The Gossip Bakery

Posts written by Two!muchstuff

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    QUOTE (Socalgal @ 5/1/2024, 16:27) 
    Darlene has so many boring videos going over her winter/January depression/blues. More than a couple. One from six years ago! Even if it’s real, either get help, or at least realize that it’s boringly repetitive.

    So true Two! Her incessant whining year after year is so old and incredibly tone deaf and really stupid. There are people who have real problems Dardummy. Grow up! How is she not embarrassed!

    Yes, Socal, I find it very infantile to keep complaining as she does. Having made mention of it once, that should be that. But I guess it’s part of her seasonal content. What would December be without first the reference to the coming blues, now expanded to the decorating for the coming blues, with blue. I notice she’s started referencing conditions such as the lack of sunshine (I think she said vitamin D, if I’m remembering correctly) as causing her to have her seasonal bouts. Well, that may be true, but in Darlene’s case there are so many variables, just from her weight to her personality, to her predilection for copying, to needing YouTube content, for anyone to discern what is actually depression, weight related issues, or just bad temper.

    That’s how I see it. Not saying she doesn’t have some issues, but who knows what or why. I’m not taking Darlene’s word for it. She may have just read up about SAD and decided to incorporate it into her narrative for sympathy, or just for something to say. :=/:
  2. .
    Darlene has so many boring videos going over her winter/January depression/blues. More than a couple. One from six years ago! Even if it’s real, either get help, or at least realize that it’s boringly repetitive.

    Anyway, she’s working the community tab on her You Tube, with one of her few and far between messages. New video next week. Begging for ideas, because after all, she has to give the people what they want!


    It came with a Happy New Year Charlie Brown picture. :eyeroll:
  3. .
    No worries, Hannah. I’m sure everyone noticed those pillows weren’t washed.

    I’m always amazed how you, and everyone, get all the nitty-gritty details about Darlene written down in a comprehensive way and posted within a short time after her video. Not to mention Kayla and her detailed recaps. I just don’t have the energy! I’m just going for the low hanging Darlene tomfoolery fruit now. Screenshots and jibes, lol.
  4. .
    Why does Darlene’s Christmas tree look so rubbishy? And childish.

    Good point about her not mentioning taking down the stolen tree upstairs! Maybe that’s for another video. Also, good point that she’s managed to remove all traces of the family from the house. Even the nice photo of Sarah and Andrew gets packed away. Remember when she had the bookcase behind the table. She had more mementos around then. Even displayed her mom’s crock pot if I remember correctly.

    The little people couch is really giving even more airport vibes since she’s done her Winter Wonderland and Depression decor.

    QUOTE (my groceries @ 1/1/2024, 21:50) 
    That big toe was gripping for dear life! :yellow-laughing-smiley-emoticon

    Those sandals can’t be comfortable. Looks like she has to grip them with her big toe to keep them on. She needs to wear some closed slippers, at least when she’s doing videos, and not be so comfortable showing her feet on camera.
  5. .
    Very good, Trixie27 Well spotted.

    I can’t believe I didn’t even notice the spray bottle in Steve’s hand! There’re three nuts in that household. As for the crotch shot, CAM, it didn’t even register to me, I’m so used to seeing uncouth manners in a Dar video. Darlene’s un-pedicured feet in those sandals, Darlene sitting with her legs splayed with a laundry basket in between, Darlene wiping her hands on her behind, Darlene with chocolate on her mouth. They’re not exactly particular in that house.
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    QUOTE (Crusty Pie @ 1/1/2024, 11:10)
    Darlene reads here. She made a point of saying she washed the pillows from the couch. What? She never washed them before. I thought febreeze and scented garbage bags were good enough? :snickering:

    I cannot believe all the crap she puts out for Christmas, place mats, table cloths, stuffed toys, pillows, blankets, mugs, throw, sheets, quilts, knick knacks, dishes, 3 Christmas trees. It's all too much, especially for a smaller home. This is what she spends a lot of time doing, shopping for and shuffling "decor". She always seems to be planning for what she is going to buy next. Still on the hunt for "January blues" items. Now she has ordered a blue tablecloth. Does she not see a pattern? As she is putting stuff away she mentions "impulse buys" that she doesn't really like. A picture frame she doesn't really like but she bought it anyway. A red truck pillow she is getting rid of. A "bunch" of blue ornaments she bought at dollar tree that she never ended up using. It all seems like a waste of money and time. And she mentions that she is getting all the blue junk to "have something to look forward to" and it is "fun to look for new things to add" and "looking for little items to put here and there". She's "excited to have some new things to pull out". She should be looking forward to doing things, not buying things. But that's Darlene, how many times has she said that one thing or another brings her "joy". Stupid things like coffee mugs and stuffed toys. What a wasteful, shallow life she leads.

    Yes, everything you said, Crusty. And I doubt she really washed those couch pillows. She’s just saying she did. Those pillows wouldn’t look quite the same like that if they’d been through the washer and dryer. Did she wash the tablecloth? Because she sure stuffed it away in the bin.

    Your list of items reminds me of when CAM lists out Darlene’s food items and treats. It’s hilarious when you see everything listed out.

    QUOTE (Kayla M @ 1/1/2024, 11:17)
    January 1, 2024 Packing Up Christmas -Decorating for Depression. I mean January

    Happy New Year Bakers! Are you ready? Ready to see Darlene pack away all her junk store day-cor & bring out the Navy Blue for THE BLUES?

    As MG says, who decorates for their depression? Well, Darlene does. When you have nothing else in your life but that & shopping, what else can you do?

    A whole video of a woman’s hands packing away her stuff. And by packing I mean stuffing everything in the bins, even her soft furnishings.

    QUOTE (Owlhouse740 @ 1/1/2024, 13:06)
    I'm fairly sure this is Darlene's theme song:

    Lol, Owl! That’s one of my workout songs. I’ll have to remove it from my playlist now. Haha! Just kidding. I love it.

    QUOTE (SophiaPetrillo @ 1/1/2024, 14:03)
    Happy New Year to my fellow bakers! We had a couple friends over to celebrate the new year. I made a charcuterie board and I allowed our guests to eat as much as they wanted. No tiny rations in our home. I always tell people come hungry please.

    Wow Sophia! Very nicely done! Maybe we need to start posting photos of our own dishes more to show Darlene how it can be done.

    QUOTE (Trixie27 @ 1/1/2024, 14:09)
    Crusty Pie…you basically captured everything I came here to say :D The only thing Darlene cares about is being able to shop for new junk every month. It sounds like as soon as the stores reopened after Christmas she was back to shopping under the guise of ‘replenishing their produce’. Like we believe that!

    Why does she not want these ornaments? They look fine and don’t take up much room, any excuse to shop for more next year I guess.

    Replenishing their produce”, lol. I heard that too. She was so OVER those ornaments. The disdain! Just like Sophia mentioned the disdain when she points out that Andrew didn’t turn on the lights. As though Darlene would even allow that on the day she’s ripping apart her Christmas decorations.
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    :snickering: This is how you have to sit on the little people sofa. On your spine and on the edge.

  9. .
    A reminder. And yes, I want to know about the door knob too!
    QUOTE (CheapAssMustard @ 21/12/2023, 14:08) 
    "They" broke a door knob. How? Did Drunk Dar lock herself out and had to break in? I'm sure there's a good story there.....

    Today....more baking..... Diabetes-Dar. She is going to BLOW!!!


    Darlene in September 2016:


    If only she’d begun her weight loss journey in 2016 and stuck with it, we’d be seeing a different looking Darlene today. Looking, not acting, lol.

    Steve looks like a brute in those screen shots. I find that whole episode shocking and distasteful, even if he had reached his limit of tolerance for her. He must know she’d have her camera focused on him.

    Love it! Bubbe It’ll be interesting to see what’s ahead in 2024.
  10. .
    Great breakdowns of the Travis Christmas Mystery, ladies all. The clever insight, the uncovered details, the logic, the timeline investigation, the outing of the facts, the purported events vs and the probable reality, and the laying it all out like a professional report! Impressive reasoning and deduction. You would all be great on a jury.
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    QUOTE (Cynbad @ 29/12/2023, 15:36) 
    Ing-Drew comes to mind! 😅🤣

    Lol, good one, Cynbad. And how could I forget “mish mosh”!

