The Gossip Bakery

Posts written by NorthShoreExchange

  1. .
    QUOTE (TheHairyChild @ 8/8/2023, 15:19) 
    Also….her posting herself in various places with the picture of Winnie is a particularly uncomfortable variety of WTF? She literally shut that elderly dog in a crate in a closet so she wouldn’t have to listen to her. She refused to give her pain meds or buy her a wheelchair (because it was too expensive?!!!?), and left that poor dog to be boarded for half the time at the end of her life so Jen could go traipse around on completely unneccessary trips. And then to carry that photo around and say “always with me”….. there’s something really sick about it. What an empath. It’s so gross. Is she trolling when she does that? It’s like she cares more about Winnie now than she did when she was alive.

    Agree. She cares more about that damn picture than she cared about the actual living dog. Poor Winnie is the only one who stayed after the mass exodus, not that she had a choice, and dirty Gene abandoned her for most of the time she had left. Now she wants to make a big deal about her pre-planned rainbow bridge picture that has been a manipulation of her audience since the first time she posted it. It’s disgusting.
  2. .
    QUOTE (PhotoshoppedlikeJenny @ 5/8/2023, 02:47) 
    Good to know peloton loves animal abusers, what a turn off

    I don’t think there’s a background check to book classes there :being-confused-smiley-emoticon:
  3. .
    QUOTE (MommyTensleigh @ 5/8/2023, 02:01) 
    Hahaha love that she was in the back. Someone said she shouted “babe”? When acknowledged? Where’s that coming from? The are going to need to fumigate the entire place since she spent all day there. It’s been overcast all day here in the NYC area - no rain at all which leads me to believe it’s Jenny’s odor that’s bringing the smog haha.

    She’s a true piece of shit - how dare she talk about Christopher like that! He’s not perfect but he proved to at least be a supportive and decent acquaintance of hers, sending gifts not only for her but her kids! I agree with the person who said she jumped ship when he got sick, she’s horrible and this is reason number one million and one why she’s got no one.

    Back to her nyc trip - who wants a bet she takes a trip to shake shack because we all know when you are in a major city like NYC or Chicago you need to get Shake Shack - I say that with sarcasm and annoyance about how some tourists have no taste.

    When Cody called out her shoutout he said “with wonder 1000, great job babe” while pointing in her general direction.
  4. .
    QUOTE (Meow2 @ 5/8/2023, 00:41) 
    me trying to find her in any of these pics


    That was also me looking at my screen and trying to ride the damn bike all at the same time, I don’t even like live classes 🤣🤣🤣
  5. .
    QUOTE (GivingMyselfGrace @ 5/8/2023, 00:31)
    I was thinking it may be her on the left, just under the "until start." It looks like her chin, nose, and stupid headwear.

    There were plenty of closer views of that person, it’s not her. Based on the shoutout, she was down that side towards the back corner.
  6. .
    I assume Brooke took it from home because she didn’t post about being there and I feel like she often gets a visible spot. I don’t follow her on peloton and her profile is private.
  7. .
    Cody making stock market jokes, I’m taking that as a DonDollars reference 🤣

    She got her shout out and a “great job” 🙄

    No obvious sightings. In the direction he pointed when he called her out I saw what might have been a big ass headband like she wears, tucked back in the shadows.

    QUOTE (User Name of Choice @ 4/8/2023, 23:00) 
    Is that her?

    I thought so too and kept an eye out, but there was some movement into the light, it wasn’t her.
  8. .
    Ok I’m in. Music started, screen still blank. Will report back!

    Intro started. Don’t see her in the obvious seats.
  9. .
    I actually have the time right now, do I subject myself to this live ride? 🤔
  10. .
    QUOTE (Party of 7 @ 4/8/2023, 21:41) 
    QUOTE (WhyAmIHere @ 4/8/2023, 21:02) 
    I'm not positive, but I don't think the studios have separate bikes and treads from the filming studio itself. I am confused about logging onto a studio tread for yoga, but she is logged onto a studio bike in class. Otherwise they would have overflow studios for people like Jen who just want to be in the same building as her heroes and would be there all day doing 457 classes. I think she actually got into those classes. She only advertised the Cody ride at 5 because it will be here 1000th ride and she should get a shout out from her cody boo. I hope there is someone there with 3500 and 4000 rides and she gets a shout out at the tail end or only in the live portion that is not filmed for later.

