The Gossip Bakery

Votes given by CryingGrayMarshmallowBlob

  1. .
    No one cares about anyone's diet but Jen's.
  2. .
    QUOTE (Idiot savant @ 5/10/2024, 11:44 AM) 
    How does she get those leggings on and off???


  3. .
    QUOTE (Meow2 @ 5/8/2024, 09:41 PM) 
    long overdue new thread. were there title suggestions?

    may i suggest:

    Marnie Goldberg's House of Smoke & Mirrors -- Where Everything is a Lie. #lyingliarwholies
  4. .
    I don't know why she needs to put a question box up. There are hundreds and hundred of comments asking her if she could do this or that in an upcoming video and she's never acknowledged those requests. She will continue to shill for Walmart and random sponsors because they pay her. Videos without links, ohhhhh heaven forbid! They can't even have a meal unless it's free or a write off.
  5. .
    They have no content anymore. The kids are getting harder to exploit because they're not cute anymore. They're just pathetic and tragic. Their marriage isn't happy. The adoption didn't get them the views they expected considering it was also very shady. Their channel is dying a slow repetitive death just like her clothing line. They never should have sold Bert's business.
  6. .
    QUOTE (Miss Pie @ 27/4/2024, 02:02) 
    Is that in their bathroom?
    I do think the tile is pretty.
    The tub, pretty darn ordinary. He can set his wine bottle on the toilet.

    # blessed
  7. .
    Inspired by fiercelyprivate turning it into a verb...

  8. .
    My take-away of the video is that she is tired of camping in Blue.
  9. .
    My issue is Christopher and not this rental. I don't know what kind of rentals you all lived in but their new place is way nicer than anything I've ever rented. It's him and his 'my shit is better than your shit' attitude. I think it's pretty universally accepted that wire shelving is not as nice as solid shelving. Be a normal person and point that out in his tour, not ideal but we can work with it. Him going on about basic things like the fans and hooks like they are so high end. They are fans, they are perfectly fine but he acts like no one has anything as nice as he does. He could tell us it's a rental and show us how he's going to make it his own when he can't paint or change things like he normally would. That could be decent content. But nope, he's just got to be superior at all times. Place is fine, per usual, Priss is not at all fine, he's as big a douche as ever.
  10. .
    Us talking about her being a horrible mother and she posts pics with the kids. Hi, Jenny.
  11. .
    wait what?? if she goes somewhere as far away as Paris are we supposed to forget that very recently she had to be with her babies because they needed her? she couldn't travel because all of the CHAOS thrown her way? she didn't know if/when she'd be back to traveling :( please respect my privacy :( so much going on...

    this asshat better be going to Paris, Texas instead
  12. .
    So, she wore those jeans on her Wednesday flight and then in the park Wednesday. She then proceeded to wear them Thursday, Friday, Saturday AND Sunday in the heat of the day at the park. She is so gross.

    I agree with the statement that she didn't pack shorts and intended to wear the ones in her owners' locker. When she had it delivered, they didn't fit.
  13. .
    A side-by-side:
  14. .
    QUOTE (Breakdown @ 4/20/2024, 01:23 AM) 
    Did anyone screen record the Disneyworld scolding?


    This has got to be my new profile picture 😂
  15. .
    Let’s not forget the professional grade broom holder, what a flex :hearty-laugh:
297 replies since 31/5/2021