The Gossip Bakery

Posts written by merino wool underwear

  1. .
    QUOTE (Meow2 @ 12/28/2023, 01:21 PM) 
    is anyone else stuck on the fact that she doesn’t wash her arms or legs? I can’t move past this

    YES!!!! its now my Roman Empire. I can't stop randomly thinking of how gross that is.

    I also giggle when I wash my legs.

    I just can't wrap my head around her thinking when it comes to hygiene at all.


    So back to guessing. It could be a inlaw of Dons having medical issues, they have before. Maybe Tens is taking care of this individual so some days needed to be shifted but the missing the race part, I think that is because she now has them 7/7.

    I know when my mother was rushed to the ER and ended up having a lot going on. I was the only that could provide her with care when at home, yes, we could have a nurse come in and pay people to do everything but I took it all on, so my personal life was put on hold, and I even took some time off work.

    Listen JENNY!! if you really want us to figure it out, toss out some more info. If not we will all assume you are just the crazy person that lies.
  2. .
    Just started the vlog and right away started skimming, cause a typical Jin snooze fest but so far this is my thoughts

    Nobody on this planet needs Jin. Not even her kids, she doesn't improve, enrich their lives, shes clearly not teaching them about hygiene. They are just fine if they were with Don and Tens full time. Winnie clearly didn't need her, she was always tossing her to Don's Aunt. When the dog and kids did need her, she isn't capable of it, she was busy working out, traveling, talking to her camera, shopping online or scrolling/stalking IG.

    So her kids were in the next room while she thought to herself...I think I am going to pose how feisty I am and let me try to badly recreate a crotch shot.
    ETA: So she claims to be so stressed, so much pivoting etc....but stops, does these poses, posts them online? JFC lady, you are mental. Life is always full of pivots but I find it hard to believe she is dealing with anything major. She can't handle anything so there is no way this PIVOT is due to anything big.
    bitch, your kids probably got pink eye being near your filthy ass

    Edited by merino wool underwear - 12/28/2023, 01:05 PM
  3. .
    Wow, that video was just some lonely loser talking to herself. Jin, know when to stfu.

    I love that she is such a Star Wars stanD that she didn't seem to put it together when she showed the sticker, she just throught it was cute. such a stanD.

    she actually seems sad and lonely in this video. I don't think she is as happy as she wants to be doing all this traveling. She mentioned one of the solo travel gals she stalks, I cracked up. She tried for a hot minute to SWF her but she couldn't.

    Jin stay in your state, with your children, get help, decorate your home, get a job or a purpose, volunteer, join local things. Stay off the internet. You are a lost soul. grow up.
    Her videos she be called....a 40 year old lonely loser searches for stickers and things to fill up her love cup.
  4. .
    QUOTE (Rusty Bathtub @ 12/27/2023, 10:38 AM) 
    I would like to see Jen get into animal crossing or one of those games like it. Might help with her issues

    Jinny is too stupid and boring for videos games. she is the kind of mom that makes weird commentary and rolls her eyes when the kids talk about games they are into.

  5. .
    she got a tattoo of Doug, and jasper riding in blue, holding a camera. Those are the things that mean the most to her.
  6. .
    QUOTE (Meow2 @ 12/26/2023, 12:16 PM) 
    QUOTE (WhereDoesDaddySleep @ 12/26/2023, 03:14 PM) 
    Those earrings with that ragged face and the sweatshirt she hasn’t washed all month :hearty-laugh:

    ok I was JUST about to comment on that. I was going to ask if anyone else laughed out loud when the video started and she looked soooooooooo haggard but had earrings on. it cracked me up lol

    I can't wait to see what she looks like come the Spring. She can barely handle the kids now. I can't wait to see how much she has aged and how more of a child she has reverted to.

    Imagine how those children are going to look on her week with them, its going to get worse. Jin's hygiene is awful, so I imagine that is what she teaches the kids, its going to get worse.

    I think Jinny thinks she is one of the kids. those kids are always barefoot and Jin has decided to uncage her bunions.

    I LOVE that in that video she says things are better left private.....says the woman that just tried to do a clothed crotch shot on IG. sweetie, nothing you do is private, you have shared far too much with the internet. You attention seeking idiot.
  7. .
    she didn't appear smug, she appeared sad that she is going to need to lean into being with the kids and her fun has been taken away for the winter. The reality is....all she does in the Winter is RunDisney. she starts traveling in the spring, so this isn't really new. I think the run Disney had to be canceled because Don and Tens are no longer bending over for Jin and her stupid lifestyle.

    The expressions

    right now they need me home so I am home with them and we are home together this winter

    It is not my intention to leave youtube

    I still want to be a travel vlogger (HAHAHA oh Jinny, even your facial expressions tell us, you are not a travel vlogger)
    we are going to be leaning really into home this winter
  8. .
    Wow, what a Christmas gift Jin's life has been to us Bakers this delightful holiday season

    She is such a twat. I personally think she says things just for us bakers. It's a weird game she plays. The woman loves attention and loves that we focus on her life. She just doesn't like when we find out things that she doesn't want anyone knowing, she doesn't want us to make fun of her body, and she certainly doesn't want us to do something that puts her or those pesky paychecks in danger (obviously no real baker would do that ever)

    I don't think Don was arrested, that is full public knowledge if he had been. court things are also public record. The house is NOT on the market and is paid for. I find it hard to believe divorce is on the table, Tens just posted a couple of weeks ago about her happy little life.

