Without a Single Clue - The Continuing Saga of Katie Joy and Who is Gonna Sue WOACB PT 2

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  1. Surveillance mode
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    Muffin Tosser
    Muffin Tosser


    It seems strange that KJ and her attorney want to have a judge order that Saltz can't use twitter anymore regarding this case. I do get that KJ feels his tweets and channels covering this are ruining her reputation and channel..keeping the pot stirred at all times, basically, but... honestly KJ herself is largely to blame for constantly keeping this pot stirred, AND, how can she and attorney actually think that ONLY Saltz will be shut down?

    I am just shocked, it really does seem that her attorney is as impulsive as she is, and that is odd.

    I don't know what to think about all these hacking attempts, and weird stuff all over twitter. EDB, mentioned several times that this person (hacker) would have to get some type of code. If that IS correct, then it would seem that KJ may have had some involvement...unless they had successfully hacked into her email account. I have had my email hacked once...I guess it's not all that hard...but honestly I'm confused by this entire thing. KJ just stop. Stop talking about this case, stop tweeting all this crap, just STOP.
893 replies since 17/12/2020, 19:56   33695 views