The Gossip Bakery

Votes taken by fiercelyprivate

  1. .
    Ugh why do I even bother with regular nail polish? I’ve been getting my nails done at the salon for years. Anyway, I decided to take a break and start doing them at home for a while. I bought a few nail polishes since all my old stuff was expired.

    Painted them today and even after waiting ages for them to dry, they ended up smudged. F$&K!!!! Why did I even bother?!?!
  2. .
    The regret must hit her like a tidal wave around the holidays.
  3. .
    It’s so creepy how she has to hang the Jennifer stocking beside the Donald one. It’s misery. Misery is what’s aged her.
  4. .
    I’m not sure I believe she asked the kids anything about Winnie. SHE wanted to put the stocking out but at the same time needed to “put the blame” on someone else in case people questioned the sanity of it. It’s just like when she said Charlotte insisted that Jen needs a stocking too (or whatever she claimed the kid said).
  5. .
    Is that what that was? I thought she was thumping her chest a la Celine Dion.
  6. .
    I’m practising gratitude today.

    I’m grateful that she didn’t throw up her usual peace sign ✌️
  7. .
    A new Christmas tree for a living room that’s stood empty for the past 3 (4?) years. A perfect representation of her fucked up priorities and questionable decision making.
  8. .
    What’s the point? What even is the point of that tree in an empty living room with wonky window treatments?
  9. .
    The good old funeral parlour :lol:
  10. .
    It’s the shitty fit and installation for me.
  11. .
    You didn’t pivot, Jen. It’s Donald and the Rosses who pivoted. Far away from you.
  12. .
    Her window treatments are awful. What is this?!?!

  13. .
    She looks disgusting.
  14. .
    She is FORTY!!! I’m 43 and I won’t even begin to describe how different my existence is to hers. She’s not of this planet.
  15. .
    She is unhinged. I can’t with her today.
15035 replies since 29/7/2016