Tom Mills: A piece of crap, living in a shack wearing a kiddie cop hat! Pt. 30

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  1.     +4   Like  

    Lumpy Frosting
    Lumpy Frosting


    QUOTE (DisneyFan @ 11/5/2023, 12:03 AM) 
    The girls room will never be finished. I hope for privacy sake drapes or shades were installed. Eden asked about them not long after Andreas death. How difficult would it be to complete that task?

    I agree! Tommo always makes the same time!!! Well I don't accept that. The boys take care of everything that needs taking care of in the house and yard. So Tommo is gonna have to learn to make time for the important stuff. He makes time to take naps and talk to his GF. But I guess he doesn't care to make time to do the monthly shopping on time?

    He pulled up the rug in the bathroom because Cinderella apparently told him it "was gross". He got a new rug for the living area by the couch. That is not enough. Remember when he said he had plans drawn up to add a big living room and a "school room"??? And he said how the town okayed it all after he made some changes to the plans they needed made? So......when is he gonna start construction? Its almost winter there now. So its not gonna happen in 2023. I bet it doesn't happen in 2024 either. Or ever!

    In the last live dinner he said he was still going back and forth about all that and nothing was decided yet and blah blah blah!!! I bet he wants to wait until she actually marries him. Maybe he is scared he will spend money to add on to the house and she wont marry him? So he is waiting until she is Mrs Mills before he spends a dime on the house???

    Its gonna be crazy if Cinderella and her three "undisciplined" kids move in there with Miss Hannah and Miss Sophia competing for "Daddy's" affection 24/7. There isn't room to turn around in the house right now. Add three "undisciplined" kids and Cinderella in there.......OMG its not gonna be good.

    I wonder if Asher and Judah are ok about him remarrying now? If they are not, OMG its not gonna be good.
  2.     +8   Like  

    Chess Pie
    Chess Pie


    Dream Big Unless Cinderella pays for it, I doubt he'd expand that house. He wants to trap her and say if it was good enough for Andrea, then it should be good enough for her. He already shows no signs of being a good provider for her and her family. The only thing he ever said about her kids was that they were undisciplined. He never said they were adorable, fun, he enjoyed them, etc.. He will not be a father to them. They'll be annoying kids in his house. He's barely able to bond with his own kids. How can he bond with hers?

    Cinderella, open your eyes. Remember that snarky comment "sweet girl" Hannah made about Claudia on a LIVE? Tom said Claudia was good at the recorder and Hannah said, "No she's not". This sort of behavior will filter down to your sweet little ones when she tries to overshadow them, tries to get the attention away from them, and when she puts them down too. She wants to be the baby and the favorite.
  3.     +2   Like  

    Protein Pancakes
    Protein Pancakes

    In a hickory nut tree.

    Sophia, Claudia and Hannah will be teenagers at the same time. He will have his hands full when the hormones heightens their personalities. I can recall one mom of 3 teenage girls saying that she needed to buy stock in feminine hygiene products, Midol, and acne medicine companies. That was years ago nowadays the cost of those products has quadrupled. She didn’t even mention how many pairs of underwear that needed to be replaced. Of course if he is still filming, he will show a cartload of personal items the girls will need. In addition, if he has to make an emergency run to Diehl’s he will complain about the cost. Mom was so happy that she only had one daughter. She later told me I wasn’t that bad but one was enough.
  4.     +4   Like  

    Chess Pie
    Chess Pie


    Teens in general are expensive. My daughter is expensive because she likes all the stuff. She likes her designer clothes. She has all the face creams.. more than I do.. not for acne but for even skin tone and whatever. She won't use sulfate shampoo or body wash. She loves her organizing containers. All of her hangers had to match so we had to buy her all new. And sports cost a small fortune!! I'm telling you, Midol would be the least of my worries. LOL!!

    My son also gets the designer clothes and I get him good hair shampoo and acne stuff. He's a bit less demanding but he does like his video games and add on packs.

    School actually ends up costing a lot because they always need money for something. Going out with friends. Food at the ball game. Teachers come up with projects on a whim and we have to run out and buy stuff for it. It's to the point I can't even keep a budget because these unplanned expenses are so frequent and great. I gave myself a miscellaneous category and try to keep it high.

