Darlene the Delete Queen, erased her past so it wouldn't be seen. A new fresh start she says is happening, but all her fewd is mush & fattening Pt. 42

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  1.     +12   Like  

    Hoe Wheat Bread
    Hoe Wheat Bread


    i find it so telling that she talks about what she watches on yt
    and not one word about seeing GF etc. its all about watching stuff on TV YT and all the socials.
    So until she figures that out ? she will not change.
    Her purpose is sad.
    Get out of the house ffs. join some clubs. get off socials.

    also, she sees the woman walking walking and yet DAR doesnt once say she will be walking walking lol
    why not go WALK with that lady. Nope she will just watch. IDIOT !

    what I ate in a day
    I think she let us know how much SHE does weight right now=

    she said she would be over 400lbs, mentions earlier- put back on the 20 lbs you lost plus 5 or 10lbs. so add taht up its 30 lbs 400-30= 370lbs give or take.

    I have to laugh cause I guess ages ago when she did go to gym etc she lost 20 lbs but why she stopped going is never explained? she was looking kinda good and well. now? its 30+lbs if not more since then. so she is either right on the boarder of being 400lbs or close to it. just me making guesses.

    so 4 YEARS ago. is her lie. blah blah

    She just LOVES to talk and preach and lie. EXCUSES galour. and she has some nerve speaking about her view of the pandemic and how put out she was- poor me!! excuses. that was FOUR years ago so whats your excuses now? lol last april you lectured and now a year later lecturing again! UGH lose the weight ffs and STFU !

    ozempic etc is SO SO SO expensive and its not always covered under insurance even with a dr NOTE they dont pay the whole amount we are talking $1000's here with out insurance for a month or two supply. and hundreds of dollars IF covered. so a huge expense so maybe just maybe this explains her long azz videos of late.

    looked and looked in a mirror and yep we look at you in disgust as well. NOT because of your weight DARLENE because of the LIE that IS Darlene Travis !!! we look at you with disgust because of HOW you treated AND treat your son. FULL STOP! we look at you with disgust because of the lies you tell about EVERY Member of your family BUT eXpecially your words about your mother and your lies about her and your lack of care towards her to YA Join the club DARLENE !

    Also you cant just get weight loss surgery you first have to go on a VERY strict weight loss plan prior. I have two friends who did it.

    so both her tik tok people live in the USA. for me ? Id watching canadian content BECAUSE we cant get all the food recommendations etc that the USA has. so its a none starter for me. in that regard.

    how can you NOT Laugh when Dumbo DAR compares herself to a 25 yr old that took hold of her life and changed it. she is incorrigible, ya calorie counting and restricting and DAR SAYS THIS? uh huh in agreement! just WOW Dar, like she has lost any significant amount of weight? !! HAHAHA :toothless-chuckle-smiley-emotic

    didnt she buy MORE capris last year? so why lie it was 2 years ago? and then more lies that last april and may she was losing weight but those capris didnt fit her at the end of s ummer. WELL of course they didnt lol you lied to your channel friends AND yourself.

    Im sorry but when someone uses some kind of accent THREE times? to describe her hopes for weight loss= its a joke and a lie. SPEAK NORMALLY WTF is that ?

    Where is the WATER? lol

    Anyone else roll their eyes when the salad came out ???? we havent seen a salad in months and months but NOW? yep salads are the best ! makes no sense. I did look this up . yes I have some time on my hands today ;) this is not her so I highly doubt she is prepping for surgery.

    How to prepare for weight loss surgery:
    Begin and maintain a workout routine to reach and keep your weight loss goals.
    Lower your daily calories to a range between 1200-1500 calories (or in a range discussed with your doctor).
    Avoid consuming caffeinated beverages approximately one month prior to surgery.

    Im not bragging but I have NOT being thru a drive thru in years. I dont get her NEED for them. She needs to at least stop that bad habit. Waste of money and highly doubtful anything is considered a good weight loss food.
    NOW she had lost say 60+ lbs and had no choice then perhaps but to start off THIS JOURNEY doing egg bites at a drive thru? its laughable.