    Apart from her version of grammar, Darlene is now creating new words and phases for her personal lexicon.
  12. .
    QUOTE (Pond Scum @ 29/12/2023, 22:11) 
    I really wonder if any of these family members like each other at all. There's disfunction, and then there's these people...

    Good point about the alcohol, Pond.

    Yes, and boyfriend had better take notice of the family interaction and dynamics. He’s sure to wonder about the food situation in that house though, lol.

    I mean, “food food everywhere, but nothing much to eat”!
  13. .
    Talk about 'the lady doth protest too much'. I lost count of how many times she said this was "the perfect Christmas" . . . :yellow-laughing-smiley-emoticon

    Boyfie, kitty, estranged husband and 'dementia ridden' Grandma, all land chez Travisty. Yet somehow this Christmas was so much better than on previous years!

    We've watched Darlene being the bitch from hell on Christmas Day, even though it was only her ladyship, Stupid and the kids home and they'd go to Grandma's, who always did Christmas dinner with no help from her daughter.

    So, yeah. Christmas '23 being perfect, was totes believable, Dar . .

    Lol, yes, so true, Hannah. That’s why I prefer the old whine-fests. They were more honest. This whole fake performance for YouTube is bizarre. I wonder if this fake presentation began when Darlene discovered The Bakery and instead of shutting down her channel, decided she was going to clean up her act and rehab her channel. Suddenly the genuine complaining about her family stopped, (oh, those old Christmas night whingefessionals gone), she removed several of the worst videos, she began to edit her face drops, and a new channel was born (sort of). Her demeanor changed a lot as well. She used to be very matter of fact about her annoyances, but after she began to try to be positive (her version of positive) and chatty. Now she’s gone into another level of just making up stories.

    On the other hand, unless Sarah qualified this before they arrived, a decent guy might want to reconsider. I know I wouldn't contemplate a future with someone who's seemingly fine with inflicting unknown dogs on her kitten, as well as a set up where Grandma and a SN brother are treated like scheisse.

    I agree with this, Hannah. Guy better have a keen eye and notice things, such as the treatment of the more vulnerable in that household. Notice the limping dog. Notice the cold eyes and drinking habits of the possible future MIL.

    And what about all these people constantly cuddling the kitten? Maybe someone who knows about cats can clarify if this is a good thing for a young kitten. The kitten seemed happy enough with the cuddling, but then, there was that ominous spray bottle right on hand.
  14. .
    QUOTE (Crusty Pie @ 22/12/2023, 13:51)
    No wonder she's so big, 3 cookies is way more than a middle aged women needs as a serving. And she literally does this every day, always something sweet with her coffee.

    Yes, not to mention the nutritional breakdown of the cheesecake by CAM! Holy Moly! Almost 500 calories a slice. Does Darlene even think she needs to lose weight? She must be quite comfortable with her appearance. Also, I just went back to see CAM’s side by side comparison of Darlene’s weight loss journey. It’s astounding! She was “slim” before! Where is this journey going!?

    Shoutout to CQ’s Elf for trying to climb Dar’s own Mt. Everest and without oxygen too, lol. That was hilarious.

    Darlene’s words of the season - “boughten” (used before as well), “icen” and “ate on”. Any more?
  15. .
    When Trixie mentioned that reason for the spray bottle I went to look it up, as I don’t have cats and have never heard of such a thing. Apparently it’s not exactly a recommended form of treatment for a cat.

    So all Darlene’s effusive dialogue over the cat, the excessive cuddling, all the “Miss Maggy” has been doing great announcements, are all fake as can be. Was Sarah around when Darlene was using the spray bottle? She actually brought her cat to that house to be abused? Sarah knows how Darlene is, or she should by now. If she brought her cat there just to annoy Darlene, well, I’d say that apple didn’t roll too far from the DarTree.
5232 replies since 31/7/2016