The Gossip Bakery

Posts written by yourmomshopsatdollartree

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    QUOTE (RegisteredSoICouldComment @ 1/27/2022, 09:50 PM) 
    QUOTE (yourmomshopsatdollartree @ 27/1/2022, 04:02) 
    And what the hell is she going to do once the wedding is done? Have another wedding? Has she even thought about that far ahead? I'm gonna guess probably not.

    Baby showers. I’m sure she’s already started a notebook based on Naina’s shower.

    Somebody should tell her you only get one shower, though. Subsequent babies, mom is no longer a big deal.

    Yep. My SIL had a "shower" for her second kid and I was like, we just gave you all that stuff 4 years ago, are you telling me you don't still have most of it laying around?
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    QUOTE (DollarTreeRich @ 1/27/2022, 09:03 PM) 
    QUOTE (Lil Niblet @ 27/1/2022, 20:21) 
    I wonder if Niketo will go back to teaching at some point.

    She keeps saying she retired instead of quit. I'm not sure how the Louisiana teachers' retirement system is setup but I thought retired meant you put in your 30 years, turned at least 55, or had a medical/disability retirement. Is she just trying to make it sound better or is there something fishy going on?

    I thought she was just a teacher at a fitness place. She was like an actual teacher? NOT ANYMORE if they google her and find that ass picture!!!
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    QUOTE (Xtine @ 1/27/2022, 05:41 PM) 
    Diving into Niketo reacting to her first keto movie.

    She finally admits that eating keto didn’t clear her eye lid rash, it was her medicine. Duh.

    She talks about why she posted herself in a thong. It’s to INSPIRE if you don’t like it leave. You have issues if you don’t want to see her weird ass cheeks, apparently, and need therapy.

    She announces her period so that’s information I needed.

    She admits her keto pancake recipe is disgusting.

    She admits keto gave her brain fog.

    She admits her keto coffee was disgusting.

    She admits all of her initial weight loss was water.

    She claims she doesn’t like carnivore diet.

    She says keto made her very sick.

    Mostly boring. All things we knew were lies to begin with. She’s a total fraud and supposedly people pay her for this. Yuck.

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    QUOTE (blondeambition @ 1/27/2022, 06:08 PM) 
    That's so sad that all she wants is the wedding and basically admits it. It's so clear that she is starved for attention since both of her parents have moved on (more than once) and had other kids. She probably hates that some of her step siblings get to spend 24/7 with her Mom or Dad and have the family life she never did. I feel like she's totally the type of person to throw that in her parents face all time time too in order to get whatever she wants.

    I think so too. It's sad that she was left out of the family lives that her siblings have/had, but she needs to be looking for therapy, not validation through trying to be a carbon copy of a friend. It's like you wish you could help her, but you know she wouldn't take your advice.
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    QUOTE (Kishaswonkytits @ 1/27/2022, 04:05 AM) 
    Ohhh, I’m bringing uh half eaten bags of whatever I can find in my uh pantry.

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    QUOTE (Routinesformyroutines @ 1/27/2022, 03:29 AM) 
    In describing her bachelorette party at the beginning of the live she says they went to Epcot to "enjoy Epcot." Okay just say you drank around the world. Also someone was asking about her wedding and she said how they had been engaged for almost two and a half years and that she is- "so excited to have a wedding." I was highly amused at her choice of words. Not "I'm so excited to finally marry Sam but to "have a wedding." I mean I know it's been talked about on here for months but for her to actually say it just confirms what's been said all along. She's only in it for the party and to have a big event where she's the center of attention. Yuck.

    And what the hell is she going to do once the wedding is done? Have another wedding? Has she even thought about that far ahead? I'm gonna guess probably not. I really wish she would though, because she is going to be one crazy B to live with once it sinks in that it's over. I feel sorry for Sam, he got sucked into this and probably feels like he has no way out. Although idk, he did plan an insane proposal with like plane tickets and shit, so maybe he is just as nuts as she is.
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    QUOTE (Mommaof5 @ 1/27/2022, 03:52 AM) 
    We hit 40! We need to have a big celebration! I'll bring the deviled eggs!