    Yeah, I didn’t think she would be able to either. It’s strange that it shows her on a studio tread at 7:08 and 11:37 and a studio bike at 9:43.

    Knowing this entitled bitch, she probably used equipment that she wasn’t supposed to 😂

    The class times were 7:30, 10:00, and 12:00 so it’s probably the time they signed her into the class. I guess they just somehow use the tread as how they sign people in to yoga? No idea. I see she hasn’t done a tread class so far - too embarrassed to take walk breaks in a live class, eh Gene? :rolleyes:
  11. .
    QUOTE (WhyAmIHere @ 4/8/2023, 19:08) 
    I'm still steamy about her getting into Peloton. And even more irritated now at Peloton for allowing people to sign up for more than one class in a type.... you are saying she got into an Emma ride AND a Cody ride?! There are people who try often and can't even get into one. People who actually live in NYC and used to go to the old studio regularly. They are allowing people like Jen who falsify their ride count (doing a ton of 5 minute rides to get to their milestone ride in class) to sign up for multiple rides....seems wrong. I can understand they might be coming for a weekend and want to do a yoga, bike, tread but c'mon.

    I am happy she didn't get in the front, and I hope she won't in Cody's class either. I will have to rely on here because I don't like 45 minute rides too much and I find Cody annoying. I don't want to ride and see her smug ass face.

    And YOU KNOW she did the Emma ride, got her pic and hug with Emma, didn't shower, went out on the street, is going to lunch, walk around, then go back for the Cody ride in the SAME WORK OUT clothes and be major STANK. Oh the poor people in Cody's class...

    That 45 minute ride will be a looooong one if her three hairs and 85 teeth manage to make the front row 😬
  12. .
    Why did the internet give me this meme today 😂😂😂🤣

  13. .
    She only washes her hair every 4 days - with her constant sweating 🤢

    I am a year and a half older than Jen. Head Over Heels always gets the volume cranked up, and Roberta is a normal English language name which I know how to pronounce. Also I washed my hair today.

  14. .
    QUOTE (NefariousStepmomTensleigh @ 30/7/2023, 16:14) 
    QUOTE (NorthShoreExchange @ 30/7/2023, 15:36) 
    Looks like Brooke did a patreon meet-up in Philly - took them to the Disney exhibit at the Franklin institute, rocky statue at pma, ate with them etc etc.

    I’m glad I didn’t go into the city yesterday because that many grown women in Mickey ears is more than I can take - but Jen could have that immediately if she bothered. It doesn’t even have to be a different idea. Put up a post for patreon meetup, go to random exhibit at whatever place, followed by lunch at nearby restaurant, and boom. Done. Social interaction with people who inexplicably like her. Low pressure because they gladly take whatever she gives them. She doesn’t do it because she doesn’t actually like them, she just has no other source for headpats anymore.

    Same here! I always forget that Brooke lives near Philly. But since I’m pretty uninterested in anything Disney related I don’t follow her except to maybe check her IG when I know she and Jin are at the same places.

    I think I followed during one of those times and forgot to unfollow 🤣 for some reason I feel like she might be from closer to the poconos but I have no idea where I got that idea from.
  15. .
    Looks like Brooke did a patreon meet-up in Philly - took them to the Disney exhibit at the Franklin institute, rocky statue at pma, ate with them etc etc.

    I’m glad I didn’t go into the city yesterday because that many grown women in Mickey ears is more than I can take - but Jen could have that immediately if she bothered. It doesn’t even have to be a different idea. Put up a post for patreon meetup, go to random exhibit at whatever place, followed by lunch at nearby restaurant, and boom. Done. Social interaction with people who inexplicably like her. Low pressure because they gladly take whatever she gives them. She doesn’t do it because she doesn’t actually like them, she just has no other source for headpats anymore.
1721 replies since 21/5/2021