The Gossip Bakery

Posts written by I Couldn't Resist

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    QUOTE (OregonizingQueen @ 4/7/2022, 10:14 AM) 
    To me, one of the weirdest parts about the kids’ trip to WDW was Jen’s fake, animated voice as they were exploring their cabin. I truly don’t get that. Why did she want to force them to be enthusiastic about their lodging? Why was her voice so odd? Does she talk to her kids like that all the time? I’m all about finding wonderment in your world, but why the hard sell about the cabin? If she talked like that to me during the whole visit, I too would choose to go back to the cabin for some much appreciated quiet time away from mommy.

    The way I see it is she doesn't have a natural bond with her kids. She doesn't know (or even want to know) what they really like, are excited about, so all her interactions with them are fulfilling their basic needs (grilled cheese). If she really has to do something else, she reverts to these robot Jen ideas of what actual humans might do, like baby talk and playing doctor (that just sounds so wrong, but I mean that thing when she sits on the couch pretending to be a doctor and they bring her their toys to examine). And of course it all looks/sounds fake, because it is.
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    Has someone tallied up her theater memberships that she mentioned in her first Patreon vlog? The list was:

    Goodman Theatre (can't find pricing online)
    Lookingglass (between $141 and $180 a year)
    Chicago Shakespeare (between $141 and $225 a year)
    Joffrey Ballet (between $108 and $441 per series)
    Marriott Theatre (Lincolnshire) (between $136.50 and $200.50 a year)

    It's too early in the morning for me to figure out the details of these (and I've never had a theater membership), but I'm guessing these are inclusive of actual ticket cost and not just the privilege of booking a ticket at your leisure (although Marriott seems to have a $20/month plan that does just that).

    So assuming the above is correct and there are no extra costs, if we ballpark the theater memberships at $150 per (including Goodman) that's $600/year and Joffrey at $250, that's $850 total or $70+ a month. I'm being conservative in the cost estimate, but given that she "gifts" Jill a Joffrey membership and goes with her, I suspect both of their memberships are closer to the top tier rather than $250. Can you imagine if she gave Jill anything but the best seats? I can only imagine the snide remarks! Anyway, obviously up to you Narcissism101 how you want to estimate these, if at all, and whether you want to include Jill's.
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    I have what I think is a fairly simple idea for a video sharing set-up. It's an easy way to get a lot of people access to the Patreon video for a short time. If then one of them wants to do a summary with screenshots, awesome! Preserve that shit for posterity. But this way it's not a burden on a single person and there's less coordination involved.

    When Birdie has a new video (since it sounds like she's still willing to grab them from Patreon), she sends it to a point person, or several people in rotation if we want to move things around a bit. That person then uses to upload it. The site is free and anonymous (although I would still use basic due diligence like incognito windows, a VPN service to mask where you're located, etc). You use the option to send as link, store the file for 1 week, and post the link to a dedicated thread that's closed off to people without accounts (mods, is there a way to limit a thread to people above a certain number of posts? like anything above the "muffin warfare survivor" level, which I think is the lowest?). Anyone can download it, no account required. After a week, the video self-destructs.

    Could Jen have someone monitoring the thread and reporting to her if a new video is posted? Sure. And they do have a content takedown process. But there's no single channel where the videos are accumulated and they can't all be taken down at once as happened with Rumble. And Jen would have to move fast, and I'm not sure she would necessarily bother if she knew the video would be gone after a week. This could also be combined with a share tree type set-up like people discussed if we wanted to keep the link more secure.

    The filemail people could still potentially have a way to block specific uploaders without an account if our files were always coming from the same IP, for example (not sure if they do, but they could). Which is why I would recommend either rotating uploaders, using a VPN service to hide where you're coming from, or both.
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    QUOTE (Whodunnit @ 4/5/2022, 02:37 PM) 
    Why not just make a private Facebook group with the links where you only send the group links through DM's on here to people who pass muster? Sounds easier than having a downline.

    Re-upload to new private Rumble account, post the links to private Facebook group, send group invites to trusted bakers through the messages on here?

    Because FB is far too aware of everything else you do online. Even if you use a fake FB account, unless you really know what you're doing, that's a sure way to get your real name linked to the Bakery. I don't think anyone wants that (except maybe Jen).
  5. .
    QUOTE (Manic Like Babysitter Jen @ 4/4/2022, 07:17 PM) 
    The pendant Mrs Ross wears has their initials on it.