    I wonder if she KNOWS how much protein she should have in a day for her AGE cause as women age we need to up our protein. and I have learned that just in the last year. I was always so tired at dinner time then we would eat and I had energy to burn. Realized holy crap Im still taking in the same amount of protein when i was 10 yrs younger so I upped my protein choices so IM not dead tired at 5pm n such. just a heads up for those that dont realize this. Just sharing :))))

    OH LORD !!!! those salads and those chicken bites. W T F ? WAIT WHAT? she isnt going to eat the whole salad ? SO Why put the dressing on the whole salad? it will be ruined, soggy. so dumb ALSO said she is focusing on serving sizes but on the chicken it said 3 pieces was a serving size SHE USED FIVE !! ya setting yourself up for failure. this is SO Fun !
    oh wait she realized her mistake and now its only 3, so she says. now its four lol UGH SCISSORS used to cut up the chicken. eweew

    im sorry but why not throw that chicken and left over salad into the extra you made? WHY cause there is NOT EXTRA! IMO.


    so she went back to her pop addiction. well are WE surprised? Nope and shows the lies she told her channel. small pop i drink one once in a wh ile she would say. LIAR !

    WOW who knew if you drink MORE water INSTEAD OF POP you would pee more. she is so so dumb.

    so its FOUR days? I thought she said 2 weeks. beginning of April. she lies.

    so she cant even say she will continue drinking water? how bizarre. DRINK THE WATER YOU FOOL !

    ugh why do we have to hear about EACH thing she ate ffs . this is so long just wrap it up ffs !

    Anyone NOTICE her mouth and her tight lip thing, that is new. not sure what that is about ? is it her TELL? She does that, its a lie she is saying? its def something new and its annoying UGH yet another thing! I cant help notice things like that its so ME ! lol

    good lord the faces she is pulling, pls stop ! and stop with the lecturing tone. DARLENE you did 3/4 days of watching what you eat THAT Is nothing. let us know when you are in june and still doing the same thing. Hate this about her! she is an expert now. UGH

    no one else will like this chicken bites and thats just fine with her. MINE MINE MINE ! ya figure out WHAT you can hoard for yourself. figure that out, is what she means.


    more stupid accent talking. about water whatever DAR. I drink water constantly its not a NEW thing you twat. YOU are on the wrong end, everyone knows water is where its at! U eat consume SO MUCH sodium I cannot believe you arent dying of thirst constantly. SO you reached for pop is what im guessing. I love water but I know im lucky that way.
    try those water flavour things at least, so you do get some water in you, you lame immature grown azz lazy woman. 49 yrs old its hard to believe what comes outta her mouth.

    you feel bloated cause of the amount of salt you eat. SALT = SODIUM Dar incase you dont know that. :snickering: U R retaining water = bloat cause of the SALT !! look it up ! learn !

    IM starting to think she is feeling tipsy in this couch chat. the faces and the accents and the whole OH ah Wooooo. and the arms are a goin.

    she says its been 2 weeks she has been doing this. THIS? and yet she has said so many other times. 3 days, 4 days, 48 hrs, and now 2 weeks. which is it DAR. We all know you are lying but what is worse LYING to yourself, that is WHY you will fail. now stop talking and go walking.
    I am livid I have 10 mins left to watch. :p: :hi-computer-smiley-emoticon: :t0152: :29: :furious:

    HER weakness is 3-4 pm? sorry but its from the time you wake UP til you plop yourself into bed. THAT IS YOUR WEAKNESS !! And as soon as you figure THAT out. nothing will change. your weakness with EATING badly is not 1 hr a day dumbo DAR we know that but sadly again you are lying to yourself. Its not sad actually its HILARIOUS! its train wreck and im here for it :))))

    yep she is drunk OFF HER FACE!!!~ Sorry if im late in realizing it. perhaps she is drunk more than sober during her videos and I dont know sober Dar? HAHA but my gawd. the whole dinner talk is bizarre and the faces? Just go and eat dinner ffs!

    so her two loves in her home dont matter if DAR isnt looking forward to dinner then TOUGH TITTIES ! im not making nuffin! piss off.

    so very sad, looking forward to dinner cause she has NOTHING else to look forward to. and that is the whole issue.

