Tara Henderson: Typically Blush, oils are us, and the nanny is a must!

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  1. pinkumbrella

    Chess Pie
    Chess Pie


    QUOTE (byosnark @ 25/11/2021, 03:41) 
    QUOTE (pinkumbrella @ 11/24/2021, 07:16 AM) 
    does your son have aspergers? he sounds just like mine, no delays or late talking, hit all milestones on time. it was the same thing for us, the social aspect, that started giving red flags. he was formally diagnosed in july this year. i know the term aspergers is no longer used but that’s what our psych and paed told us it was.

    My son was diagnosed with Level 1, but sadly, I think his autism is more severe than what would be or would have been considered as Aspergers. He does have some delays. He gets OT, PT, and ST. We did ABA until shortly after he started kindergarten. He's in a mainstream classroom, has no intellectual disabilities, he's very bright, but he has a lot of struggles.

    He did develop normally with the exception of walking. He walked shortly after his first birthday, but the way he progressed to walking was weird.

    The big red flag was his misuse of pronouns.

    I feel like my son might have a chromosomal disorder. We just got approved for chromosomal testing, so we will see.

    not to derail the snark into an asd parents conversation, but how did he misuse pronouns? my kid refers to himself by his first name, not i. our paed said that can be a flag.

    our paed wrote us a referral for chromosomal testing but we haven’t done it yet. combination of lockdowns and having no time plus he panics at the idea of needles and screamed blue murder when we took him for his 4 year old shots. so yeah it hasn’t happened yet. but i would be interested to see if anything comes up. we did nipt when i was pregnant with him but that only tested for a few chromosomal things plus downs, all of which came back fine.

    do you or your partner have asd or does it run in your families? nobody diagnosed in either of ours but that doesn’t mean anything, i’m sure he’s got it from one or both of us.

    our child was diagnosed as level 2, but they do that here (i’m in australia) so you can acces government funding for therapies. the paed said he’s probably more like level 1 but they give you 2 so you can access the funding. mine currently does OT and speech therapy once a fortnight each. he starts school next year so we are trying to prepare him as best we can. i’m worried about his
    ability to focus as he comes across as not listening (his working memory and fluid reasoning came up as quite low in his cognitive assessment), otherwise his intelligence is normal for his age.

    QUOTE (Karen Walker @ 25/11/2021, 05:34) 
    QUOTE (byosnark @ 25/11/2021, 03:41) 
    My son was diagnosed with Level 1, but sadly, I think his autism is more severe than what would be or would have been considered as Aspergers. He does have some delays. He gets OT, PT, and ST. We did ABA until shortly after he started kindergarten. He's in a mainstream classroom, has no intellectual disabilities, he's very bright, but he has a lot of struggles.

    He did develop normally with the exception of walking. He walked shortly after his first birthday, but the way he progressed to walking was weird.

    The big red flag was his misuse of pronouns.

    I feel like my son might have a chromosomal disorder. We just got approved for chromosomal testing, so we will see.

    Good luck with the chromosomal testing. I'm going through the asd diagnostic process with my 20 month old right now. She had multiple indicators on a screen recently and we just ruled out hearing loss today. The girl has perfect hearing, she just doesn't respond to her name or she doesn't say anything. She's never said mama. Now we're just waiting on the final piece, an evaluation by a developmental neurologist. There's a part of me that's really hoping that she's just the late talker. But then the special education teacher part of me who is just waiting for the doctor to say it.

    hugs, you’re in the hardest bit, neither here nor there and waiting for news. even when you get told the news, it’s almost a relief because finally you know what you’re dealing with and have answers for things that have been hard to explain otherwise. wishing for the best outcome for you and your daughter x
1625 replies since 5/6/2021, 23:49   397010 views