    I hope Tom's girls will be in public school and enjoying all these things even if they have to get a part time job to do it.
  5.     +4   Like  

    Lumpy Frosting
    Lumpy Frosting


    Hannah's birthday party video (from last May) is posted. Before anyone asks, the extra kids in the video are Ami's children.
  6.     +5   Like  

    Spinach Square
    Spinach Square


    I wonder if they have ever washed the birthday tablecloth after all these birthdays. There must be cake, ice cream and a lot of craft supplies on it.
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    Sugar Coma
    Sugar Coma


    Watched the first 20 minutes of Hannah’s Birthday Vlog. Typical Tom title which starts with the word “I” as in what “I” bought (all about Tom). This is where Hannah gets the expensive bike & blow up water slide. At least when the focus is on Hannah, she’s not talking constantly. She didn’t really look very excited though. Hannah needed to be reminded to say Thank You multiple times. Even a three year old could probably do better when it comes to using please & thank you. Another Tom failure. Not cute.
  8.     +3   Like  

    Lumpy Frosting
    Lumpy Frosting



    Hannah’s 5th birthday was in May. It only took No Time Tom 6 months to publish the video online. 😳
  9.     +5   Like  

    Sugar Coma
    Sugar Coma


    Hannah’s BD Vlog:
    20 year old Asher slides down the blow up slide. 18 year old Judah appears to have just finished doing the same when “Daddy” reminds him to remove his belt as it may have sharp edges. If I was an employer near Moorcroft, this video alone would convince me not to hire Asher or Judah. Poor judgement on their part although I suspect they were being lead to play on the kiddie slide by Tom. Sad. Embarrassing.
  10.     +6   Like  

    Lumpy Frosting
    Lumpy Frosting


    What a lackluster party! Hannah was very entitled and even gave attitude a few times. There was no joy or excitement in her for anything she received. She just tossed stuff aside as she opened it. Did everyone catch when she got the kitty head shaped purse, she opened it and then said "NOTHING'!! She has become exactly like Tom. Looking for money and EXPECTING IT. I would be so embarrassed if one of my kids acted that way.

    A subscriber sent some things and Tom HAD to read the card. it said "you are very special to your Daddy" I almost want to think Tom sent it. But imagine reading that in front of your other little girls? How very sad that the favoritism is announced for all to hear and that people are sending things to reinforce that. The only one who showed enthusiasm and excitement was CLAUDIA, poor girl having to see Hannah get a bike before she did. (Or did she get a bike and i missed it?)

    The bouncy house was NOT supposed to be for Judah and Asher. Matter of fact their weight could shift the house and make it dangerous for the little ones. But they do it on purpose to get a rise out of people. Judah made a point of talking about HOW DANGEROUS the knife was Tom used to cut the cake. He was trolling the subscribers again. If they don't like people telling them to be careful with things then why are they on you tube? To me it was egotistical and wise assed to say that. But we know Asher and Judah are just like Daddy and will be losers just like him as well. Everything is funny until real life hits.

    Even Kitty said to Judah "YOU are saying a knife is dangerous" so it was obvious it was meant to be a smart ass remark.

    Tom, Asher, and Judah AGAIN did the little kid activities with them. Yep, they make nasty remarks to the audience but none of them have girlfriend, a job, social life, or friends.

    Tom kept trying to get Hannah to ride the bike but she has no strength in her legs and could not even push the pedals properly. At 5 she should be able to just pedal normally.

    Tom NEVER measures the height correctly, he always points the pen upward and adds another inch! He said Hannah grew 4 inches!

    Boring, sad, grifting video. Same old thing from the Mills FRAT HOUSE.
  11.     +3   Like  

    Chess Pie
    Chess Pie


    I haven't watched any of the vlogs for a long time but I caught part of the live. His food supply doesn't seem to go down very much so what are they eating? The girls were underfoot and acting ugly so he told them to go upstairs and whoever could draw the best picture of Walmart could go with him to Walmart. He also stated a bunch of the kids would be getting jackets. Somehow I think that doesn't include Solly. Solly may have developed an aversion to jackets, but he had one as a kid and Tom is the parent and should make him wear one on the coldest of days.

    He also said he hasn't gone through the cereal because he makes them use up what's in the cereal dispenser first and they won't use it up. What a punk. Those kids are already scrawny and food-deficient. If they don't like what is in there, I'm sure it's only going to get older and more stale just sitting there!! Ugh!
  12.     +2   Like  

    Sugar Coma
    Sugar Coma


    Great title!
  13.     +8   Like  

    Lumpy Frosting
    Lumpy Frosting


    Two videos in one day, such a treat and it would seem, from reading the comments, that none of the new subscribers understand much of anything and most assumed today was Hannah's birthday. Perhaps these simple souls live in home lacking the benefit of windows? Or maybe they're all coincidentally from Australia where it is indeed late spring?