    Don't forget the van pie :D
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    QUOTE (heyhihello @ 1/25/2022, 08:16 PM) 
    Is there a reason people have been using homophobic/anti-gay terminology in this forum? I get that it’s a place to gossip but speech like that shouldn’t be okay in any forum. It’s the same as using racist language. Bigotry is bigotry in any form. Why can’t we snark on Meg without using that language?

    I agree, hate is not ok in any context, anywhere.
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    QUOTE (chgoirishgirl @ 1/27/2022, 12:27 AM) 
    QUOTE (PlannerLurker @ 1/26/2022, 11:07 PM) 
    The quality of the video in her live is not great. I'm not a techy but I think she needs to use her vlogging camera vs her phone...

    I remember someone mentioning that the video was blurry during a live and she got really snippy and was like "I don't know why, maybe something with your wifi?" But it was blurry for me too so methinks the problem was on her end. She is so snarky to her followers - I don't know why anyone would continue to do so.

    Yeah, she's trash. She doesn't deserve following for sure.
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    [QUOTE=Loki80,1/26/2022, 09:51 PM ?t=62375466&st=1200#entry455791016]
    QUOTE (Itworksformyfamily @ 26/1/2022, 21:29) 
    If she’s reluctant to buy him shoes now imagine what it’s going to be like when he needs adult shoes but still grows like crazy. My sons 10 and already wears a mens 8. I miss the days when we could pay $20 for a name brand pair of kids shoes at Marshall’s or Burlington.

    Exactly! My son will be 10 this summer and he wears an 8 1/2 in Men’s. I hate paying the high prices for shoes, but he has to have them! I’d love to pay $20 again! 😂

    Oh girl, my son wears a Men's 12, soon to be a Men's 13, I feel your pain. I buy him Nike's because I want him to have good quality foot/ankle support while he's growing so much, especially because he's very tall. He's often confused for an adult at the store with the mask on haha. But those shoes are expensive, and although I love him, it does pain me to put all that cash onto one pair of shoes.

    That said, I would rather put the cash into his shoes and know that his needs are met, and he is loved, than ignore it and stick my head in the sand. I can't understand moms who treat their kids like garbage, I love my son and he is truly the most important thing to me. He comes first, I don't care who wants booze or cigs. Not that we use either, but still.
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    QUOTE (IfYouWill @ 1/26/2022, 08:36 PM) 
    What kind of mother says she caved and bought her child sneakers because the ones they have are too small? If your child needs shoes you buy them. It's your job as a parent!

    Exactly. I was just bugging my son this morning about his shoes asking him if he needs a bigger size because I noticed they were wearing out on the inside. I can't imagine making your kid go without just so you can have more cigs. If anything you quit the cigs to be alive for the kid's wedding! And grandkids and the whole works, I mean honestly.
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    QUOTE (Lil Niblet @ 1/26/2022, 08:01 PM) 
    QUOTE (yourmomshopsatdollartree @ 1/26/2022, 11:56 AM) 
    I vote we go with Trouble in Throuple Paradise like PP said!

    Trying to fit everything in:
    50 Shades of D'oh! Trouble in Throuple Paradise and Lemon-Logic "Budget" Hauls, plus Nicole B. the Anabolic Addict


    I feel like no one has talked about Nicole B in a long time, is she still relevant?
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    QUOTE (Lil Niblet @ 1/26/2022, 06:52 PM) 
    We're at page 80 already! Anyone have new thread title suggestions?

    I vote we go with Trouble in Throuple Paradise like PP said!
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    QUOTE (ChooChooTheDivorceTrain @ 1/25/2022, 09:46 PM) 
    397 x $5 = 1,985, at minimum per month and $23,820 at minimum per year. We know that some people pay more. Can you even believe this dimwit found other dimwits to give her money. Hats off to you, you schruggling bitch!!!

    That is, until she has to pay taxes on it, since it's all tracked online. I think she'll come out around $17k after that. Does she have an LLC or anything yet? She's above $5k a year so she's gonna be liable now.
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    I honestly don't know why someone would pay $30 a month for an automated text message and a silent web call. Aren't people sick of Zoom already from work?

    I don't see it lasting, I hope she saves her $$$ from the wedding cause she is gonna need it. This can't go much longer before she's hurting for $.
153 replies since 8/12/2021