TimeForAScoldingBecauseYouGuessedWhatImWithholdingLikeJen Pt 211

Riding the Bike to Nowhere

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  1. GivingMyselfGrace
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    Spinach Square
    Spinach Square

    Wandering the globe, searching for my identity

    QUOTE (Meow2 @ 1/15/2021, 06:37 PM)
    QUOTE (The Wookie @ 1/15/2021, 12:10 PM) 
    We're all hanging in there, Jen. We're all working, taking care of families, helping out people in our community, etc. You are the one not hanging in there, Jen. Because when things get tough and you get constrictive criticism, you shrivel up in to a useless ball, nostril flare and try to punish your followers. It's ridiculous. Grow the hell up!

    like millions of others I had my job impacted by COVID and because of the SLOOOOOOWWWWWWWW rollout of the vaccine it could not only affect us pretty badly this year but possibly a little into next :wacko: so I will hang in there while applying and interviewing for job after job since I don't have a rich ex husband to pay my bills! I will certainly think of Jen faffing about in her weird box shaped home deciding whether she should bake more or exercise! her words of encouragement mean so much!

    oh and as I posted in OT I am really needing to get a new car soon and then last week the pump on our well went and we found out we need a whole new well. that'll be around $15,000 at least. we had 2 days without water :) hehe hanging in there though! thanks Jen!

    sorry y'all. really felt the need to vent :blink:

    Sorry for your troubles, hope things improve soon.

    QUOTE (Suzanne’sBiggestFan @ 1/15/2021, 10:35 PM)
    I feel super fucking pissed today that while Jen has not one, but TWO! healthy children who she neglects, I got diagnosed with a blighted ovum miscarriage at what I THOUGHT would be a routine 8 week OB appt. FUCK YOU HARD Jen. Appreciate what you have, and don’t be such an ingrate all the time.

    So sorry for your loss. I'm another who has been through the same, and it's heartbreaking. And you're right - it's disgraceful the way she behaves toward her children.
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