    The format was the same, with the birthday child sitting in front of the presents while overbearing Daddy droned on about what a marvel he is and describing gifts before they're even opened. But this time, Tom repeated that he needed to stop his habit of doing this - before in his very next breath, doing it.

    Hannah remained stony faced throughout but did show mild interest in the Barbie doll and in the large cat pillow. However, Judah was more enthusiastic about the new toys for him to play with and Asher was interested in flicking Hannah's hair over and over, interspersed with bashing Sophia round the head with a balloon.

    Those boys offered the only lively behaviour throughout the video.

    There seemed to be fewer family guests at the 'party' than previous times. Tom barked his instructions before allowing the craft session to start and this time, not only did Asher and Judah play, but so too did Tom. He was keen to show off his creation. Everyone else just sat and silently made their bookmark until it was time for Hannah to whine again. They went to Applebees but there was no filming of that. I wonder did he march in carrying his jar of peanut butter?

    Did anyone else note the brief silence from the younger children when Tom wheeled out Hannah's new bike? I felt i detected an air of weary resignation from them and even some frustration when Hannah refused to be grateful or excited but just stared at it. Later, her poor body tone and isolation from the world was evident when she had no idea how to pedal her bike.

    Sophia kept trying to encourage her sister to be pleased, asking her, 'Hannah, how does it feel to have your own new bike? Hannah, is it great to have a new bike?' and not once did Hannah respond.

    When the inflatable water park was being set up, I actually thought the water would be connected to it and was puzzled to see everyone dash out fully clad. But no, it was just inflated and there to be broken by the older toddlers, Asher and Judah. Again, I just can't imagine any other young men of their age wanting to play like that. Not only did they look ludicrous but could have hurt a small child or simply damaged the inflatable. Tom stood by and guffawed.

    The party ended soon enough and what a contrast to normal people's 5-year old celebrations! No shrieking, no giggles , no messing around, no joyous Thank Yous! In fact there were no thanks whatsoever other than a few after Tom tried to insist. This was back in the spring and we've all seen how Hannah's behaviour and attitude has worsened by the week.

    In fact, the next video showed clearly how Hannah has become boorish, demanding, rude and quite horrible and impervious to Tom's weak entireties to be nice. She has adopted the family low monotone which is most unattractive and the more so in such a small child.

    Tom's patented shopping list and his pencil (he'll graduate to a pen once he's mastered printing his letters and numbers neatly) were brought out and it was some minutes into the video before he acknowledged the comments saying the video quality was awful. HOW does he do this every single time? He's meant to be a computer nerd, to quote his own boasting!

    Tom wondered if such a thing existed as boy AND girl toiletries. The thought was so deep, he had to grip the edge of the sink while he wrestled with the possibilities. He gave up, though. The friction from rubbing his brain cells so hard was raising his temperature and his next thought went straight to the dire side effects from Ibuprofin.

    Back on safer ground, he dredged up the explanation for his Athlete's foot predicament. It was all down to the restaurant he worked at during his youth. I have forgotten which chain he mentioned. There had been a cooking oil spill which soaked into his footwear and that was it - damaged for life from contamination because this restaurant uses athlete's foot-germs in its oil.

    Scarily, I think he believes himself on this and neither sees nor hears the absurdity. It's a Fact. Well, let's face it, there's room a-plenty in his brain for all sorts of nonsense, seeing as he's never burdened himself with growing or nurturing brain cells nor in absorbing common knowledge. His brain may not be a verdant garden of fascinating facts or of dynamic ideas but like most deserts, it does sustain some life.

    He's thinking, for instance, of buying winter coats for some of the kids. That includes the oldest toddlers, Asher and Judah.

    I bet he hasn't thought it's a bit late to nip down to Walmart and return with a set of matching jackets. Or any, come to that.

    Or that, to go along with the jackets he might spring for hats, gloves, boots, winter clothes and, God forbid, do it all before next spring?
  14.     +6   Like  

    Lumpy Frosting
    Lumpy Frosting



    Purchasing jackets for everyone would be challenging for Tom. Tom doesn’t understand sizes well and those darn colors are so hard to find. 😳😳😳

    Plus has anyone heard…….Tom has no time.
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    Sugar Coma
    Sugar Coma


    Shopping List Vlog:
    I believe Tom walked right pass the office down to the basement without checking to see if any office supplies were needed. Tom finally got fed up with 3 girls underfoot after the first 35 minutes of the video & sent them upstairs. Solomon was playing video games & started crying because his brothers keep “killing” him off. Tom yelled to Solomon that he didn’t care how many times he was being “killed”. Sophia at the beginning of the video was opening her mouth and moving her tongue around. Probably picking up the bad habit from Hannah.
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