    Dinner, I have nothing to say WE all saw it and know that nothing is good. No reason to buy such n such. again the whole Be aware of what you bring into the house. NOPE she dont care, < my accent.

    Did she drive drunk to the store this day. Im sure she did.

    interesting no mention of hubby in regards to prep. just Andy and herself and two plates. so WHO WANTED BURGERS DARLENE?

    ALSO no linus again, so Im starting to think like you guys, Does stupid take LINUS for visits etc. cause why has he rarely been in the videos? its def odd.

    NO you dont have to have something sweet after dinner. When will she learn? NEVER ! this is again a train wreck waiting to happen and I cannot wait !!

    wow so stupid steve s ounds like that ? what BURGERS I WANT BURGERS. good lord.

    jeeZuz tell me she just didnt DO THAT ! chefs kiss? YEP HAMMERED DARLOSER !! gotta keep those sugars up eh DAR?

    OH NO pls dont. AGAIN with the walking woman. YET !??? Dar doesnt walk anywhere. this is SO Bizarre.

    wait what ? is this the twilight zone? why did she not edit this out ? she said the exact same thing in this video? or was that her coffee chat video cause I just finished it as well, but still edit it out ? omg
    shows she was hammered editing this video as well. WOW Creepy.

    SHe needs to be slapped into next month !! she just compared her self to that women? that she did the same things that DAR Did? GIVE ME A BREAK ! some nerve she has. YA dar the same YET there she is walking every day. YOU? nope !

    She talked to little things here and there ? WTF does that mean. are you seeing things dar? little men or women? IDIOT

    30:26 saying the word EAT ! WHAT was that with her mouth. gross and plastered. RUBBER LIPS are all over this mess of a video !

    so she is putting a TIME LIMIT on this journey HAHAHAHA well that just tells us all we NEED to know.
    NO Life style change at all. she is so so dumb that she thinks THAT is a good idea doing this on her OWN again and putting atime limit NOT realizing that this is a life time journey. She has learned NOTHING!

    30:53/54 another hint she is drunk. wtf was that ? what other stuff have you been dealing with DAR ! do tell.

    intervention yep sort of an odd word choice as its usually applied to people who have a drug and alcohol addiction. but that face is so telling.

    just leave YT Dar pls. pls pls. 29 min mark til the end was just NONSENSE !

    finally done.
  2.     +13   Like  

    Hoe Wheat Bread
    Hoe Wheat Bread


    OH side note just looked at her channel
    and saw a video she posted just 10 days ago.
    weekend in the kitchen
    and not a peep about any of this.
    she said 2 weeks. so who knows.

    not one heart on any comments and ONE response on that video.
  3.     +10   Like  

    Protein Pancakes
    Protein Pancakes


    I don't know what WL drugs cost in Canada or how much/how long provincial health is willing to pay. Of course, I know it's very expensive in the US. I read a story about a US woman who got it prescribed for her pre-diabetes, but her insurance only covered it until her A1C got down into the normal range. After that, they declared her "cured" (as if it works like that), insurance quit covering it, she couldn't afford it otherwise, stopped taking it, and the weight she had lost while on it came right back.

    Ok, I Googled it. It sounds like Ontario is limiting Ozempic only for those diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes. Those without that diagnosis have to pay around $500 a month out of pocket to buy it for weight loss.


    But Darlene has told viewers time and time again she's perfectly healthy, including her blood sugar and cholesterol. 100% healthy, blood work is great, she has only a little hypertension - and, several weeks ago, she said she was able to cut her blood pressure meds by half. She's never remotely implied she has an insulin problem.

    I don't care if people take Ozempic/Mounjaro/whatever. I get irked only if they take it and act like they got their results strictly by their own hard work and not with significant help by a medication that at best removes one's appetite and at worst makes one too nauseated to eat.

    Darlene wouldn't be honest about it because of one of her favorite phrases: "*sigh* everyone has opinions." But why should she care? She'll just delete and block anyone who has a different opinion than hers.

    It would be hilarious to see Dar go from "Chocolate chip banana cake for breakfast works for me!" to "I need Ozempic!" And, yes, her face after weight loss will be quite a sight to see. She'll be tucking her chins into her bra and her breasts into her capri jean pockets.

