FromWonderlandToNoMan’sLandLikeJen Pt 95

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  1. Vegan Crumb Manager
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    Marnie's Cookie Jar
    Marnie's Cookie Jar

    Transitioning to shrimp because I still can't bare to look at it (aka land creatures).

    I'm @10:30 shes going on and on about how it would make her life so much easier if she just ate meat. Earlier she said something about people "undervalue" how hard it is to go plant based. Meaning no one is giving her praise for her "journey". That's what I thought. She was expecting her family to give her head pats and tell her how amazing she was for being so morally good.

    ETA: She's whining about the family and passive aggressively throwing them under the bus. She is droning on and on but this part stood out to me: "There's been a lot of learning over this past year and some about just being certain of myself, feeling grounded in my decision and my choices and knowing that I am loved by these people even if they don't understand my choices"

    She surely makes it seem like they've been judging her and saying things that she doesn't like. She says no huge blow outs or traumas. Could have fooled me by the way she's going on about it with her dramatic sad face.

    Edited by Vegan Crumb Manager - 9/13/2019, 05:44 PM
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