The Gossip Bakery

Posts written by ColdOne

  1. .
    Hasn't felt the touch of a man in over 5 years

  2. .
    She LOVES hosting Lives so much but will absolutely not do more than her 60 mins. (sharp!) a month
  3. .
    Displaying the bottle of alcohol is tacky, the slice of agate is tacky, and all the empty boxes & jar are stupid. I like the dog. The old house had such beautiful storage.
  4. .
    She designed a brand new kitchen in her former 2-car garage but she chose all of the cheapest possible cabinets and fixtures (minus the stove), so her bowls don't fit in her sinks or cupboards. And the trashy family treats appliances as disposable so those 2 dishwashers are already gone!
  5. .
    She made banana pumpkin muffins--why?? I've never seen that combo before.
    It DISGUSTS me that she just swipes everything off the counter & onto the floor when she's wiping that rag around.
    Wow, I haven't seen her chop a pepper in 100 years.
    She looks like a gross frog when she makes this face.

  6. .
    "I'm not worried about it" as she's obviously shitting herself over her leg injury & inevitable weight gain.
    She keeps a stuffed animal on her dashboard because she's an infant.

  7. .
    She eats this entire container in one sitting!!! Mama's got HER bowls hoarded away from the feral children on the windowsill.

  8. .
    Yes, the background noise is irritating. She knows it's a problem and has a microphone but hasn't opened the box yet! What a professional.
  9. .
    The homeschooling mama could use this information for her applesauce math

  10. .
    She's just such a mess of a person that she can't stop her big mouth from spilling the beans. We wouldn't know about half of her sloppy messes and the drama of her life if she didn't tell us herself.

    God, I hate the handles on her cabinets. They are SO cheap looking and tacky with the T parts that stick out past the screw posts.
  11. .
    oh, how convenient, she has no more period cramps since Donald got gonald.
  12. .
    Why is she in such a snit? Because her Patrons forced her to work for 10 mins a month? She's being such a grouchy bitch and maybe she's trying to be self-deprecating, but she just sucks.
  13. .
    QUOTE (BarefootNightmares @ 4/26/2024, 12:28 PM)
    I think toilet water would give a clearer indication of her future.


    "Why is going through bathroom cabinets and drawers so annoying?" It's not annoying for the non-depressed folks.

    The kids don't use their Switches because Jen keeps them in her bathroom and they know they aren't allowed to touch any of mommy's stuff!! Out of sight, out of mind, idiot.
  14. .
    QUOTE (Lucky_Me @ 4/26/2024, 10:59 AM) 
    Using a Cartier screwdriver to tighten screws in her cabinet. :mocking_smiley_emoticon:

    lmao, eat the rich.
  15. .
    QUOTE (_withblunder_ @ 4/26/2024, 07:24 AM) 
    She says Don is looking dapper and that they're probably overdressed as the Rosses don't dress up which strikes me as a rude thing to say. Don says that he wore a jacket to the theatre but her Dad didn't. Get her ass, Don!

    lmao your commentary :lol:

    Jen lost it allllllllll, it's incredible to see.
22149 replies since 30/7/2016