    I know Dar's not big on living in discomfort and without jumbo muffins, but I feel like something is up.
  4.     +12   Like  

    Protein Pancakes
    Protein Pancakes


    No matter if she has weight loss surgery, or takes a weight loss drug until she addresses the emotional reasons why she overeats and her obsession with food, nothing will work for very long.
  5.     +12   Like  

    Lumpy Frosting
    Lumpy Frosting


    QUOTE (Bubbe @ 19/4/2024, 21:00) 
    No matter if she has weight loss surgery, or takes a weight loss drug until she addresses the emotional reasons why she overeats and her obsession with food, nothing will work for very long.

    Amen. All the weight loss in the world won’t fix her shitty personality and attitude.
  6.     +12   Like  

    Sugar Coma
    Sugar Coma

    Sipping Starbucks and reading the bakery

    Just think about all these food hauls and preps that have been lies. Where is all the junk you have been eating Darlene? When she says 3:00 pick me up, is that her cucumber snacks?
    Years ago I seen a show where a woman was trying to lose weight and they showed a table that they dumped chocolate bars, peanut butter cups, it was a HUGE amount of food that she had been eating. That would be shocking, but more honest.
    Lately, when she bought chips at the store they were always for Andrew??
    I know you all have said this for years,but it really blows your mind to think about all she hides/lies about.
  7.     +12   Like  

    Protein Pancakes
    Protein Pancakes


    It's one thing to say, "I turn to food as a futile attempt to cope with my uncomfortable emotions," or, "I like to snack and I have a sweet tooth I have to battle." That's relatable to many. It's another thing - an insane thing - to say, "Eating cake for breakfast, fried chicken salads, and McDonald's is my weight loss strategy and if you don't applaud it, I will block you."

    Darlene has such a warped belief system about food. She's in denial about it, and that never bodes well for success. She doesn't accept responsibility. Also, I still don't think she frames what she eats as a health issue, not a weight issue. If she focused on healthy choices, the weight loss should happen naturally. She always seems to try to see how much high fat, high sodium, processed garbage she can eat and still lose weight. That sure seemed like her goal during VEDA 2023.

    Whatever. "I ate McDonald's. And I realized that's what people eat - McDonald's!"
  8.     +10   Like  

    Marnie's Cookie Jar
    Marnie's Cookie Jar

    Just chillin'

    QUOTE (Itworksformyfamily @ 19/4/2024, 21:23) 
    QUOTE (Bubbe @ 19/4/2024, 21:00) 
    No matter if she has weight loss surgery, or takes a weight loss drug until she addresses the emotional reasons why she overeats and her obsession with food, nothing will work for very long.

    Amen. All the weight loss in the world won’t fix her shitty personality and attitude.

  9.     +12   Like  

    Marnie's Cookie Jar
    Marnie's Cookie Jar

    Just chillin'

    QUOTE (Chortle2 @ 4/19/2024, 08:23 PM) 
    looked and looked in a mirror and yep we look at you in disgust as well. NOT because of your weight DARLENE because of the LIE that IS Darlene Travis !!! we look at you with disgust because of HOW you treated AND treat your son. FULL STOP! we look at you with disgust because of the lies you tell about EVERY Member of your family BUT eXpecially your words about your mother and your lies about her and your lack of care towards her to YA Join the club DARLENE !

    Yup! What she is on the inside, her treatment of others (especially those who cannot stand up for themselves!), and her lying are the ugliest things about her. I couldn't give a crap what someone looks like. If they are true, honest, considerate, friendly, etc. then I'm drawn to them. I don't have time for lying, fake ass hats.
  10.     +11   Like  

    Muffin Tosser
    Muffin Tosser


    Oh my word, her ladyship is perky today.
    More food and more food.. Im wondering if she is grafting for one of these companies to send her some little gifts just like the big influencers she watches get.
    Still acting like she has to drop and pick up Andrew.. why would she even bother to mention it at all instead of lying.. she says she is out every morning... hmmmm ok
  11.     +14   Like  

    Chess Pie
    Chess Pie


    Warning! Very longwinded, skippable ramble . . :D

    I'm fine now, thanks CAM and agree the quantity of food Darlene supposedly ate in a day didn't add up, or certainly wouldn't for long unless she's being dishonest (imagine, lol!).

