The Gossip Bakery

Votes taken by Two!muchstuff

  1. .
    ”Uncaring, unfeeling, vicious, unsympathetic, narcissistic bitch”

    Yes! That’s it, Eyedunno. I thought it was either you or Cynbad. Yes, we’ve all said and thought as much, but still, you said it all in one sentence, lol. I love it! And I’m keeping it for real life applications when necessary, because there are many others out there who fit the bill. Darlene is not an anomaly, which makes all her antics even less surprising really.

    The unsanitary practices in that kitchen. 🤢 But then she wipes her hands on her ass, goes back to touching food after feeding the dogs and, sweeps crumbs, etc. onto the floor too so what can we expect.

    Yes, how could I forget! At this point nothing is surprising.

    Kayla M
    That cucumber was probably touched by 20 people & yet she had it on a board she is using to make sandwiches. :yucky:

    That’s exactly what leaped out at me, Kayla. I don’t hear all of Darlene’s babble (tune out) but some things I do notice in the moment, even if I forget afterwards. I bet she didn’t wash the cantaloupe before cutting it either. I’m not going back to check but it was probably on the same cutting board she puts the bread on. Does refrigerating sandwiches kill germs, lol.

    On the earthquake, I'd have to disagree it had anything to do with Dar falling over - that would've been a 9 on the Richter Scale . . :snickering:

    Lol, Hannah! You’re noted for your erudition and humor on this thread. Sorry to hear that you’ve been so ill for two weeks.

    I noticed Cornflake Queen hasn’t been around in a while. She always brings the hilarious gifs. I wish we had a compilation of all the Darlene gifs and photos somewhere, now that Darlene has tried erase her past.

    The internet never forgets, Darlene. Just so you know.
  2. .
    I didn’t see the whole salmon sandwich segment, (I ff Darlene’s videos a lot) so I went back to check it out. I’m shocked because she’s talking about her mother as though she’s passed away!

    I don’t know why I’m surprised as she does it all the time, but the salmon sandwich memories are particularly nauseating the way she’s describes. Also see what you were all talking about with the “my husband” lovey dovey talk. :sick:

    Did Darlene wash that cucumber beforehand and wrap it in her own plastic wrap? Or is it in plastic wrapping from the store? Because she put it down on the cutting board where she is about to make her sandwiches, cut through the plastic, and then cut up the cucumber for her sandwiches. Am I crazy for never putting items in their store wrappings on food surfaces, (she puts the bread there too), for removing the plastic wrap first, washing the cucumber, then cutting it? I just think of that plastic wrapped item having been held by several hands, having been on a conveyor belt at the register, where many other items have been, been necessarily handled by the cashier who may also be handling cash, then handled by the bagging person. Maybe I’m too squeamish. Obviously Darlene’s kitchen customs aren’t making her sick.

    And I wash my hands after touching and opening cans before handling bread. Overkill perhaps, but those are my kitchen customs. :D

    QUOTE (Kishaswonkytits2 @ 9/4/2024, 23:25) 
    Didn’t darliar say that she was only going to show her plate from now on? Also, in this new vlog she said she didn’t want leftovers! What fucking planet is she on now? I sww she bout more orange juice so she can get her drink on! :drunk-smiley-emoticon:

    Sorry for the typos…..jeez

    We’ve been wondering that a lot today, as her contradictions are getting too many to count.
  3. .
    She is one crazy, delusional wackadoodle.


    I agree, Eyedunno. Someone recently, in the last couple of days, had a great line describing Darlene, using the word narcissistic. I can’t find it now but whoever said that … perfect. If anyone remembers, or whoever said it, please repeat!


    What does it take for Dar to be happy? For Patricia to become a styrofoam memorial bird and Andrew to live permanently at the space station?


    Hilarious, CAM. She’ll take those options, and one for “my husband”. Where would she want him sent? Just transfer the salary checks to her account and be on his way.
  4. .
    The evidence:
    SPOILER (click to view)
  5. .
    Look at how Pat kept her jawline and neck well into her 80’s. Darlene lost hers years ago. And it’s never coming back. :lol:
  6. .
    Pat watching the eclipse. Darlene watching her fridge. Sounds about right. :lol: Pat in her retirement home has more varied activities than Darlene with her food haul can even dream about.
  7. .
    ,Eyedunno Happy Birthday, Eyedunno, Kayla’s sister and any other special birthday Bakers today.