    Jin never said she is taking over for Don, she only says she has them more than before. If you recall she has been really going out of her way recently to claim she is this good mom and does so much with her kids.

    Jinny makes everything seem huge when it's not and she really has been pushing the hands on single mom narrative in the recent weeks. I think it's probably a change in how they are doing their time with the kids 7/7. I have known many that shift to that as the kids get older

    As someone that has worked as Court Appointed Special Advocate and guardian ad litem. My job was to advocate for children’s best interests, and report back to a judge. There is NO WAY the courts will ever see Jin as a unfit mother. Sadly you have got to be the shittiest of humans. We are talking pure neglect and abuse in the most horrible ways. To make a judge happy you really only need, a roof, a bed, food, and the most basic parenting skills.

    I personally think something is going on with the children. Perhaps issues with learning, etc. Jin hates to be called out but it may have been brought up that the kids ( Donny) are behind and might be displaying behavior issues( both kids). In that update she says she needs to be there for her kids. I think someone told her other than Don or her parents. Maybe at teacher conferences. I think the kids saw Don and his family for the holidays. I really think Jin has been called out on being an absentee parent and is putting in overtime manipulation so she can say it's not her that is the problem. Lets face it when she has them, does she interact with them other than watching movies and eating gross food?
    There could be a conflict with the Ross children and their siblings.

    There are so many things it can be but remember Jin is a LIAR.

    some of these posts have been fun to read.
  9. .
    QUOTE (bleucheese @ 12/22/2023, 10:50 AM) 
    she doesn't like sushi but had 10 years of sushi monday and a sushi feast in vancouver a couple of months ago
    she doesn't like meat but has a smoker worth a few thousand dollars, makes prime rib, eats burgers and steak at her solo restaurant outings
    she doesn't like chocolate but spent $300 on a luxe chocolate advent calendar, has hoards of chocolate tucked away in her closets and cars

    cc doesn't like cheese but we're having pizza for christmas and every friday, and she has a grilled cheese every day

    everything she says and does contradicts whatever she said before. It's hilarious.

    We need a full "scrapbook" page that shows

    I don't eat sugar and then a photo of her eating sugar
    I don't drink. and then drinking
    my hair looks great when I don't wash it, show how greasy and bald she looks when she does that
  10. .
    her favorite memory was when the family got together, to see everyone happy. My how things have changed. She spent weeks complaining about her family get together. lol

    Her parents marriage lasted because they got away from their kids often. um, what? It is important for couples to have their own time together but that is such a weird thing to say to the internet about your parents.

    the only things free and wild this year was, she freed the bunions. dirty bitch.

    She is going to get another dog. Of course it will be a little one. Jin couldn't handle a medium or big dog. Jin needs a stuffed animal not a living Dog. I hope that doesn't happen but you just know it will.

    retirement years? YOU DO NOT WORK!!!! your life is pure leisure. I think the question should have been. Do you really see yourself making these stupid videos when you are 50-60.

    She really should do herself a favor and get on meds. She has anxiety and ADHD. this is why she is frantic when one little thing doesn't go as she planned and why she can't get anything done or done on time. The work out thing is not fixing her mental health, it's just giving her a quick high and she enjoys that high, she likes the outfits and the cult like crap of peloton

    JENNIFER!!!!! what the fuck is wrong with you. The body will keep itself clean?
    My husband walked in as I was watching that part and I had him listen and he said what, your head sweats, thats salt and I laughed and replayed the part where she says it's just salty water. My husband doesn't really bash anyone but this is the second time he has trash talked her. I showed him her hair. he said she needs to cut it and see a dr because that is the hair of someone that has hygiene issues, has a hormone imbalance and of course genetics. We both yelled...then use different products if the soap you are using is drying you out. She really is stupid. She is dry because she doesn't hydrate enough for the amount she sweats and she is probably perimenopausal. Now that she is 40, she is sweating less. Um, lady? no,you look like you are dripping with sweat in almost every video. “I think we focus too much on cleaning our body in this culture”
    I was blessed with good hair but honestly, I would be so sad if my hair looked like hers.

    My advice for you Jin is to DABBLE in the following things:
    properly showering
    washing your hair
    wiping your cooter after you pee
    getting mental health help
    being a connected mom
    growing up
    stopping your addiction to attention
    stopping your addiction to social media
    addressing your eating issues
    cutting your hair
    decorating your home
    learning how to pronounce words
    not being so stupid and out of touch.
    getting over your divorce.
  11. .
    QUOTE (Millennium Falcom @ 12/22/2023, 08:47 AM) 
    You guys have mentioned everything already about yesterdays video. But I'm disappointed no one took a screen grab of her aging face squealing with delight when she got the mail merge to work. Woof!

    oh, I did!

