The Gossip Bakery

Posts written by lena3

  1. .
    The thought of spending $2500 at H&M makes me nauseous. I’ve bought a dress and about 3 sweatshirts from there. I love the sweatshirts.

  2. .
    Jen overcomplicates and overthinks EVERYTHING. Because of this, I predict her tattoo will be small, boring, and lame.
  3. .
    Those jeans are Vagina Leggings 2.0.
  4. .
    That dress is horrific.
  5. .
    Those medals look so childish. Both of my sons ran track and won plenty of medals. My oldest competed in the state track meet-10th fastest runner in the state. You know where their medals are? Hanging from the door knobs of their closet. Actual, real competitive awards that they earned not fake plastic participation medals.

    Jen had and still does have all of the money to make her life as a parent very easy. Because she doesn’t want to spend money on her actual children, she makes her life difficult. I’m one of the poors, and I’m most certain that my adult sons had a far better childhood with my cager and me than her children with her.

    Another of Jen’s mistakes early on is trying to imitate Tensleigh. She should have just been the best Jen that she could be. This Jen sucks.
  6. .
    Watching someone truly enjoy their life must be exhausting for Lisa. Hanging out with Sheila has to open Lisa’s eyes to the fact that she lives a sad, boring existence-in-person shopping, online shopping, and drive-thru eating. Lisa LITERALLY has nothing else going on in her life.

    Sheila, on the other hand, plays pickleball, rides ATVs, has a successful jewelry business, and (what appears to be) a lovely home.

    Lisa HAS to see how pathetic her life is. She must be walking around her house thinking…how did I get here?
  7. .
    I really like Sheila’s dress and bag. Lisa’s sister wife dress and ratty flip flops go perfectly with the ratty hair.

    The sight of Lisa on an ATV or playing pickle ball would have been a joy to behold. Alas, it will not be Lisa. She doesn’t like to sweat. Or do anything crazy.

    Like you all, I can’t believe her fashion choices. I bet that I could go to her closet and pull out decent, weather appropriate outfits with matching shoes, sunglasses, and bags.

    Lisa. Make a Keto Pizza Bowl. Thank me later.
  8. .
    I would seriously consider divorce if my husband took me on a vacation like that. It is well-known that I do NOT like outdoor activities. My husband knows that we need a balance of outdoor activities that he would like and indoor activities that I would like. That way BOTH of us would enjoy OUR vacation.

    There does not appear to be any such balance when M&M take vacations. It’s always things that Michael likes, and Marnie is just along for the ride. There is no way that I would go golfing with my husband and just watch him golf. Or sit in the hotel room for hours waiting on him to finish. I would do my own thing then meet him later for a really nice lunch or dinner.

    Their relationship is so odd to me. There’s no give and take.

    Finally, I still can’t get over the reality of that sand sledding clip. I can’t stop watching and :hearty-laugh:
  9. .
    I live in Houston. It’s freaking 98 today. No one here is thinking about fall. Hell, most of the country is not thinking about fall. That Ellie Mae Clampett outfit is TERRIBLE.
  10. .
    I grew up in hurricane country and actually rode one out as a kid (we didn’t evacuate). It wasn’t bad, but we were always prepared just in case. I had a former co-worker that DROWNED during a tropical storm trying to get home. You don’t play around with this stuff. We lived in a place (@ 6 years) that had blizzards and snowstorms. I prepared for those just like I did for hurricanes. We just added blankets to the list.

    Alex is colossally STUPID. California is not prepared for a hurricane any more than my home state was prepared for the big freeze in 2021. Even in a tropical storm, power could be out for weeks. Roads impassable. It’s not “woke” to be prepared for the long haul. If nothing bad happens then eat the food (or donate it) and drink the water. Preparation for natural disasters are good common sense.

    Never mind. This is Alex and Jason. They don’t have two brain cells to rub together.
  11. .
    I’m glad that I’m not the only that thinks Harper didn’t pick out her shoes. The matching backpack and lunch bag are granny looking. The dress does not look like anything Harper would wear.

    I’m a boy mom (no daughters), and my husband and I always made a big deal about new school clothes/shoes/backpacks. We never got much, but I don’t recall them not wanting to wear their new stuff. Clearly, none of this was of Harper’s choosing.
  12. .
    I take a shower about 10 minutes after I workout because I have to put up my dumbbells, mat, and anything else that I use. It feels so good to shower and get the sweat off of me. I do NOT get working out and going to bed. Her sheets and pillows must reek.

    I’m also surprised Jen hasn’t gotten some funky, nasty yeast infection. :sick:
  13. .
    Skunk and bootyhole almost took me out!

    I also have a workout set-up at home. I have 3 YouTubers that I like, and I stick to those. I don’t miss the gym at all.
  14. .
    Lisa has no clue how to put an outfit together. I’m all for personal style. But…C’MON! A pantsuit and flip-flops. Surely, Lisa just forgot to change her shoes. This woman owns a ton of heels, Gucci loafers, and those plastic stripper sandals and chooses to pair Havianas with a pantsuit. Aren’t flip flops for the rain?

    You all are so right. It’s August. MOTO JACKET TIME!
  15. .
    Before I lost weight, I wore a L/XL or 14/16. I didn’t care what the tag said because I wanted to look good in clothes. The last thing I wanted was to look like a busted can of biscuits.

    That’s Jen right now…a busted can of biscuits. Too small clothes only make you look bigger. Jen has the funds and time not to look like THAT. I don’t understand how being dirty and unkempt is a good thing. She needs to stop trying to be so anti-Mrs. Ross 2.0. It’s not a good look.

    Oh, and get your toes fixed, Jen.
3924 replies since 30/7/2016