The Gossip Bakery

Votes given by campjulie

  1. .
    I just think the debate with dear friends of who gets all the blame is staler than a trail croissant.

  2. .
    "don't get me started about climate change" <books a flight to her rumpus vehicle>
  3. .
    That video is 45 min of a case study of an emotionally stunted, spoiled rich child in need of a psychiatrist....

    -the compulsion to keep buying crowned sets when she already has over a dozen
    -the compulsion to keep buying fitted tanks she admits she doesn't like
    -the compulsion to keep the dozens of race techs she admits she rarely wears
    -the hoarding
    -the indecision
    -the manic behavior
    -the impulse purchases
    -the inability to return things

    She is struggling and unable to cope. Jill & Gravy- get help for your daughter.
  4. .
  5. .
    Saw this post on Instagram and thought of our gal, Jenny :hearty-laugh:
  6. .
    If I saw someone like Jen, eating a corndog on the lawn in front of the castle, I'd most likely not even notice her...BUT IF I DID and was forced to have some sort of thought about her, I would probably assume she was sitting out on Space Mountain and meeting up with her family in a bit.

    My point being that it's just more evidence of Jen's narcissism that she thinks people not only notice her in the first place, but also jump to a conclusion that would not be anyone's first guess.
  7. .
    Commence Jen being approached by Bakers instead of 'friends' :lol:
  8. .
    It probably wasn’t meant to be a baby tee twelve years ago though. lol
  9. .
    She compartmentalizes The Children in so many ways. They don’t use her utensils or plates, can’t step foot in her gym, aren’t included when she goes out to eat or to the theater. She altered Blue so that the kids can’t possibly ride in it. She doesn’t allow them to touch (or even see) her special Christmas decorations. She’s hidden her doll collection away.

    It’s so freaking bizarre.
  10. .
    I've never thrown in a title suggestion. I'm pretty bad at stuff like that tbh. But this popped in my head and made me laugh. As we "gear up" for Jenny's return to Disney races after her terribly long MONTH of solo mothering. 🙄

    ~That Man's back from Space so I'm ready to Race!~
  11. .
    "No Valentine Or Galentine Just Stupid Chat Online And Whine, But It's Fine, IT'S FINE, Like Jen"
  12. .
    She said the vest was where she planned to carry the croissant while she ran back. Who runs around with a delicate, flaky pastry shoved into a running vest that you're sweating into? She's so gross and weird.
  13. .
    Jen would last one day writing anything meant to be informative. “I visited a museum, but I don’t remember the name. I think it was in Paris. I do know it was a metropolis. There were many lovely pieces, but I forgot to write down the names of the artwork I saw. I’ll try to remember to look up the information online and edit it in when I have time. I did go to a lovely cafe for lunch and the food was glorious. Unfortunately, the waiter questioned why I was ordering so much food. Maybe it was a cultural thing. It can be difficult and confusing when dealing with foreigners.”

    (Don’t judge my content above because I don’t know what type of writing Jen thinks she would be doing, but then again, neither does she. :snickering: )
  14. .
    Jill's a critical b!t€h
    Magic Kingdom
    Tinder was real
    Gift guide Jen was my favorite

    That should do it for now
  15. .
    I’m never going to say Jen doesn’t have trauma from 9/11. But I am going to say she has the time and money to have worked through this trauma by now. To not do that, is to enjoy wallowing in her misery like a pig in the mud.
185 replies since 31/7/2016