The Gossip Bakery

Posts written by Pinkgirl

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    I wonder if she would have worked this hard if she had never lost the weight? I thinks she truly believed her life was over because she had gained weight.
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    QUOTE (What'sup @ 12/11/2022, 17:16) 
    I really can't stand to watch her, she is not all there. How many closets does a person who does nothing, stays at home need?

    That’s what boggles my mind!! She doesn’t work, she doesn’t socialize, she does NOTHING industrious. Lisa is a shopping addict with narcissistic personality.
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    Omg she is grasping at straws with these latest videos. :shaking_head_smiley_emoticon:
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    I love the title!!!! 😂😂😂
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    The telling sign that she’s going down is the lack of views, likes, and comments. She can buy subs all day long but people are sick of her.
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    Y’all!!! How does she think her hair looks or is healthy?!? She truly is delusional!!

    Her stupidity is unbelievable…. Truly unbelievable.

    QUOTE (merhaba23 @ 9/11/2022, 02:48) 
    OMG I JUST CANNOT WITH THIS DUMB BITCH!!! She said she wants her kids to smell good and have clean teeth, so TEACHERS want to be close to her children!!!!! HUH??? What makes her think teachers even care about such things????? If they did........... would that make them good teachers???? A GOOD teacher IMO DONT GIVE A FOOK!!!! They are there for the KIDS no matter what!!!! Her idea that teachers do not want to be around stinky kids...................... REMINDS ME OF THE LADY IN THE ELEVATOR!!!!!! IT IS LISA JUDGING THOSE KIDS AND THINKING SHE WOULD NOT WANT TO BE AROUND THEM IF THEY WERE DIRTY..........................SO SHE JUST ASSUMES THE TEACHERS FEEL THE SAME WAY!!!!! DAMN LISA NEEDS TO STFU AND TAKE A SERIOUS SEAT!!!! Who cares about education, being PRETTY is ALL that matters............. GTFO!!!!! She misses the point to EVERYTHING because of her SMALL CHILD LIKE MIND...................

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    She is acting just like Brooke on IG!!
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    QUOTE (Jools’ Ghost @ 5/11/2022, 20:31) 

    Wow almost 68 thousand views in 13 days.
    LOOK Lisa she is doing better than you PMPL

    I love Patti! She would be very disappointed in Lisa. Her motto is Always be KIND!!!!
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    Lisa is so far gone that these comments won’t phase her. She thinks she is the most “bad ass” woman there is. Her mentality is so warped she is beyond help. The only thing that will open her eyes is if something tragic happens to her or her family. I do not wish that on her but “real” life happens and she is not equipped for it.
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    LIAR MUCH???
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    Lisa is a small town, simple minded, hick who has no life experience outside of Wilmington, NC. She places more value on material things than anything else. I pity her when/if life knocks her on her knees!
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    QUOTE (merhaba23 @ 4/11/2022, 02:59) 
    Lisa STFU! The video was ALL I,I,I ME,ME,ME!!! It all had to do with what SHE LIKE,S what SHE WOULD WEAR!! As if she is the ONLY way...... FOOK OFF!!!! I would NEVER follow ANY of her advice!!! I cannot stand her........... she wants to help people, my ASS!!! How she described the lady in the elevator, is the TRUE Lisa!!!!! Who says that OMG!!!! That lady could of been looking at Lisa thinking the same thing!!! (SAD OURA) Why did Lisa NOT smile at the lady???? ALL LISA DID WAS JUDGE HER..... how can people even like Lisa???? Her minions are so STUPID.......... I think they have SAD OURA'S ...... Lisa is a stuck up snob, and looks down on everyone else, and JUDGES like no other!! But hey, we all know that ,NO NEW NEWS HERE!!!!!!!!!! I have faith in some of her minions, that they are FINALLY seeing what we have seen for YEARS.... (comments on video)

    I totally agree!! I am absolutely disgusted right now!! She has finally revealed her true self!!
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    Yes!! It is important to look your best at the McDonalds drivel thru!
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    QUOTE (Skankhunt @ 3/11/2022, 03:03) 

    :hearty-laugh: :7043: :hearty-laugh:
230 replies since 17/9/2021