    A lot of it was pretty calorie dense but as we've all noted, this was also in the form of too much processed crap which isn't filling for long. So her heavily dressed chicken nugget salad may've been about at least as calorific as say, a cheesy baked potato with plenty of plain salad/veggies, but the latter would be satiating for far longer. Same goes for drinking most of her calories at breakfast or eating 'protein bars', which as Kayla pointed out, are little better than a Snickers at staving off hunger. As for the old insistence on having "sumpthin sweet" after dinner, how come the fresh produce queen isn't going for fresh fruits? That would be far healthier and more filling than another candy bar.

    Darlene's eating habits are akin to those of a spoilt five year old. She should be weaning herself off desserts, crappy 'treats' and processed garbage, not still stamping her feet until she gets plenty, especially now she's discovered her "purpose in life" 🙄

    As I said before, she'll lose weight initially because this diet is still an improvement on muffin mountain. What happens though, when she soon hits the point where it's too many calories for weight loss to continue and she has to reduce her intake?

    If she carries on this way, there'll be no room for reduction because she won't feel full enough. A creamy sweetened coffee and candy bar breakfast is nowhere near as filling as oatmeal with fruit and a few flaked almonds, for example or peanut butter toast. Nor is she learning to move away from processed junk or having to have everything sweetened, which artificial sweeteners still encourage. She can say she's reducing sugar, but Darlene has spent years saying plenty that's plainly lies, including still filling her many daily coffees with that International Delight Zero crap instead of the half and half she mentioned. Although, at least Italian and her nation can start heaving a sigh of relief knowing as the years go by, the only international delight Darlene Travis is ever likely to experience is in her fridge!

    I still laugh just thinking about Darlene's previous nonsense about adventures in Italy once she reaches her infamous "twenty years of happiness", after she dumps Andrew in a home. What a gem coming from the woman who'll be lucky if she's still mobile by then, let alone makes old age. Even funnier considering she never goes anywhere, doesn't get along with her husband and has no interest in art, history or culture, or that she'd enjoy the walking, heat and real Italian food that's typical on such a trip, as much as she enjoys walking, heat and real Italian food right there in Canada!

    Not eating better and just as importantly, not doing anything better with her day than still obsessing over food, won't bring long term weight loss success - Ozempic / surgery or not. She wrote, "DON'T OVER THINK IT" on her menu for the day, then spent the whole day still obsessing over replicating fast food and repeating what she's said many times before about her diets, with the only break being her other obsession - shopping!

    CAM's right though. If Dar does drop significantly more weight at least for a while than she's ever managed before, then Ozempic would explain her being able to stick to the dramatic drop in albeit still unhealthy calories.

    Nice digging too, CAM on the deets about the cost unless you're diabetic.

    Has Dar been given a pre-diabetic diagnosis at least? It would fit her state of health and might be another reason she's picking junk containing artificial sweeteners. If not, would she fork out $500 per month for the drug? I think she might. If that's Canadian dollars, it works out at a bit less too, but either way, she might rationalize the expense kidding herself she'll save that much not buying takeout and as much other junk.

    Darlene has never been one for holding back on buying what SHE WANTS, especially if others have it, even if this means not having money for more sensible purchases. I could see her insisting on joining her TikTok 'friends' and having tantrums until she got her hands on Ozempic, and never mind if this meant adding to the debt the Travisties surely carry.

    Ozempic won't do all the work for her though and she'll still reach that plateau where she's consuming too many calories. An appetite suppressant drug will just take her further along the road than previously, before she still crashes and burns because she's travelling the same road where nothing is "satisfying" unless junk is involved.

    Without switching to plain wholefoods, trying to consume even less of that menu when her weight loss inevitably stalls, clearly won't fill her up at all. The day Dar diets sensibly though, is the day she stops lying or starts doing right by the dogs and her family. So round and round she'll go, whether it's just more of the same nonsense we've seen for years or she goes the medical route.

