The Gossip Bakery

Posts written by Meow2

  1. .
    QUOTE (Aloner Like Jen @ 4/27/2024, 11:06 AM) 
    It’s a jar of tap water that she left outside overnight four years ago to let the moon’s energy charge the water in order to do some woo woo magic for her.

    honestly how did she end up this weird
  2. .
    QUOTE (GrownUpStickerBook @ 4/26/2024, 08:23 PM) 
    So I’m going to switch up my career path. I’m going to set up a camera and film myself doing my mundane daily chores. From time to time I’ll stop and point the camera at my ungroomed self and yammer about nothing of substance, then show a sped up sequence of the actual boring work. You can all watch for the price of a coffee—you know, help me keep the lights on. Just don’t expect them to be on during filming—that was never promised as a perk of being in my community.

    I hope you'll do lives that are exactly one hour long and not a second more! at the 59 minute mark: "wellguysIgottawrapthisupandgohahahabye"
  3. .
    MOON WATER? wtf…?

    man the unhealthy relationship she has with her body is *very* obvious in this video
  4. .
    QUOTE (Conventional Lemons @ 26/4/2024, 17:24) 
    Inspired by fiercelyprivate turning it into a verb...


    I love this 😆
  5. .
    how is she claiming to have hair all over her bathroom?? from what???
  6. .
    QUOTE (BarefootNightmares @ 4/25/2024, 09:30 PM) 
    Y'all nasty. Jen only fellates baked goods now.

  7. .
    someone needs a timeout for that post


  8. .
    QUOTE (Good Morning Friends @ 4/25/2024, 03:13 PM) 

    I'm getting caught up and this made me :hearty-laugh: I read it in his voice

    I have to admit that after a million years of watching Jen I think she has finally inspired me! it's time to start exercising more. 40 will be here soon and things aren't the same. I do eat better than her so there's that . I don't want to be waddling around or huffing and puffing on an easy hiking trail :lol: thanks Jen!
  9. .
    I saw some comments on reddit that she talked about her parents (again) :rolleyes: implying they are jealous or shocked that she's successful or something like that?! I don't feel like sitting through the video to listen lol but I can't believe how she continues to be so delusional

    you're awful and your mom is awful. I'm sure no one is innocent in this situation. I'd love to hear Greta's point of view of this feud though
  10. .
    getting a new thread started
  11. .
    please keep this rule in mind - ESPECIALLY when it comes to a young child:

    6. Use good judgement when it comes to discussing extended family members who don’t feature heavily in an influencers’ videos.

    new thread
  12. .
    wtf is all this croissant shit? I eat a banana every morning…should I start posting about it?

    QUOTE (ZenJen @ 25/4/2024, 18:27) 
    I was on the fence about the Paris trip, but I’m on board now with all the freaking croissant pictures. 🙄

    ditto. she’s such a fucking dork
  13. .
    QUOTE (Meow2 @ 22/4/2024, 00:39) 
    any guesses as to what those jeans smell like? :toothless-chuckle-smiley-emotic

    if anyone is wondering yes I regret asking this question :sorry_smiley: :very-sad-smiley-emoticon:
  14. .
    wait what?? if she goes somewhere as far away as Paris are we supposed to forget that very recently she had to be with her babies because they needed her? she couldn't travel because all of the CHAOS thrown her way? she didn't know if/when she'd be back to traveling :( please respect my privacy :( so much going on...

    this asshat better be going to Paris, Texas instead
  15. .
    QUOTE (ColdOne @ 22/4/2024, 17:24) 
    She is SO punchable in the first few seconds. Smug loser.


    looks like I have a new favorite gif to hate
20978 replies since 29/7/2016