The Gossip Bakery

Votes taken by deltaburkefan

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    QUOTE (heyheyheynow @ 9/10/2021, 18:58) 
    Agree completely. I don't understand the YTers who are obsessed with their schedules. Probably just to keep themselves accountable because most viewers probably don't even notice what day they upload.

    The algorithm favors youtubers who post consistently on a regular schedule. Once a week, same time every week is best.

    Prissy could be very responsible with his work duties and let his hobbies fall by the wayside? But nah, somehow I doubt it.
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    I really can’t fathom where Jen would meet someone. It’s amazing she conned Don in the first place.
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    QUOTE (ListerineLikeJen @ 8/10/2021, 22:15) 
    They seem so disconnected. The more we learn about Prissy and see how he is with Steven the more he reminds me of Jen Ross and how she treated Don. He goes to bed so early and walks up early, and his partner is at work a lot. It doesn’t sound like the spend that much time together. Much like the Ross couple, but a reprieve for Steven I’m sure

    Also, didn’t he share that one of his favourite books was the Glennon Doyle one about self care and blowing up your marriage?

    I don’t know if he actually read the book or if he was just trying to pander to his perceived audience.
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    If I had to choose between oat milk and milk, I’d just choose milk:

    I get eczema from milk so I use unsweetened almond milk.
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    Loved Diaryland and livejournal. I remember being upset when livejournal became popular because before that, it was all about personal websites.
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    I like Clutterbug’s system, but once I got it, I didn’t need videos.
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    Some of you need to get off the weird side of the internet and calm down. 😘

    The Independent’s live updates make things pretty clear IMO:
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    Mercury is in retrograde. This is to be expected. Nobody panic!
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    QUOTE (I Couldn't Resist @ 4/10/2021, 21:45) 
    QUOTE (deltaburkefan @ 10/4/2021, 12:40 PM) 
    I don’t think that means anything except that the networks are connected and experiencing the same issue. The buildings are very high tech obviously.

    Yup. The DNS records basically determine how people find anything on the internet (how the computer even knows where to look for it). Facebook's network (internal and external) is GONE. Everything depends on it, so nothing is working. Of course, there's also very little that the employees can do. Someone very high level has to be talking to people who have the power to reinstate the records, on the phone, because this is not routine. Honestly, my guess is that either someone at FB sabotaged it (and not in a way that could be easily reverted) *or* it's an attack from the outside. This shit doesn't happen accidentally.

    On the bright side, once the records are back and propagated across the internet (that could take a while, since not everyone hits the same servers for this info–they access mirrors of the master info record), everything should be back up like nothing happened, unless there is more going on. This would also be why everyone wasn't seeing things down at the same time, because some servers still had the records until the change was distributed out to everyone. I think I'm getting it right anyway, it's not my forte.

    Yep. That’s my read too.
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    QUOTE (Bunion of Fury @ 4/10/2021, 21:31) 
    I got news that FB employees cannot enter their building and that their barcode badges are being declined at the door. Something big is afoot and Jen just lost thousands of "friends" in one instant. The mausoleum must be mad quiet since she can't even talk to her imaginary loved ones. Jen, having to deal with her own thoughts, reduced to speaking to poor Winnie for comfort. Sad.
    Psst Jen! You can come over and talk to us since we re still running.

    I don’t think that means anything except that the networks are connected and experiencing the same issue. The buildings are very high tech obviously.
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    QUOTE (Meow2 @ 4/10/2021, 20:07) 
    Facebook is really a cesspool these days

    is there a social media platform where you can only post kitten pics? there needs to be one

    I want to see the overseas trip this week but feel like it will be real camping. I wonder if she'll set up a camera to get action shots of her digging her poo hole

    You can just follow a lot of kitten foster parents on Instagram and then that’s all you’ll see. My Instagram explore page is all kitten and NBA content. Kitten_faces is my favorite IG account.
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    QUOTE (Breakdown @ 4/10/2021, 19:56) 
    FB & IG should be shut down, for good. I know it'll never happen but let me dream.

    I like Facebook groups for private discussion of niche interests and following some of my favorite public figures on IG and that’s about it.
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    QUOTE (Beetrix @ 4/10/2021, 18:36) 

    Is anyone else having problems with instagram RIGHT NOW???????

    I can’t get Facebook or Instagram to work.
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    QUOTE (BowlsByCommission @ 4/10/2021, 18:33) 
    I've been watching Life Uncontained for over a year now. This married couple is building a home from two shipping containers, doing virtually all the work themselves. They upload one +- 15 minute video weekly. They have had two children during this project but the channel is not about the children. The wife's filming and editing skills have become wonderful over time. They are just a delight to watch. :b: unlikeJen

    I don’t watch that channel, but I tend to like watching people who are living a life or have past life experience that is very different from mine or just the norm. Jessica Kent having rebuilt her life after addiction and prison, Molly Burke navigating life as a blind woman, Cecilia Blomdahl living on Svalbard, etc. And I tend to prefer sit down videos over vlogs.
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    QUOTE (JenuinelyUnorganized @ 4/10/2021, 13:51) 
    The influencers started with Paris Hilton and the Kardashians. People who are famous for being famous. They showed off their wealth, they partied, shopped, partied, shopped, and did it some more. Platforms grew, bored housewives who were rich discovered they could be just like the uber rich. They could shop and show off their wealth on YouTube, no paparazzi were stalking them, but they were gaining subscribers. YT offered them a way to make some money just being themselves, they could monetize their feeds. Then as friends told friends, the stores where they shopped, the products they mentioned, got in on the action. Sponsorships! But there are limits to how many watch, and how many of those actually bought based on ads and sponsors. I never watched Gene or Manky except parts of their vids which were being snarked on. Ms Gold Girl used to shop at Nordstrom's, her spending cash dried up, the oldest went to college, Stumpy retired, and she became a spokesmodel for Walmart! Gene finally divorced Don, after thinking about it for years, no more pointless errands, martini Mondays, taco Tuesdays, monthly favorites, what is in my purse, empties, shopping hauls, no more anything that got her followers and kept them. And many others have quit SM because it became a chore, they needed time to be with family, or a hundred other reasons. Paris Hilton is a mother and no longer whores herself out with appearances in yachts, at parties, etc. The Kardashians are imploding, the real housewives are no longer real. Covid really was a big part, shopping to show off was hard to do when stores were closed. Restaurants were closed, the uber rich all the way down to the “look at meeeeee, don’t you wish you were meeeeee?” were locked up in their homes. The cycles were broken. Remember MTV? When it was all music videos, all the time? Then it changed, and videos seemed to be over. Cycles broke. I do not watch Bill Maher, he is a blow hard at times, but he is also right at times. Influencers are not influencing many these days.

    TLDR, sorry.

    Paris Hilton is not a mother. Real Housewives have TWO! franchises airing with Housewives in serious legal trouble that became public during filming. One gets arrested by the feds while they’re supposed to be leaving on a cast activity! Can’t get realer than that.

    QUOTE (Bunion of Fury @ 4/10/2021, 13:56) 
    I personally prefer watching normal people who admit to struggling in life but inspire through perseverance. I don't need to watch a perfect lifestyle with LV bags and Wednesday brunch with the girls. It is unattainable for me therefore why suffer. The majority of these influencers never had a job, I can't relate.
    Show me a working mom in sweatpants on a saturday struggling to catchup while the dog ate her leather wallet, the toddler spilled his orange juice on the white sofa and her Hobby Lobby coupon expired. I am in!

    I don’t want to watch that. It sounds boring as hell. I can’t relate to that woman either.
7959 replies since 31/7/2016