BurstingTheSeamsOfMyAllegedSize4JeansLikeJen Pt. 455

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  1. Identifying as Single Mom
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    Lumpy Frosting
    Lumpy Frosting


    I’ve been around long enough to remember her obsession with Tone It Up. Those two girls were MUCH daintier than Jen ever was, and they preached protein and hawked their own protein powder.

    There’s no ballet school that tells the ballerinas to eat more carbs to get more dainty.

    What in the pseudo-feminism does protein have to do with daintiness? You know what a whole lot of men LIKE? When you go out to dinner and you actually order FOOD, not just like a side salad or whatever, to appear dainty. You know what body type is very much in and has been for a long time? The one that includes a butt. Men like something to hold onto.

    Christina Hendricks, Beyoncé, Jessica Rabbit, those are women with CURVES. Jen is just bulky and her body doesn’t have good shape to it. It doesn’t read athletic or strong, it doesn’t read voluptuous, it doesn’t read dainty. And a good chunk of the reason why is the quantity and type of calories she puts in her mouth.

    Her defensiveness over not running in Chicago always cracks me up. She can wear one of those stupid dresses in the Chicago Marathon and nobody would look at her twice. But there are real runners there and she knows that she’ll be in the back of the pack in Chicago, and can’t buy her way into an earlier corral. She doesn’t want Don and the Rosses or her parents or her kids to have the opportunity to see her along the course. It’s either because she knows they won’t come, or she knows they WILL.

    Which is a shame, because some of my favorite memories from when I ran road marathons was when my husband would take our kids and they would move around the course to see me, and I did the same for him on his race days. We had signs and the kids would put out their hand to high five runners. One of my friends did an Ironman and a bunch of our friend group got together to see her in different spots on the course, we had a boom box with us and the athletes loved it because they aren’t allowed to have headphones in that event. Cheering can be a lot of fun!
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