    Their = her and Don's? The kids? Was there a better picture somewhere?
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    QUOTE (WholeWheatMuffins @ 4/4/2022, 01:07 PM) 
    Don’t forget when she did all those races years ago didn’t she buy duplicate medals and have some framed?

    I think technically she ordered a frame for her medals and didn't realize it came with duplicate medals. They verified that she participated, obviously. When it came, which she showed in a vlog, she was a bit miffed because she didn't realize it would include her finish times–the time for the second race was pretty sad because she mostly walked it.


    I almost feel bad for mocking that last part, but honestly, it's Jen. She never does the right things or trains and when she's injured she just milks it for sympathy. Anyone else I'd feel bad for.

    Edited by I Couldn't Resist - 4/4/2022, 01:13 PM
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    QUOTE (Meandmyshadow @ 4/4/2022, 05:19 AM) 
    I don’t know how to post one of her old blogs on here but I somehow randomly landed on her June 17, 2016 blog. Lordy it’s the same exact shit she’s talking about now. Six freakin years later. She was feeling stuck because she just couldn’t decide how much to share and it didn’t feel safe and her family is at potential risk blahblahblah. (Oh and also how much she loves motherhood lol) She says that she is the unusual youtuber who doesn't want her channel to grow because it opens her up to hate, and you know, her eternal boundary issues. The only thing that really surprises me at this point, so many years later, is how dug in the jenions are in continuing to support this whiney woman-child. How are people this patient in listening to the same sob story over and over again all while claiming to be so innocent and victimized? She is so exhausting with this drama she herself creates on an endless loop.

    You mean this?

    There have been *so many* of those "posting dilemmas" in her 12 years of "sharing."

    You can always just paste in the link from whatever website you're reading it on. If you're on a mobile device, there should be a "share" option of some kind that would let you copy it to then paste it into the forum.

    Edited to add:

    QUOTE (Meandmyshadow @ 4/4/2022, 05:19 AM) 
    She says that she is the unusual youtuber who doesn't want her channel to grow because it opens her up to hate, and you know, her eternal boundary issues.

    Criticism, Jen. It's called "criticism." Often even "constructive criticism." :rolleyes:

    Edited by I Couldn't Resist - 4/4/2022, 05:32 AM
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    QUOTE (Bangle Bitch @ 4/4/2022, 05:16 AM) 
    It’s probably her kid’s initials

    I don't know, it's not enough letters... I mean, yes, it could be just the three of her biological kids, but she seems like she's gone all in on the five kids thing, I'd imagine she'd have a new one made (or add a second heart or whatever) to help the stepkids feel included. But of course she could still wear the old one sometimes.

    We'll probably never know for sure, but this is still more fun than current Jen :)
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    QUOTE (Todolovethebaby2 @ 4/3/2022, 05:20 PM)
    I wonder what the letters on Tens’ necklace are/mean
    ILYTTEOT or whatever Jen and Don had? 😏 Or has Don had some new & original thoughts since his upgrade

    QUOTE (Todolovethebaby2 @ 4/3/2022, 07:41 PM) 
    QUOTE (BeefEatingBitch @ 4/4/2022, 02:56) 
    Could be -

    I Love You Till The End Of Time.

    Ya that was Jen and dons
    I can’t actually make out what’s on tens’ necklace

    It might just be her initials. I tried blowing it up, but it's all pixelated. The last letter could be a W? 🤔 Too bad this isn't one of those fake CSI things in TV shows where you can magically unpixelate an image... (random tangent:

    (I'm assuming this is OK since it's just the necklace?)

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    QUOTE (Ican’twiththelikesofher @ 4/3/2022, 01:27 PM) 
    Geewhiz Jen in a previous Patreon video you stated you knew your videos were being re-uploaded and you just excepted it. Now all of a sudden you have a problem with it?! Just admit your bothered by losing some wonderers and your already wanting out of your Patreon platform. Your looking for an excuse. Of course you’ll blame the bakery. No one‘s taking your videos for monetary gain Jen, there shitty videos.

    I can hear Jen now: “ wonderers I looked into it it’s going to be a long drawn out battle one I just don’t have time to get involved in. So I’m just going to cancel my Patreon account”.

    Hey Paula let Jen know Patreon doesn’t give a rats ass about piracy. Feel free to screenshot the image Paula and personal message it to Jen, tell her compliments of a baker, your welcome.

