The Gossip Bakery

Votes taken by Nefarious DisneyPrincess

  1. .
    How can people support Kisha. I don't get it. It's clear as day what a shit show her life is and what a colossal narcissistic bitch she is. Every video and every post she makes hammers this home.
  2. .
    Holy hell. Kisha manages to find new lows 😕. Poor Zane.
  3. .
    I'm laid up in bed with a schneck ache (woke up like that) I'm going to physiotherapy shortly. I googled it and got torticolis which is about the only thing to make me laugh today! Also watched the empties video. I can't stand watching those normally but I'm sore and bored. She uses an impossible amount of products. When she lifted the full bin my jaw dropped! I would be so ashamed to be showing people my greedy usage of all those items. I have dry skin and it takes me years to finish a tub or tub of lotion.
  4. .
    The never glamourous housewife has taken time to show her carefully laid out life. Those WH hours are brutal for an aged pregnant lady!
  5. .
    I was questioning my own life choices when her piss picture came up on my Instagram in the middle of my xmas day. I have no idea if real or not - either way it's revolting.
  6. .
    I had to Google 'skoal teeth' - never heard that before. EWWWWWWW!
  7. .
    Special K has a flipogram series of pictures of B at a Cheer event on her Instagram. B's comment is just 'delete'. Half a hour ago.
  8. .
    Jen has already made the number one crock pot mistake - brown the chicken first Jen! It'll taste a whole lot better. It ain't rocket science.

    Re: baby backpacks. I can't work out how you'd reach back into that side pocket for her wallet anyway. I kept a slim wallet in the front pocket of my jeans. I bought a $40 rock climbing sturdy backpack as a baby bag. I knew a diaper bag for me would be useless. It could be hung off the stroller handles nicely. 17 years on it's still in regular use by various family members.
  9. .
    I'd never seen the Fall decorating one. Sooooo much stuff! Especially considering she shows the bins they DON'T use at the start. I only decorate for Xmas and have no other seasonal decor whatsoever. The space all this junk takes up is mind boggling.
  10. .
    Ooooh we get a swipe in her Friday Letters. No surprises there! Grandma is "singing with the angles" :crying-and-sniffling: (why oh why spell that wrong). Upset about Brangelina?? Thanks her Camper?? Buh-bye Waffoe House!
  11. .
    Holy moly. I'm on lunchbreak at work and just speed read the last 10 pages.

    Why did you pick now to visit the bakery Kisha?
  12. .
    The boppy needs to be taken away and a couple of toys would be plenty. Encourage that kid to MOVE Jen! Put the toy just out of reach and let the kiddo figure it out. SHE WILL.
  13. .
    Oh! I wake up to find that she's over the mastitis! A miracle occurred! What a load of BULLSHIT JEN!

    The Don lap pic is revolting as well. He is looking exactly like his mother so that's really odd.

    CC is such an oddly passive baby. Very little spark or vocalisation at all. Why would Jen not pick her up and show her the horse properly? She's just lying there chewing her moose. The babies I've know (including my own) are usually such busy and nosy little creatures by this age.
  14. .
    Mastitis is really awful. Like the worst flu symptoms plus a shockingly painful boob. I had it but very early postpartum 😉 lol. It was during the 6 week exclusion period for driving following my C section. I felt so damn rotten l jumped in the car anyway and drove myself to an after hours clinic late at night to get a second dose of antibiotics when the first lot were finished.

    Having said that, it seems oh so convenient that Jen is sick with it right now. She's such a drama llama! What a ridiculous message on snapchat. Say nothing and no one will notice your absence ( except us) Or carry on posting baby/tree/Winnie shots - it's not an illness that stops you taking a pic! She will be holed up in bed hiding from the world.

  15. .
    I have never in my life heard of or seen anyone wash dishes like that. A three step method with three temperatures of water??
    It's like they're from another planet. WTF

    The Hermes bracelet is so ugly! Jen has a thing for delicate gold necklaces and then there is that ugly blue and silver clunker on her wrist. Crazy.
3135 replies since 30/7/2016