    The 'What I Eat In A Day' video was wall-to-wall classic Darlene, lies, contradictions, nonsense diet and all. Our fresh produce queen even faux humbly admitted she doesn't like salad, clearly looking for enablement from similarly stupid overweight viewers who can't enjoy veg unless it's dipped in or smothered with salty/sugary junk. Being too lazy to cook or prepare food correctly to even a basic level, does Darlene no favors on the diet train either. Her meals still look inedible even with all the unhealthy junk she adds as she tries to disguise the ruined ingredients. In fact, being lazy (and deceitful) would go a long way in explaining Darlene's miserable existence overall.

    Once upon a time, when Darlene used to openly bitch and whine about her family and pity party about her easy life to camera, I coined the 'Darlazy' moniker, suspecting this level of a piece of work wasn't ever likely to improve in any sphere, including her health "journey", or within the "homemaker", "military wife", "autism mom" "doggo mama" titles she'd grandly awarded herself. Six years later, I was wrong. She's even fatter, her attitude toward others is at best no better and the laziness and conniving is even worse . . . :cant-believe-my-eyes-smiley-emo

    A couple of brave souls in her comments section dared to recommend counselling / Weight Watchers / hobbies / voluntary work as positive alternatives to Darlene's moribund, food obsessed lifestyle but this is nothing new. Folks have told her the same things for years and she's taken no step in any of these directions. Without therapy or any distractions away from her food obsessed day, no amount of medical intervention is going to help her here in the long run either.

    In the end, Darlene's biggest problem is Darlene. Losing weight won't suddenly make her a better or happier human being. A selfish, lazy piece of work will still be a selfish, lazy piece of work whether she's stuck at 400lbs or hitting a post-surgery 140lb low. Her selfish, lazy ways and victim mentality would slowly but surely destroy the gift medical intervention gave her. If she hadn't wiped her channel by then, we'd still be hearing how regaining weight was all down to having been a military wife / Pat's (supposed) dementia / the trauma our martyr suffered during the pandemic and, and, and . . with still zero acknowledgement of Darlene's own role in constantly failing at life.
  12.     +13   Like  

    Hoe Wheat Bread
    Hoe Wheat Bread


    Spot on Hannah!! :cheering-clapping-smiley-emotic

    You ALL are All Over This Fiasco!

    So, this is interesting..... see her face and huge chins here?


    Then, she took this picture of her in the store mirror


    How did she "slim down" (somewhat) from the couch Chat video? SHE DIDN'T. Keeping it real Dar?? I doubt you are!
  13.     +13   Like  

    Muffin Tosser
    Muffin Tosser


    So I am a little behind. I am still working my way through the "what I eat in a day video". Listening to her couch chat at the beginning it is really just a list of excuses as to why she has blown up like a balloon in the last 4-5 years: Depression, anxiety, emotional eater, food addiction, Steve's retirement, kid's getting older, Steve being home all the time, Sarah being away at school, mother's dementia, Andrew's autism, doctor's appointments, the pandemic, bad days, home schooling? (we saw how she screwed that up). So all these things shoved potato chips and Starbucks into Darlene?

    It was interesting she said that they first noticed her mom's dementia during the pandemic. Isn't this the same time she got pissed off about cooking for her mom and said she had to start cooking for herself again? :angry: I am surprised Darlene didn't like cooking for her mother because she just said a few video's ago that she loves to cook for crowds of 10 people. But I guess 10 other people, just not her mom. :rolleyes:

    We get treated to another rendition of Darlene's ancient history where she says she tried "crazy diets" in college. She said in an earlier video this week, that counting calories and watching her fat intake in college worked and she lost weight. There Darlene you just discovered the key to weight loss. It is all about calories in and calories burned! But says "it wasn't healthy or sustainable" because of how little she would eat. It wasn't healthy because you said you were eating rice and "100 calorie snack packs". Yes, Oreo snack packs have no nutritional value and won't fill you up. You could stuff yourself with the fresh produce, you claim to love, for a lot less calories then the crap we usually see you eat.

    When she dieted she would "end up eating things she didn't enjoy" so she could not sustain it. The reality is she likes junk food. She cannot deny herself anything when it comes to food. It's not diet culture or any of the other excuses she offers. It all comes down to Darlene. Darlene's life revolves around satisfying her urges when it comes to eating, drinking and shopping. She has no impulse control at all. How many things like small appliances have we seen that disappear, never to be seen again. We are still waiting for her to wear her red plaid blazer that she impulsively bought.