    So to me, the below excerpt just meant that Patreon will not help you pursue copyright infringement. Theoretically she retains intellectual property (🙄) rights to whatever she posts and could try to have it taken down–but good luck getting Rumble to comply with that. FWIW, the Tosh situation was different–their use of the video excerpts was clearly satirical and the right to do that is protected. We're just posting shit for fun, but she's not actually losing much money because of it, her 45 (or whatever) subscriber drop, assuming they ONLY dropped because they could get the videos for free and not because her content sucks, was only 5% of the total so it's not like she's losing patrons left and right.

    I'm not a lawyer. I think we have one or two around, they may provide some clarity on this, but I feel like her very flimsy claims of "federal law" and "infringement" will go nowhere just like before. I don't think any lawyer would take on someone who's, frankly, this unimportant. There just isn't enough of a payoff for them in it. Sure they can charge her the hourly rate, but seriously, who would she even sue? Rumble? A message board hosted in another country? And for what? $225 that she lost this month? Punitive damages? Copyright law doesn't automatically provide for those, and again, no lawyer is going to take this case. She's ridiculous.

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    QUOTE (MorriganBlackwood @ 4/3/2022, 10:01 AM) 
    QUOTE (Yetta @ 3/4/2022, 16:49) 
    It's the thing she uses to pace herself. It times her run/walk/run intervals. It vibrates so she knows to switch

    Do Apple watches not have that feature already? I have a Garmin and I can load whatever pacing I want to it. If she already has a smart watch, an extra gadget seems so wasteful.

    I don't think the watch has it built in, but there are apps that will do it. I'm not a runner (or run/walker) though so I have no idea if they're any good.
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    QUOTE (OstracizedLikeJen @ 4/3/2022, 06:59 AM)
    Stoney Clover Lane sounds like the name of an end-of-life retirement community but the products look like they’re made for 6 year olds.

    It’s actually the perfect brand for our Jen.

    Shady Pines, Jen! SHADY PINES.

    QUOTE (SoProudOfMyself @ 4/3/2022, 09:11 AM)
    She had Prada pouches as her walking pharmacy in one of her early videos, at the kitchen table. PRADA! Then those stiff plasticy Orly Kiely, Erin Condron, these preteen pastels. Plus a zillion others in between.

    I think the very first walking pharmacy videos were with her MAC Hello Kitty cases. Still kinda childish, but they were black with colorful accents, and I will admit I coveted them for a while. Just not enough to pay eBay prices since they were discontinued by then. Prada came a bit later.

    QUOTE (Don’s hashbrown @ 4/3/2022, 09:21 AM)
    QUOTE (AirportHashBrown @ 3/4/2022, 18:02) 
    Found the Don dollars bag to match her new pouches...


    That was the 2020escale collection- sadly no longer available

    Don Dollars spends just as well on resale sites :flcvoy01: Just think, we could see a return of "sadly no longer available" Jen!
  13. .
    QUOTE (Party of 7 @ 4/3/2022, 07:39 AM) 
    The fist and the grin. 🙄

    I’m over runDisney Jen.


    Anyone know what that thing attached to her Apple watch is? Some sort of race-related tracker, or another "extraneous" Jen gadget, lest she fail to record a breath for posterity?
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    QUOTE (DonsiPad @ 4/3/2022, 07:24 AM) 
    I can guarantee Tensleigh was not at Target loading up on Stoney Creek gear for personal use. Jen is forever 15.

    Oh, but I hope she took the kids to get stuff for them! 😍

    Or maybe she bought them some stuff as a surprise. Of course, she can afford the real deal and doesn't have to join the Target "frenzy" like poor single mom Jen does. 😏 (it's really not my thing, although I love bright accessories generally, but I'm really loving it for Charlotte's age range–and I'm dying for there to be a "Oh, Mommy Tens got us some of those!" from Charlotte when Jen shows up at home with her haul)
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    QUOTE (The Nefarious Bunion of Fury @ 4/3/2022, 06:57 AM) 
    I don't know anything about running evidently but I know this. I have watched Jen run on these races and it looks to me like she is jogging walking fast at best. She can be pleased all she wants and pat herself on the back but she does not ooze with athletic abilities to me and so despite spending 5 hours a day exercising.
    Anyway, I don t see the point of it all. Kudos to the running/jogging bakers. I am sending you virtual medals. Jen can eat her wool underwear and put a SC patch on it too.

    I believe she confirmed in one of the Instagram stories that she does 1 min run/30 sec walk intervals the entire race. So she walks 1/3rd of the course.
1375 replies since 31/7/2016