The Gossip Bakery

Posts written by Uncontrollable Resentment

  1. .
    oh wow her hair is SO GROSS. that line of shampoo she's using doesn't have sulfates in it and she really needs a good clarifying wash.
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    Of course I don't know for sure, but I would be surprised if Don cheated. I don't care for the guy, but he seems like a family man who likes being married. I think Jen just pushed him away for so long that he'd had enough. I think Jen has convinced herself she was a victim of cheating because Don met Tens when he and Jen were still technically married. Even though they'd split, Jen was all big about wearing her wedding ring because she was still legally married. So I think in Jen's twisted mind, she got "cheated" on and that's why she insinuates that she did. Of course, she got cheated on in the same sense that she's a single mom.
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    QUOTE (SingHo!toDons2ndWife @ 9/26/2023, 08:46 PM) 
    The fact that Tens merely exists is enough to send Jen into a spiral 🤌🏻

    This is why Tens coming on the scene will forever be my favorite part of Jen's JOuRNeY.

    If she hadn't, Jen would be happy as a clam and peak smug like she was when they first split--free of Don but still inviting herself along to her heart home with her forever family, happily thinking that Don was lonely and pining for her. I think she would still be staying in nice places instead of hovels in the woods or sleeping in her car. Tens threw Jen for a loop and she STILL can't recover from it.

    And it was delusional of her to think that Don wouldn't move on quickly. Don is a pompous blowhard, but he's also wealthy and generous. She was foolish if she ever thought he'd have a problem getting another wife.
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    QUOTE (merino wool underwear @ 9/13/2023, 04:19 PM) 
    QUOTE (Uncontrollable Resentment @ 9/13/2023, 07:14 AM) 
    Whyyyyy does she purse her lips like that now when she talks? She didn't used to, back when she was caged.

    I don't think Don cheated on Jen but I think in Jen's mind, since he started dating when they were still technically married, this got spun into cheating just like she spun single motherhood to apply to herself.

    because she had dental work done when Don left her. so whatever she had done, she doesn't seem to be use to or it feels so unnatural that she is always doing that. it bugs the hell out of me.

    Ohhh thank you for the clarification!

    It's SO distracting, I can hardly watch her talk now.
  5. .
    Whyyyyy does she purse her lips like that now when she talks? She didn't used to, back when she was caged.

    I don't think Don cheated on Jen but I think in Jen's mind, since he started dating when they were still technically married, this got spun into cheating just like she spun single motherhood to apply to herself.
  6. .
    Oh man I hadn't seen that where is my bagel video. What a bitch she was to Don. I would have asked my husband if he wanted to split the bagel but she couldn't care less than he didn't have his. Don is a pompous blowhard but he really did put up with so much from her.
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    QUOTE (GrownUpStickerBook @ 8/15/2023, 06:50 PM) 
    I won’t criticize D & T for having a housekeeper. I HATE housework (but just can’t bring myself to hire someone since I don’t have a full-time job and I feel guilty spending my 99%er money on it :blushing-smiley-emoticon: ). And their house is massive!

    Hiring a nanny is probably necessary to get all the children wherever they need to be at any given time. My daughter often struggles to get her children to different activities, school, etc. She only has 4, but even when her husband can help, there are lots of times they need to be in three places at once (and someone has to watch the very-active toddler).

    Agreed! Im a SAHM of 3 and I would LOVE a nanny. As the kids get older and do more activities it's just hard to coordinate everyone's schedule and having someone to help ferry them around (and let me take some time for myself, too!) would be lovely. I'm sure Tens and Don spend plenty of time with their kiddos. If anything, they at least have to be a huge step up from Jen.
  8. .
    Jen, my god. Get a professional organizer, then get a interior decorator who can help you with these decisions that seem to totally overwhelm you.
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    QUOTE (Idiot savant @ 6/16/2023, 04:39 PM) 
    I like how she acts like it’s a punishment and she will withhold the kids. “I can’t show my kids”. The point is you SHOULDN’T show your kids. Ever. They did not sign up for this.

    Totally agree. And this is why I will NEVER snark on her kids--unlike Jen, they didn't have a choice in being put all over the internet. I feel bad that not only do they have Jen as a mom, they will also find strangers making fun of their appearance and behaviors because of her choice to put them out for public consumption.
  10. .
    Lol @ Jen thinking she does anything to promote connection. She couldn't tell you a damn thing about any of her followers' lives. Connection to her is just someone kissing her ass.
  11. .
    Aspergers isn't the preferred term anymore, but I wouldn't be totally shocked if Jen is autistic. (I have autistic kiddos, they're lovely, but you can definitely be autistic AND an asshole.)
  12. .
    Vaseline is great for irritated skin but doesnt moisturize on its own. I love doing the laniege mask followed with vaseline over the top to lock it in. Jenny needs to do SOMETHING with those lips, yikes.
  13. .
    QUOTE (Strollergate @ 2/20/2023, 01:15 AM) 
    Jen is a pretty severe bulimic in my opinion. Whatever else she has done wrong in her life (and the list is long),I feel truly sorry for her because of this.

    I agree with you that she's bulimic. I used to struggle with this myself (thankful to be recovered!) and can see it in others. However, while her ED isn't her fault, it IS her responsibility to take steps to heal herself, especially being a parent to small children. Instead, she's deeply proud of her exercise purging. She needs help but she's too stubborn to get it.
  14. .
    Jen has NO idea who she is without Don and the Rosses. It would be sad to watch her spiral if she wasn't such an insufferable asshole.
  15. .
    Here's what I would do if I was Jen and had an abundance of free time and money: Figure out macros and how to eat properly to both fuel my body for exercise AND show off gains I made instead of hiding them under a layer of fat, maybe get healthy meal delivery to make it easy. I'd get my hair, nails, brows, etc. done regularly. Throw in some Botox. Get a classy wardrobe instead of endless Disney and Peloton gear. Decorate my home, plan fun things to do with my kids in the limited time I have them.

    She could be killing this divorce but instead she's turned into a sad slob.
423 replies since 21/5/2021