The Gossip Bakery

Votes taken by Creepystalker

  1. .
    Hi guys. Been going through a lot in my personal life but I always try and read here before I go to sleep at night. I don’t post much but I enjoy reading your comments. Especially the frequent posters!

    Edited by Good Ol’ Suze - 2/21/2022, 02:01 PM
  2. .
    She really has no idea who she is. All these different personalities over the years. The only person who has caged her, is herself! She goes from one extreme to the other. She’s suddenly plant based crying over milk. Changed her ENTIRE channel to this new persona. NEVER showing her kids again. Why can’t she just say she’s trying to eat Plant based as much as possible, she may film a few camping travelling videos in between her normal content, she isn’t gonna show the kids for now. Or better yet, stop explaining yourself & just do it?!? Ahh
  3. .
    Jen says that the bed sleeps 2 but you could totally roll out some sleeping bags and have your kids stay too…

    I mean… or you could share the bed..?OR let them have the bed and roll out your own sleeping bag!

    It’s the little things she says that tells all. She’s ALWAYS over shared and over explained herself and that is her downfall. It wouldn’t just be a simple “we are having a takeaway tonight” it would be “I’ve just had such a busy day and I knowwwww I could just cook but umm well I just don’t feel like it and so we got a takeaway and I know this isn’t the healthiest of options but I didn’t eat all of my WF cupcake so it’s ok” FUCK ME!! Just say- im tired so we ordered a takeaway.

    Draining. Much.
  4. .
    Still catching up but did anyone notice she said SHE had a sandcastle tea set that the kids are playing with 🤣. Nice of you to let them borrow your toys Jen!
  5. .
    Turning comments off but then posting an Instagram pic with comments on? Cool.. I see the logic!
  6. .
    You will only see Winnie and I on this channel ever again!!!!!!…..but I might post the video of my kids you guys…. Not sure… (:
  7. .
    I’m really struggling to see the point of that video…if people are genuinely “textbook” stalking her… then those should be dealt with. If she is TRULY being stalked and harassed, then shit, the police WOULD be involved.. so that would be being handled, right?

    We obviously know the channel has gone in a different location from the past few videos… so why feel the need to explain herself NOW? 😂

    It’s quite obvious that she reads here and it was just a 30 minute video reply to comments on here.

    Direction* not location… baby brain. 🤣
  8. .
    So I’m a long time lurker. I’ve just had a baby so honestly not given Jen a second thought for a while.. I live in the UK and I’m a single mum. A true single mum… :-) or a solomamabear?!

    I am awful at “stalking”!

    That video was painful to watch! I don’t really see the point in it tbh as nothing new was mentioned. FFS Jen, you make it too easy for us!

    Edited by Good Ol’ Suze - 9/15/2021, 07:53 AM
8 replies since 15/9/2021