The Gossip Bakery

Posts written by Pinkgirl

  1. .
    Is it just me or does she look bigger in the hips and droopy butt?!
  2. .
    New title suggestion: I can have my Gucci on, but I still look like a dog with a bone…. Dog The Bounty Hunter that is!!
  3. .
    QUOTE (rfjox @ 9/4/2024, 20:34) 
    Lisa not only looks like crap but she has dated herself back to a time that today's young are far removed. No one is trying to be Bridgett Bardot or Pam Anderson anymore (if they ever were).

    Lisa is like most other 50+ women stuck in their young past and not aware time has moved on.

  4. .
    What a narcissistic witch!!
  5. .
    QUOTE (BrickthesteamingASSistant @ 28/3/2024, 00:03) 
    Hey Saks, your spokesperson dudn’t even spell right….


  6. .
    She needs to stop with these nails!!! They look like her niece put them on!
  7. .
    QUOTE (CocolocoRDH @ 2/3/2024, 02:10) 
    And what about the really bad hot roots Morgan gave her? Idk any hairstylist that’s been doing hair for as long as Morgan that can make that newbie mistake. I honestly think she’s purposely jacking up her hair so she will stop going to her cause she so ocd in the most nonsensical manic way she’d drive anyone nuts! Hence zero friends! The only people that deal with her are the ones that have to or she’s spending money so they pretend she’s not annoyingly crazy!

    I think Morgan is sick of her too!! You know she talks crap about her!! No sane person can stand her like you said unless they have to!!
  8. .
    I know I just posted but I watched that video about her hair again and it is like a psych case study. She has truly been traumatized over her hair! She is the epitome of vanity and narcissism!
  9. .
    There is absolutely no depth to this woman. Shallow is an understatement!!!
  10. .
    QUOTE (HermesStoreManger @ 17/2/2024, 16:12) 
    Victoria was having breakage in the front so she opted for a change - which I do not like. From the beginning it looked bad. WHY in the hell is Lisa trying to copy a bad hair color? And since Lisa likes to travel and spend money, she can book a ticket to London and see Amy at the Larry King salon. At least she would have gotten what she wanted once and not spent so foolishly like she did in Dallas on blazers and Gucci handbags. I don't think Jawn cares one bit - that marriage is dunzo I am sure.

    That’s called NEW MONEY! She is not one bit classy. She has no taste. She just obtains objects that make her happy for 1 day because she has no meaning to her materialistic life.
  11. .
    Her idiot subscribers are posting like she had a death in the family!! “I’m so sorry you’re going through this.” “Oh, Lisa I’m so sorry!!.” WTH?!?!?
  12. .
    QUOTE (Mulva @ 6/2/2024, 04:39) 
    QUOTE (Pinkgirl @ 6/2/2024, 01:11) 
    She called her mom and dad from Dallas for advice on which Chanel bag to get….😳

    Because they keep up with the latest fashion trends coming out of Milan and Paris.

  13. .
    She called her mom and dad from Dallas for advice on which Chanel bag to get….😳
  14. .
    I love this post
  15. .
    WOW….to wear or not to wear makeup! She is off the chain! 🤪
225 replies since 17/9/2021