The Gossip Bakery

Posts written by Pinkgirl

  1. .
    Her excessive spending is just stupid and embarrassing!! As a healthcare professional, it makes me sick to know that there are people like her in this world who have NO CLUE what others are going through! She has a complete lack of empathy which is scary!!!
  2. .
    All that money and she looks like a man!!!
  3. .
    Her new video is great if you need to be put to sleep…😴😴. She is such a joke
  4. .
    QUOTE (BlueSky45 @ 24/12/2022, 22:39) 

    Hookers on ice! ❄️

    On sale for half price!!! ❄️❄️ LOL
  5. .
    Lisa show us where you’ve been in all your holiday attire and other new OOTD’S!!! Im sure it’s been one party after another!!
  6. .
    QUOTE (Snark bait @ 23/12/2022, 22:08) 
    Hey. I haven’t seen any of the MANY Christmas looks from the NUMEROUS Christmas parties she said she was attending????
    What a great opportunity to impress the sponsors. Little do they know, lil wrinkly cookie puss ain’t goin to any parties for real.
    She’d rather pretend on her porch to be “vibey” “edgy” “put together” “sexy, never frumpy” in her PARTY clothes.

  7. .
    Her views on YouTube are tanking….
  8. .
    In her new video she said she doesn’t eat processed food!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

    This latest video is a doozy!!! 😂😂🤣🤣🤣
  9. .
    Omg I couldn’t make it past “Oh this was HEARTBREAKING!” “I wanted to cry!”…. Over a pair of shoes!!!! She is perpetually 8 years old!!!!
  10. .
    If I saw THIS in an elevator, I’d be scared!!!
  11. .
    She did give a good tip… We should wear shoes that we’re comfortable in so that we don’t fall and risk not EVER being able to wear heels again because “That’s scary.” :thumbs-up:
  12. .
    Bless her heart she talks to her subs like they’re in the room with her. She plays dress up all day, drives a Tesla to McDonalds, and won’t eat with her family. THAT is what makes her unrelatable!!!
  13. .
    I think in Lisa’s head she is in her 30’s, single, and living her best life in the big city!
  14. .
    QUOTE (Blondie3613 @ 19/11/2022, 14:09) 
    I can only watch her on Jools channel with Jools comments 👍🏻💯👍🏻
    Lisa’s mannerisms, overacting and giggly childish high voice when she shows another 100 lipliners give me the creeps.
    I couldn’t care how much she buys but she will never be a fashionista. She doesn’t have the brains, imagination nor style for that.
    So copying others is her only option.
    What a shameless waste of behavior and excessive stuff while half of the world can’t afford to buy bread or pay the electric bill.

    THIS!!!! ☝🏻👏
  15. .
    What freaks me out the most in the latest IG post is her fake smile. She looks so uptight!
230 replies since 17/9/2021