The Gossip Bakery

Votes taken by merino wool underwear

  1. .
    Good Lord, what has happened now. Was the Lego store out of a set she wanted. Christmas is so full of fraught. She really is Scrooge. I highly suggest Jinny read A Christmas Carol, it's literally her. Fraught and all.

    Kirsten Ferguson is NOT a "singe mom". She was married to D'Brickashaw Ferguson ( who has a net worth of $30 million), the dude played for the Jets. I am sure her child support is great. She also works Jinny. you and her have NOTHING in common but I see that you are trying to mimic her in a certain even use "we are in this together" like what was said in the interview. 2 minutes of checking out This Ferguson and yep, our little Jinny is just copying all of her words. I truly believe she decided to show off her bunions after some peloton instruction by Kirsten.

    Dating? haha that is NEVER going to happen. She is not someone anyone even wants to be friends with muchless date.
    The only relationship Jin can have is with Patreons, It' the perfect set up for her. She gets to talk and talk and TALK, show crazy eyes and smile up-close, show off all of her things and they give her money, and she doesn't even have to have sex with them and she doesn't have to listen to them.
  2. .
    What a cheap ass. She makes her son wear his sisters PJs from the year prior. WTF you aren't poor. why are you doing that. This hag spends thousands and thousand on useless crap, but can't buy new Christmas PJs. For Christ sake, she buys new ears and ugly outfits for every Disney "race"

    No, you dog abusing asshole, you do NOT need another dog. you are barely able to take care of your stuffies, you don't need another dog.

    no my dear, you do NOT smell heavenly. You smell like sweat, greasy scalp and old urine. The product might smell heavenly but you rarely shower or wash your hair so I find it hard to believe you smell good. speaking of hair. What is happening here

    this video is really weird. Thanks for showing us your seasonal paper napkins. "seasonal napkins" is a good user name

    cc doesn't want to watch the Grinch because it would be like watching her bio mom. I don't blame her
    Now we know why she only bought stickers from Powells (we already knew), she only reads kids books lol

    "we don't force people to do things around here, but there it is" Is that a dig at her parents or Don

    Poor single mama. Jin, You are single, yes. You are a divorced woman with children. They have a father in their life more than 50% of the time and he pays for them and for you. Maybe pant suit politics hasn't taught you this but the term single mom means a mom that has her kids full time, busting her ass, and there is no father in the picture, usually a deadbeat. If anyone is the deadbeat, it's YOU. Stop trying to use a phrase incorrectly. There are so many single moms out there struggling this time of year, some even have to put their kids names on the Angel trees. You however spends thousands and thousands on crap, and have the money to spoil your kids. you don't, but you could.

    this was such a lazy video
  3. .
    why is she so against lighting
  4. .
    QUOTE (ColdOne @ 12/15/2023, 08:10 AM) 
    I love hauls because I want to see random and expensive things. Everything Jen likes is ugly as shit. gtf outta here with your plastic sunglasses!

    I hate her sunglasses. They remind me of the glasses Carls Jr. would give away in the 80s/90s.
  5. .
    QUOTE (RossManor2.0 @ 12/15/2023, 07:22 AM) 
    I’m not great at making photo collages but one of these things is not like the other…

    Jinny should work those glutes because she has that secretary spread type butt.

    What is her workout routine? Does she just do the bike, treadmill and yoga?
  6. .
    QUOTE (Party of 7 @ 12/14/2023, 04:42 PM) 
    Jen: You’re not in this video, Boo
    CC: I’m just trying to…

    Jenny then ignores her, looks at the camera and laughs like a lunatic.

    They are desperate for some attention while mommy is chatting away to her camera.

    Do better, asshole.

    she is such a bitch to her children but especially to CC. I love that CC is snarky back to her. Keep it up CC.
  7. .
    QUOTE (AlltheReisenthels @ 12/14/2023, 10:59 AM) 
    If I remember correctly last Christmas her brother and his family were at her house.

    2 weeks ago she said "my brother isnt coming for Christmas anymore"

    Might her complaining at Thanksgiving be the reason? Did he watch the vlog and decided not to come anymore because they are not welcome?

    When she stands in line for Anna and Elsa you can see her in the mirror. What pants is she wearing? It looks like a very old jogging pants, or?

