
  4. .
    So this is her ‘jawb’ but her most important priority is to enjoy herself.
    Just gonna go make sure my boss gets the memo, brb…
  5. .
    Jen needs a tongue (and tooth) reduction. It's about 50% too big for her gob, hence the listhping. Man, it grates on my soul.

    QUOTE (Breakdown @ 27/3/2022, 19:20) 
    Brand new Patreon video thanks to our sweet birdie :6792: It's short but I'm still not watching it. Our birdie says it's a yawn fest.

    I can't believe idiot Gene thinks it's a perk to see her regular YT videos ad-free on Patreon. Wake up, there are several ways to watch YT ad-free!

    On her written notes that go with the video, she continues to make empty promises about wanting to post on a regular schedule. Sure Gene. Get all those head pats in a row. But you're lazy and will make up excuses. My eyes glazed over the rest of what she wrote but it's posted at the video link.

    direct link:
  6. .
    I would HOPE she would be too lazy to do that.
    I have an Etsy shop myself so I sincerely hope she wouldn't be that cheap.

    QUOTE (Pelotongirl12 @ 26/3/2022, 22:43) 
    QUOTE (TrophyWifeLikeTensleigh @ 26/3/2022, 22:38) 
    Yes it's such a rip off.

    Super cheap material and Jenbo will of course only wear it once.

    QUOTE (Pelotongirl12 @ 26/3/2022, 22:36)
    This is $69!!!!!!😬. And why is she wearing it over a t-shirt and wearing leggings?? The seller has it just as is, with no leggings.

    Do you guys think she returns stuff after wearing once when she knows she won’t use those anymore? Some people do.
  7. .
    Yes it's such a rip off.

    Super cheap material and Jenbo will of course only wear it once.

    QUOTE (Pelotongirl12 @ 26/3/2022, 22:36)
    This is $69!!!!!!😬. And why is she wearing it over a t-shirt and wearing leggings?? The seller has it just as is, with no leggings.
  8. .
    Yes I wasn't signed up then but I had been lurking pre children and lost interest when she had the kids.

    Maybe Jen made it?!

    We know she loves the drama, haha

    QUOTE (Beetrix @ 26/3/2022, 22:00) 
    QUOTE (TrophyWifeLikeTensleigh @ 26/3/2022, 16:26) 
    I think the Tinder profile was phoney. Maybe made by someone who knows them and what really went down in the lead up to to the separation. I just can’t see a CEO who has a semi public presence making a profile like that; the photo, the hyper sexual, the 420 friendly, etc.
    The last seemed like a dog whistle about Tens.
    Just my opinion.

    QUOTE (ColdOne @ 26/3/2022, 15:33) 
    Yeah, nothing she says or alludes to is trustworthy.
    He wrote that he was separated on Tinder, where he had no reason to lie. He didn't cheat.

    In Fall 2019 when it was discovered we had pages and pages of discussion
    No one had seen either pic- long long time followers
    No reason to believe it was fake

    Well we are "The Muffin Top Ladies"!


    QUOTE (SadlyNoLongerAvailable @ 26/3/2022, 22:31) 
    QUOTE (TrophyWifeLikeTensleigh @ 26/3/2022, 22:29) 
    Congratulations, what wonderful news!
    When Jen didn't get into buying all the cute baby stuff it was very telling. I have a very tight budget but still have bought loads for mini Trophy (due in a week!)

    QUOTE (SadlyNoLongerAvailable @ 26/3/2022, 21:35) 
    I detest this bitch. I’m really excited for the wedding celebration. After a long two years of infertility we are finally expecting a little sadly no longer available and for the life of me I don’t get why Jen didn’t lean in and buy her babies cute shit!!

    Congratulations! Bakery is having a run of mini muffins ❤️
  9. .
    Congratulations, what wonderful news!
    When Jen didn't get into buying all the cute baby stuff it was very telling. I have a very tight budget but still have bought loads for mini Trophy (due in a week!)

    QUOTE (SadlyNoLongerAvailable @ 26/3/2022, 21:35) 
    I detest this bitch. I’m really excited for the wedding celebration. After a long two years of infertility we are finally expecting a little sadly no longer available and for the life of me I don’t get why Jen didn’t lean in and buy her babies cute shit!!
  10. .
    I think the Tinder profile was phoney. Maybe made by someone who knows them and what really went down in the lead up to to the separation. I just can’t see a CEO who has a semi public presence making a profile like that; the photo, the hyper sexual, the 420 friendly, etc.
    The last seemed like a dog whistle about Tens.
    Just my opinion.

    QUOTE (ColdOne @ 26/3/2022, 15:33) 
    Yeah, nothing she says or alludes to is trustworthy.
    He wrote that he was separated on Tinder, where he had no reason to lie. He didn't cheat.

    Edited by TrophyWifeLikeTensleigh - 26/3/2022, 16:33
  11. .
    I think it’s because she honestly couldn’t care less about CC. She’s not bothered to dress her cute.
    I’m about to have a girl and cannot wait until I can dress her in lovely little outfits. Even if I was having a boy there is such cute stuff out there for them.
    But Jen? She CBA.

    QUOTE (Self Care Warrior @ 26/3/2022, 03:12) 
    I know that this is an unrelated topic but I've got beef. Does anyone know why J dresses CC so matronly? Why is that poor girl always wearing the fugliest dress/leggings combos? Is J super conservative or religious or something? It seems to me that poor kid wears the saddest outfits. Maybe I don't get it because I'm a boy mom... Any girl moms out there dress their their girls this way, is this normal?
  12. .
    It makes me want to push them over!

    QUOTE (LouieVWEEtawn @ 25/3/2022, 17:23) 
    QUOTE (merino wool underwear @ 25/3/2022, 16:03) 
    she will buy herself some tweats, a new Disney sweatshirt and lean into Joy!

    Please tell me I'm not the only one who hates it when people say they're "leaning in" or "leaning into" something
  13. .
    I just want to say a big thank you to the Bakers who are making the Patreon vids available for free. I caught up with them at 4am this morning during a bout of pregnancy insomnia (status: cured!).

    I can't remember which particular vid it was as they're all just a big hot mess of waffle mush, but she talked about the tea she had "brewed" not just "made" and called it a "hot beverage."
    Her turn of phrase honestly grates on my soul.

    Also, I keep checking her Patreon number obsessively. I can't believe this moo is up to $46,440 annually for her "content". It makes me weep because I am having to close my small business in order to claim maternity allowance (£600 p/m) whereas my outgoings are >£1,500 pm - that's before food and nappies. I can't just keep working as I don't know how I will be and my business is physically demanding and I can't afford childcare. So it's likely I will only be able to take 1 - 2 months mat leave.
    Bertha Gene literally does not know she is alive.

    I also hate how she favours Dawnnny over lovely CC. I am having a girl (first baby, don't care what #2 will be if I can and do have another as long as I have my girl) and the relief is palpable!
  14. .
    Yeesh, she really has vampire teeth. She needs to get those incisors cut down.

    Her whole gob area makes me stabby. It's like her mouth is upside down.

    QUOTE (Ican’twiththelikesofher @ 24/3/2022, 20:14) 
    Yes Jen we know you’re glowing we see it.
  15. .
    Must be a magic mirror at the Holiday Inn because she doesn’t look so much like a wide load compared to the Disney candid race shots…
176 replies since 28/4/2021