    Where I am the eclipse was barely seen at all, as we were just on the perimeter of the path, but I did feel the difference with a sort of hazy gloom to the sky. If you didn’t know there was an eclipse you’d have thought it was just clouds. I envy the people fortunate enough to see it.

    Darlene is coming back already? What can she have to say now? She’s already gone through her meal plans and shown off her gangrenous hued nails. What can she have to talk about two days later.

    I’ll wait to read all your comments. It’ll be interesting to see if she’s wearing something other than the black top uniform.
  8. .
    Yes, Trixie27
    To me there was always a negative connotation to that expression, and it’s meant to ridicule someone’s perhaps pretentious effort. It’s not a compliment.

    On thing’s for sure, Darlene isn’t complimenting anyone.
  9. .
    That’s so generous of you to say, Cynbad. Thank you. I agree with you on everyone’s posts as well, and yours are funny as well. Darlene basically offers herself up on her YouTube channel as a joke, between her attitude, her actions and her appearance there’s a lot of content for ridicule.

    Lately I find I can’t look at her, (her face is scary), listen to her (her voice is raspy and what she says is silly), or care much about her ridiculous antics (her absurd confidence about her fresh start is annoying considering what it is), so I’m just reading along.

    Darlene tapping her hideous thick yellow nails on her various notes while babbling on nonsensical gibberish about food plans is too much for me right now.

    For heaven’s sake, did she really say “artsy-fartsy” …. that’s Darlene for you. So elegant in her choice of vocabulary and manicures, lol.
  10. .
    When Dar ended the video saying something like, "We'll see you soon," to whom was she referring? "We?" The dogs? The stuffed decor? The jumbo muffins she probably talks to?

    It must be the Royal “We”, CAM. Didn’t we call Darlene “Her Ladyship” at one point. Should have been “Her Royal Highness”.

    I have to hand it to you and everyone who picked up all the details in Darlene’s video. I stopped watching when she introduced the MDF bench again, and ff’d to the end. Interesting that she’s addressing all the points brought up here, as well as creating her new persona. But yes, we’ve certainly seen the opposite from Darlene with her sly whispery bedroom chats talking smack about her family and how “rough” having them around on holidays was.

    She’s still not very convincing now when she talks about this Easter weekend. Absolutely no real enthusiasm coming from her facial expressions. Darlene is not a good actress.
  11. .
    Another tedious Darlene apologia for her life. Her idea of a fresh start and new content is to keep reintroducing herself. Even the little people bench is reintroduced! In detail.

    Maybe this is how her channel will proceed now. A few food, shopping and groceries videos, then her life story again and again.

    I agree, Trixie. Idiotic.
  12. .
    QUOTE (CheapAssMustard @ 27/3/2024, 17:44) 
    I'm not sure what's happening, but I can't get my reply to go through to either name. Two!muchstuff gets me a "you're blocked" system message, and Twomuchstuff! gets me a "doesn't exist" system message. I recall we had this problem once before. Maybe try adding me to your friends list? Sometimes by just trying to see a person's profile, I've accidentally hit the "block" button.

    The one in bold is the correct name, CAM, and I see you on my friend list, and I’m on yours. Please try again. I’m beginning to worry now that something’s gone screwy with my account.

    Does Darlene have any hacking skills, lol.

  13. .
    Inbox cleared, CAM. Sorry about that.
  14. .
    Just in case Darlene wakes up and decides to edit her video title.
    SPOILER (click to view)

    That DarShelly composite is hilariously hideous, CAM. Darlene had better not try to do anything surgical to her face because she might end up looking like that.

    Lovely photos of Andrew, Sophia. He looks so engaged and happy, and he has lots of personality.
  15. .
    Bakers, I haven’t read the last few pages of posts or watched Darlene last couple of videos. I know you’re all right on target with your observations.

    So, what the shag what that concoction in Darlene’s witches brewing pot! F*#kghetti sauce, lol!
5161 replies since 31/7/2016