    I hope that is true because that is beyond fucked up of her. Listen, at some point we all can get irritated by family, but who the hell goes on and ON about it and posts it to social media. She damn well knew someone was going to let them know, or they peek at her content and saw. That is hurtful. Once her parents pass, the only family she will have is her brother (his family) and the children. If the brother leaves (as he should) and we all know those kids will rarely see her, Jin will be left alone, like she deserves. You can't treat people like crap over and over and expect them to stick around.

    lol that must be her outdoor christmas babysitting uniform. look at the lady's hair next to Jins. LOL good lord Jinny, go see a real doctor. Why do the kids shoes look HUGE? is she trying to give them room for future bunions?
  8. .
    After watching this video and thinking back to her old Ross life....bottom line is, Jin needs others to make her content remotely interesting and tbh this wasn't interesting. She obviously had to somewhat plan this vlog so she could have "christmas" content.

    yuck, she can't bake, she can't cook. Jesus Christ Jinny, let the kids put the cookie cutter where they want. It's not their fault your dough sucks. you can always re-roll it out, What an asshole. Every time she posts videos with the kids in them, we get to see how much of a mother she is not. She still isn't comfortable with them, she is so rigid and weird. You can hear how she wants to go into baby voice and then stop, I wonder if CC has called her out on that. I noticed she had her bunions out. I guess she is just walking around barefoot now. Those poor kids, smelly mom, gross feet, and a bitch.

    I am not sure why she always says she won't show her kids and then shows them and then asks for people to respect the kids. Nobody cares about your kids Jin. They are kids, they will be silly, cute, obnoxious etc, that is what kids do. The thing is you use everyone else as a crutch and the internet isn't really a safe place to be posting minor children and if you are going to, there are plenty of ways to include them without directly putting their faces on camera. I know, thats too much work for you.
  9. .
    Poor sheltered unaware Jinny, she had to see homeless. Yes Jin, it's a reality out there in the world. Not everyone is this world has a rich ex-husband that fully supports them financially. Not everyone can just buy an extra car to drive around aimlessly. cunt.
    I don't eat sugar. eats sugar
    I don't drink, drinks wine

    WTF Jin. are you so unaware of the things you say and do? How are you this stupid.

    She goes on an on about the day-CORE at these Airbnbs. Why not hire someone to help make that hideous empty grey house more of a home. I rather hang out at the Airbnb she was at than at her home. Not my style but at least it has personality and color and seems cozy.

    this idiot can't ride a real bike? LOL time to get out of the basement. I thought she bought bikes for her and the kiddos last summer? did she fail at that too and not ride with them.

    Who goes to a bookstore and just buys stickers. lol oh Jinny, you really are a simpleton, aren't ya?

    Jin you say you don't research the places you visit before you visit them. Um, maybe you should. You don't seem to know anything when you record yourself.

    If I could ask a question for her Q&A I would ask...what is the purpose of these videos? no, not because God called you to do this. What is it that you are hoping others get out of these videos? you put them out or anyone to see. Why?

    her voice was weird in this video sort of like a sad baby voice.

    She keeps mentioning her love life. Is she trying to hint that she is talking to someone or is it because there will never be a love life. Jin, you can't even make a friend, how do you think you can have any love life.
  10. .
    QUOTE (Meow2 @ 12/13/2023, 08:37 AM) 
    I wanted to see more of that bookstore. instead she barely showed it then showed the stickers she bought :smashing_computer:

    books are hard for our HOME GIRL, Jinny! Didn't' it take her a year to finish a book? what a loser.

    Here are a couple of videos that this booktuber put out on her visits to Powells. Its an amazing bookstore and my must visit when I am up in Portland.
    1. video 1

    2. video 2

    Shocker she bought stickers and let me guess, no books for the kids?

    sigh...I guess I will go watch the video
  11. .
    I have never known or seen anyone that literally has almost zero responsibilities in life be so stressed over everything. If you didn't know Jin, you would think she is busy running a company, working beyond fulltime hours, has the kids fulltime, taking kids to all their extracurricular things, belongs to the PTA, volunteers all over, hosts 30 people at every holiday.
    Nope, the only thing she does all day is shop online, eat, pose awkwardly, attention seek online and workout. has the kids less than 50% of the time.
    The sigh and complain about how it's been a week or hold on kids the holidays are almost over are just as annoying as her stupid nose wrinkle giggle she picked up a year or so ago.
    Sorry Jin but most of us enjoy the holidays and our families. Bummer you are such an asshole that you have no friends and your family barely tolerates you.
    LOL she doesn't talk about her love life. um, because you don't have one. You mean you don't want to talk about Don's beautiful wife. Sweet boy Donald is no longer yours, so you have ZERO love life.

