The Gossip Bakery

Posts written by husbandontherun

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    QUOTE (Connect To Dons Money Like Jen @ 12/5/2022, 22:51) 
    CC has a way about her the way she hugs Don with her whole heart. Never seen her hug Jen like that.

    Every hug for mommy must be at the perfect angle for the camera. There is no spontaneity. I guess every picture is being taken several time for Jen to achieve the best serene closed eyes look. 🙄
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    Thank god, one stupid thing less…
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    Before the divorce, no one ever forced her to face reality. Since then, she did her best to still avoid it at all costs. She managed to pretend for some time still, but then came Tens and now the very public wedding, that probably took the last bit of “foundation“ she had. She is aware that now even the most gullible of her dear friends know the truth. That she has been replaced. That Don is happy. That the kids are happy (when not with her). That RM2 stinks in comparison to Tensleigh‘s attempt at Tara. That there ARE pictures of the kids, just not in her house. There’s no more pretending possible. Question is, what’s next?
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    QUOTE (Bangle Bitch @ 10/5/2022, 20:40) 
    It needs to be the TimeToMoveTheFuckOnLikeDon from a couple threads ago? Pretty sure it was by Log Prison Squatter

    Oh yes, that one was great! :thumbs-up:
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    QUOTE (Don’sPrenup @ 10/5/2022, 20:26) 
    QUOTE (Stillprentendingtobeabusybee @ 10/5/2022, 18:13) 
    I’m ashamed to say I almost sent her a Christmas card years ago… I didn’t but I thought about it. Then I realized it was fucking weird

    LOL! I did send her a Christmas card. Maybe 10 years ago. Still waiting on mine though.

    Honest question: WHY? 🤷‍♀️
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    Waiting at the altar :snickering:
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    QUOTE (KitKatkar @ 7/5/2022, 18:25) 
    QUOTE (cheap ass soy sauce @ 7/5/2022, 18:16) 
    PK isn't going to go private. I'm sure there is a hired photographer for today. Most people ask to hold off posting pictures of events until they do when it comes to events such as this. I doubt we will actually see much today.

    no, but he will not post either probably as they messaged him about his profile being stalked and posted here. He got many messages probably.

    Isn’t it against the rules to be here with several accounts?
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    Of course she HAD to follow PK… :bavchut:

    Guys, don’t follow anyone unless you want the accounts to get privated really fast…
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    QUOTE (CCsideEye @ 6/5/2022, 17:04) 
    She's wearing more color now that we've been making fun of how grey she is :)


    We will wish the grey back once the fruit shirts come back! 😬🍉🍓
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    QUOTE (DivorcewithWonder @ 6/5/2022, 15:14) 
    How sweet that Don and Tens thought about the kids and wanted to make the party kid friendly! I feel like they must be such a loving fun family and cannot get over how happy Don looks now.

    They definitely have different priorities than Jen.
  15. .
    Surprise! :b_wink:
8108 replies since 30/7/2016