The Gossip Bakery

Posts written by ColdOne

  1. .
    I actually saw a young, stylish woman wearing a locket yesterday. If Jen heard about a trend before me, I will have to re-evaluate my life!!
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    QUOTE (two!muchstuff @ 9/13/2016, 12:04 AM) 
    Maybe in the future Jen's house will be advertised as the house that hasn't been changed since the early 2000's - that is, if they stay there until they retire. I really don't think Jen and Don think their house is anything other than perfect just the way it is. Jen said in an old video that she loved every part of it and the only thing she'd do to change it would be to add a deck out from their bedroom.

    I think this is the exact same way Jen feels about CC--she's blissfully ignorant to the head shape and any delays.
  3. .
    Poop: the HFT scandal
    Loss: the family moved the Utah house to the Ravens because of the HFT scandal, so Jen could no longer use it for pleasure. As Flossy said, she was REALLY emphasizing the fact that they were NOT on vacation while they were there
    Hot water: Jen incorrectly using the term/quote to represent her suffering
  4. .
    QUOTE (DonsEternalPaternityLeave @ 9/12/2016, 07:04 AM) 
    She could start with blowdrying her hair.

    This would make all the difference. My hair is a smidge thicker than Jen's and it looks about the same if I let it air dry in a clip. But add a bit of mousse & heat styling and it looks 50 times fuller.
  5. .
    QUOTE (Todolovethebaby @ 9/12/2016, 07:06 AM) 
    Jen being Jen, if the whole "fam" was told "we need to restrict use of the Utah house", Jen would call that a personal loss. The world revolves around her. Even if she did nothing, and everyone was equally banned, she would consider that a personal loss.
    Since she likes to send "messages" to the family through videos, maybe she phrased it that way so they'd think some other stuff was happening to her. Sympathy, etc., always the victim.
    Went away for a weekend in the hopes the fam would see she needed a break and offer the log prison (testing them). Nada.
    Moved on to non-implanted egg thing (second loss or whatever). Conception "journey" aka being hereditarily stubborn about having kids, fixing a minor problem, becoming pregnant immediately.
    I think it was nothing and it's just Jen being Jen.
    Whole Foods may have stopped stocking her favorite peanut butter. Big loss. Who knows!

    I second all of this. "A big loss" to normal people means a miscarriage or death. But Jen is an attention-seeking dramatist so there's NO WAY it was that serious. I think all of the TTC came about as a result of pressure from the family, maybe to win her way back into their good graces after screwing up at the Utah house. Something definitely happened with the Rosses given the way she's been stone cold towards them since CC's birth.
  6. .
    So maybe all the stress about the company and potentially losing her home caused Jen to relapse
  7. .
    Having an ED might explain how she got hooked up with Judith in the first place and why she takes being gentle with herself so seriously
  8. .
    In that regard, being in hot water, or trouble, could mean a relapse
  9. .
    oh man, I just applied an intense clay face mask and couldn't help but to crack up when I read "Poop Journal." OWWWW my face, damn you, Flossy!!

    eta: the phrase about being in "hot water" is what leads me to think that it wasn't something that happened to Jen, rather it was something she (or a Ross) did. But, she has been known to use common phrases in creative/incorrect ways (see: vibes), so *shrug*
  10. .
    I think I like the theory best about the Utah house being some kind of write-off for the Raven Foundation and it looked bad to have family hanging out there for personal use and broadcasting it to the evil internet.
  11. .
    Have her eyebrows always been so far apart? It's freaking me out!

  12. .
    QUOTE (pinksims @ 9/9/2016, 03:53 AM) 
    QUOTE (deltaburkefan @ 9/9/2016, 10:37) 
    Well, she does get attention. :P She has a whole forum dedicated to her, after all. I don't know if I really care that much that she is lazy about YouTube, unless she refers to herself as a "working mama." Like, if she treats it as her hobby, she can do as much or as little as she wants. If she acts like she has a job, that's different.

    I don't care whether it's her hobby or her job, it's her being FauxBusy all the time that bothers me. She has more free time than anyone of her age, she doesn't have to clean her own home, she has no job, no commitments, other than making sure CC stays alive - she is NOT busy. She's just lazy.

    I'm not sure if I would call her lazy, but she is extremely inefficient. It takes her longer to do regular tasks because she has a set way to do it and adds a million extra steps that she deems necessary when they really aren't. She would be a nightmare as a co-worker.
  13. .
    QUOTE (campjulie @ 9/8/2016, 09:42 PM) 
    Had some free time so I watched her Q&A...

    -Not only is she filming in her in-law's BEDROOM, she lets the mop trounce about on it? By the pillows?? She has no boundaries in that house.
    -I thought she was wearing a lapel mic at first then realized it was one of this clips made for children.
    -Jen, you don't have an INFANT anymore. Stop referring to her as one.
    -What's with her soft tone and mellowness? She probably thinks she's giving off some high on being a mama "vibe" but she's just being weird and boring.
    -No one wants a day in the life BLOG POST. Everyone is asking for a vlog, it's the only content people enjoy. Get. A. Clue.
    -Just because you can fit CC into your planner doesn't mean being a mother has come naturally to you, you just found how to ~make it work for you~.

    ETA shopping online counts as shopping. I'll put it in Jenspeak "Shopping Online AKA (also known as) Shopping"

    I think she's speaking like that because there are other people (in-laws) in the house and she doesn't want them to hear her
  14. .
    Carol seems to have gotten "courage" to be a mean girl from Bethenny. I've only watched part 1, but every time she made a bitchy comment, she looked over at Bethenny for her approval. I though Radzy was better than that!
  15. .
    LOLLLLL at Jen living without shopping or social media. Shopping deliveries stacked up in the background of snaps and her barrage of dirty dog snaps. She is so oblivious and self-centered. Of course she wouldn't miss social media because she NEVER takes an interest in anyone or anything besides herself. Independent? Jen is extremely dependent on Winnie and Charlotte; both of her creatures are glued to her to keep her feeling safe and comfortable at all times.
    Taking a baby to Disney is silly IMO. But I guess it doesn't matter to them because they're not like normal people who have to stand in lines and actually want to do things besides eat.
22149 replies since 30/7/2016