YouGetACar!YouGetACar!EveryoneGetsACar!_IdiotLikeJen Pt. 373

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  1. GrandmaSophia
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    Sugar Coma
    Sugar Coma


    I can remember going to Volksmarches with military friends and my husband and my older children. It was so fun to share that time with them and the kids were more excited to get a medal at the end of the walk and we had dinner together. Jen is wasting so much of her life ALONE! What kind of memories, family memories will she have when she is in her 70's? Not many. She is doing this to herself and to her kids. So glad that Donny and CC have Don and Tens and their step-siblings and extended family to hang out with when they are not trapped at home with their mother. Jen needs to realize that all of these expensive trips is not going to bring her long-term happiness. Just seeing how she was in the video you can tell she was happy for five seconds and then bitched about having to spend more money on the virtual race and she even mentioned that you do pay for the medals. After thinking about it, the expense of it all, I think for a moment, she actually "got it!" She is dumb and will continue spending Don's money on stupid races that she has already done.
883 replies since 5/11/2022, 23:22   102641 views