    Imagine what kind of freak would be into Jin. This is a woman who rarely showers, maybe washes her hair here and there, the bunions, the eye pulling, the crusty lips, the pasty tongue, the unwashed vag, the constant yeast infections. the drip dries when she pees, the salted crusted face and head from the sweat, the 40 year old that says her best friends are her car and her stuffies, the only conversations she has is with a camera. If there was a man into that I can tell you now, he's not going to be a Don and spoil her, he's going to be living in a basement somehow and very creepy.
  12. .
    I just watched her haul video. Even her home is a broken record. The blanket that slid off her chair did the same thing last year!!

    Puffer vest looks bad on her, makes her look hefty. It would look cute on her daughter.
    I love that I get a shout out every Christmas haul or faves!
    Wool with sex appeal sounds like a great user name.

    This bitch walking around her house with her bunions out makes me ill.

    Jin can we stop with the fake laugh now. It's making you have more wrinkles. The giggles after almost everything you say is unwarranted. Nothing you say is funny.

    All Jin has done in the recent years is make the bakery defend Don. I am sorry but there is no way she was expected to do a thing for all the things he bought her. Lets face it, he basically got her something daily. Nice try Jin. I think all Don wanted was a wife to love him and have a family when the time was right. Jin wanted to be the child, spoiled and no responsibilities. Don only expected her to be a mom to the two children she had with him.

    I had to add this gem from her vlog. wtf lady, WTF!

    Edited by merino wool underwear - 12/9/2023, 10:07 AM
  13. .
    I can't stop laughing at her. I know she IS mentally stunted because she NEVER grew up but WTF was that chocolate skit she did. Jin, you are not a child and that is not having childlike wonder. That was just creepy and weird.

    Imagine having that much free time at the end of the night to just sit in bed and get your workout "stack" ready for the next day and spend time writing in multiple journals. I would be embarrassed with myself and lack of actual responsibilities and direction, especially at age 40

    Speaking of age 40. I am 51 rarely get sick and recently I felt like I was coming down with something, took some OTC meds and was fine within hours. Why is she trying to say being 40 is all of a sudden some huge change. I literally didn't feel anything shift in me at 40 but then again, I didn't have hours and hours of free time to just sit around and think of stupid things. I was busy having a life.

    How does this idiot have so many things she is dealing with. emotional purges, leaning doesn't end with her. All year long she is like this. She doesn't have SAD, she is just sad she doesn't have the Ross clan and she is depressed because she has NOTHING in her life. You miss your old life Jin. Don isn't there to spoil you, Suze isn't there to coddle you. You have no friends and it seems like most of your family doesn't care for you and you don't seem to like them. Jin you are alone on your birthday because of YOU. You are not likeable, let that sink in. Go get help.

    Strangers that pay you 5.00 to watch your life are NOT friends and NOT connections. A connection is a two way thing. That is something you are not capable of ever doing. You will always be alone until you see that YOU are the problem. HOW have you convinced yourself it's everyone else is beyond me.

    Edited by merino wool underwear - 12/9/2023, 09:34 AM
  14. .
    I am behind on her videos but wow I am watching the "vlogmas" video

    Why not put the kids advents under the tree, I mean she puts them on the floor anyway.

    Does she not hear herself? she is a broken record. Isn't it every Winter that she tells us that she doesn't eat sugar, "Im craving greens" then shows herself shoveling sugar down her throat. Doesn't drink and then shows herself drinking in travel vlogs.

    I am not a doctor but I am WELL AWARE of eating disorders. I was raised by someone that suffered with one. I see all the same signs of how I grew up. I was a thin child like CC because my mom was VERY restrictive with me. My dinner was always at 4pm. NEVER later than that and guess what? My meals were boring and bland, they were also the same repeats every week. Since my mom was a binge eater. I would watch her shovel tubs of ice cream and bags of chips down her gullet. I was NEVER allowed those things. Once my mom got help for her disorder, things changed and of course as I grew up, I would cook for myself. Jin is doing so much damage to her daughter, not with just the food but how she treats her. It's so disgusting.
  15. .
    Jin has been SWFing Jennifer Garner forever. I think it was last year or the year before I did a side by side of a couple of people she was trying to be. JG was one of them. It's sad and pathetic to have zero identity of your own that you have to try to mimic others so much.

    If you ever want to know who she is copying you can usually go to her IG and check out her recent follows. I never did look for the person she is copying with the nose wrinkle giggle after everything she says, but we all know it's got to be someone with an online presence
1840 replies since 29/9/2021