Coffee with Kate/Life at Home Taoist Style/Kate Singh

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  1. vicky3vicky

    Donut Crawl
    Donut Crawl


    Well, you 'ladies" definitely allow your Authentic Selves to shine here. [especially the "real" housewife] If you're homeschooling, perhaps you should allow your children to make reading your nasty posts as part of their "character building" excercises. Remind them how you, as a group, took an emotionaly fragile [though still managing to inspire and motivate others] woman, one who was sharing her spiritual and emotional journey. one who was "on the edge," and deliberately pushed her over that edge...AGAIN!

    Then you can explain to them that you did nothing wrong, because you were just "telling the truth." You might throw in the correlation between suicide and behavior such as yours. And how, when that happens, how powerful that makes you feel, and that if they follow the same tactics, they can feel that power without any guilt because they were just "telling the truth," albeit a twisted and mangled version thereof.

    Hopefully you will also share with them how some of her followers view Kate. You can share how I see Kate.

    Kate is not a person pretending to be perfect. She is not perfect, but that in no way diminishes her awesomeness and her ability to inspire. With her husband making barely over minimum wage, and both her and her husband being in agreement, she was able to be a SAHM. She shared her journey, through her blog, her books, and later her vlog. The money that eventually grew from these sources, to add to her husbands' wages, combined with her amazing money management skills, enabled her to buy a "fixer-upper" in California, and then, a couple of years later, to purchase a second home in an area she felt would be more wholesome for her children.

    She also manages to eat an organic, plant-based diet [plant- based does not have to mean- plant exclusive, though it can] without being anal about it. She mostly cooks from scratch, without being anal about that either. Too much rigidity, in my opinion, in anything is not a very balanced and stable approach.

    There is an expression; "Love what you have and you will always have what you need." Though I have never known anyone, including Kate, who lives that, every day, without wavering, she comes as close to living that as anyone I have ever known. And that is inspiring. You see it in how she spends her time, raises her children, decorates her home, does her part to protect the planet, etc.

    There is so much I could say about Kate, and so much more I would like to say to you people.. Making a sick game out of criticizing her homemaking, her cooking, [have you eaten it?] her performance as a wife and mother, her money management, her personal hygiene, her husbands' immigration status, can't you people see how wrong that is? And turning her into social services for her fostering of that little girl, how low can you go?

    Ah yes, you can find all sorts of 'snippets" to rationalize your behavior. Besides, you were simply "telling the truth." And really, you all just care so much about the kids. Why else would you spend so much of your free time crucifying others online, right? Not.
1057 replies since 13/8/2020, 00:56   122433 views