  12. .
    I know that her organized/planner years were just busy work but is she not aware Christmas comes every Dec 25th. she doesn't have a job, so there is no end of year deadlines, not final quarter meetings, she has ZERO friends, so there is no holiday meals or parties with friends, She has Jill and Gravy and they are the ones hosting the nicer meal, she doesn't have inlaws, so there is no hosting a very large Christmas party. She refuses to participate in her childrens lives, so there is no holiday parties, playdates or dance recitals to go to. ok, so she went to the kids things at school...she should, she is their mother.

    Christmas cards should have been mailed out on Dec 1st, Christmas gifts should have been ordered in Nov, things should have been wrapped when the kids were at school or when they are with their Dad. How does everything stress her out. I firmly believe Jin would end up in a straight jacket or worse if she had to actually have real stress and a real job.

    If she spent less time talking to a camera and scrolling, she could get everything done in two hours. Why does she make every little thing difficult.

    Pivot and chaos lottery are her new favorite words. JFC what is she doing with her life. The fact that she doesn't even know what kits she is signed up for should tell her jenions, the bitch has money and doesn't need your 5.00. Why not give the kits to the kids and have them make some scrapbooks or fun crafts.

    Kudos that she bought them a switch. However, I have a feeling she is just trying to one up Don. CC plays video games with her Dad, Jin just wants to be the cool mom or trying to keep up with Don. Plus screen time means more JIN/ME time. Why does she buy them the exact games. I find it hard to believe that they HAVE to have the exact same thing. It's just another lazy Jin move.
  13. .
    JFC. I don't understand this Shtick of "things are so hard, Chaos Lottery" bullshit. What human hasn't had to shift things around in their life? Is she this hard up for attention? She goes on and on about how things are so hard, shifting, chaos lottery. With Jin, it's more than likely she will have to pick up the kids from a function but she had her workout stack already set up. HOW DARE ANYONE intrude on her ME time.

    I don't wish ill on anyone but It would be nice if Jin had to actually deal with hard things in life. Jin has the most boring, cushy life. She has no friends, she's losing family because of her shit talking, she doesn't actually work. Filming yourself, she doesn't really edit so that should take maybe an hour. So why is it that she thinks she works all year long. Jin, being alive is not your job, posting to IG is not your job, your sad home videos is not a job. You are a con artist that is having total morons pay you to watch your very VERY stupid and boring videos

    that being said....
    I LOVE when Jin is like this. Ultra dramatic, smug, full of shit. It's hilarious. It reminds everyone of what a horrible person she is and I find it very entertaining.

    I haven't watched the videos this week but just started this vlogmas one and WOAH 1 minute in and she is so dramatic.
  14. .
    Jinny. you are one of the most offensive people. Peace be with you is something from the Bible. Its not aggressive. I get that you are just trying to pretend you have such a hard life and you want to be the tough girl but you are not. things like a changing a hair part can through your entire life off track.

    Since you read here I will leave this with you. I don't even go to church. I was raised in the church but get your shit together and don't change the meaning of things to suit you.

    and wtf did "we celebrate Christmas in this house" mean. Dude are you really take a dig at your childrens Jewish mother? You are a cunt.

    “Peace be with you (John 20:19).”

    it does NOT mean don't tread on me. WTF. I get that you are stupid but ffs stop with this shit.

    I have decided that Jinny either has brain damage or is intellectually challenged. It's very obvious she has ADHD, an ED, and more than likely a bunch of other things but I am firm on this woman has something wrong with her brain. The chocolate bomb thing was what sealed it with me. If this is supposed to be a ditzy act she is putting on, it's not cute nor something anyone finds adorable and quirky. This stupid shit is out of control. She can't pronounce anything, doesn't know the names for anything. She has her phone with her all the time. Why not just look up directions on how to use the chocolate bomb, or how to pronounce words
  15. .
    Good Lord, what has happened now. Was the Lego store out of a set she wanted. Christmas is so full of fraught. She really is Scrooge. I highly suggest Jinny read A Christmas Carol, it's literally her. Fraught and all.

    Kirsten Ferguson is NOT a "singe mom". She was married to D'Brickashaw Ferguson ( who has a net worth of $30 million), the dude played for the Jets. I am sure her child support is great. She also works Jinny. you and her have NOTHING in common but I see that you are trying to mimic her in a certain even use "we are in this together" like what was said in the interview. 2 minutes of checking out This Ferguson and yep, our little Jinny is just copying all of her words. I truly believe she decided to show off her bunions after some peloton instruction by Kirsten.

    Dating? haha that is NEVER going to happen. She is not someone anyone even wants to be friends with muchless date.
    The only relationship Jin can have is with Patreons, It' the perfect set up for her. She gets to talk and talk and TALK, show crazy eyes and smile up-close, show off all of her things and they give her money, and she doesn't even have to have sex with them and she doesn't have to listen to them.
1853 replies since 29/9/2021