    She has always claimed her blood work was great (I never believed that). Her doctor saying she "wasn't too far gone" obviously meant her blood work was less than great. She looks like a metabolic mess with all that weight around her middle.

    I think she has decided to lose weight now because she has sized out of the biggest size at Maurice's. Before she would always just buy the next size up. Every spring we see her buy a bunch of new blouses.

    Starts her day with artificially sweetened chemical filled coffee creamer. Why can't she just have her coffee black or with milk? She doesn't "love" coffee. She loves all the sweet add-ins. She doesn't want to change too much at once? God Darlene, you are already 350+ at age 49. You need to make some drastic changes!

    So the next thing she does in the morning is sit at her desk and do a "brain dump" and watch YouTube and tiktok. To mean that means she makes more lists while staring at a screen watching videos about other people losing weight. This would be a great time to go for a walk. She looks down on people for sponsored videos. Does she forget the free soft-drink fridge, the plus-size sexy underwear or the Teddy Blake bags? She is just pissed because she doesn't actually get offered any sponsorships.

    Next, protein coffee. Why is she on a quest for protein? Just eat real food. There is no way that fills her up. She could make a really filling vegetable omelette for 200 calories. She would be full and actually get some nutrients from it. A protein bar? That is not the best way to start your day. She could eat so much more real food instead of that. I do not believe that fills her up. No wonder it doesn't hold her over until lunch, it is not a meal, it is a calorie-laden drink.

    She is having salad with processed chicken bites for lunch. She is not looking at calories?! Look at the calories! She could have an entire roasted or grilled chicken breast instead of those processed bites for way less calories. She liked the chicken breast bite because it "added crunch". Add crunch with more vegetables like carrots or celery. She liked that the chicken made it seem like a fast food meal? isn't that what she should be getting away from? She burned the chicken. I am not surprised. :D: She ate all the chicken and wasted part of the salad.

    In the afternoon she "works on fluids". Still no exercise. If her lunches are working so well for her, why does she need something at 3-4? She wasn't hungry, was feeling "full and satisfied from lunch" but she had something. If you are not hungry, just don't eat. Don't treat food as a "pick me up".

    All this crap about "looking forward" to meals. If her life was not so empty she would not have this need to have food to "look forward to" and "satisfy" her. She has not worked on any of the emotional aspects of her eating, despite saying that is what she did over the last year. Get a life Darlene, maybe then you would stop thinking about food.
  14.     +12   Like  

    Chess Pie
    Chess Pie


    Helloooo frienD. That's supposed to be a great intro? Discusses the comments lol. "continuously be negative"? translation, anyone who might have a decent suggestion and is not kissing her ass. You're not called Dar-delete for nothing.

    What the heck is happening. She's high!


    This obsession she has with manufactured protein is an indication we will NOT be seeing a change in her journey anytime soon!!

    Woke up starving but turns to a 2-inch protein bar to "satisfy" her. She still doesn't get it. Instead of wandering aimlessly through stores she could have been at home making a decent breakfast. Boil an egg Darlene!!

    I think in all the years she's tried to convince us how BUSY she is. She's convinced herself. Still with the "this and that" and "everything going on". And those damned emails lol. Who gets that many emails

    There was no reason she "had to be out all morning" as she put it. She could have been home meal planning, prepping egg bites and veggies or taking a walk OUTSIDE!

  15.     +14   Like  

    Lumpy Frosting
    Lumpy Frosting


    I guess that comment she deleted about getting out of the house and interacting with people really struck a nerve! She mentioned twice about being out more than she has in the past, you know all those friends she checks in with and all the things she’s out and about doing 🙄. Sure Jan…on this day she’s wandering around stores waiting for more stores to open. What a busy day.

    It is interesting she’s obsessed with watching bariatric surgery people on social media, if she truly intends to lose weight through diet and exercise why not follow people doing the same? Tons of WW, Whole30, keto, low carb, exercise content out there. The fact that she’s already trying to justify buying Quest chips, protein drinks, bars and cookies shows it’s not going to work. She’s trying to replace unhealthy food with ‘healthy’ versions and that’s not going to work.
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