The Gossip Bakery

Posts written by PowderRoomCandy

  1. .
    Jen says don't go digging, but here's D**'s new wife's name and another clue. Pathetic. Either be direct and say what's happening or STFU Jennifer.

    Her behavior is so despicable. It's really the most consistent thing about her. She always going to be a manipulative asshole 100% of the time.
  2. .
    QUOTE (ShiseidoCottonPad @ 4/1/2024, 23:34) 
    eta: does she look any less atrocious with her haircut?

    I think she at least looked like she cared a tiny bit about her appearance when she was clean and groomed. Now she just looks (and probably is) smelly all the time. Lots of people have bad hair, but they at least try
  3. .
    Isn't there already a user named TastyTreats?

    And for the millionth time, there is another D** Ross out there. There has been confusion about this in the past. Trust, the old dirt has been dug up and reburied long ago.
  4. .
    QUOTE (NefariouslyHappiestAlone @ 3/1/2024, 22:04) 
    Weird that CC didn't notice that stocking ALLLLLLLL day on Christmas. It's almost like she wasn't there all day and was maybe with her dad.

    And/or it shows how little attention her kids pay to her and her nonsense. Wouldn't most kids notice on Christmas than Mommy wasn't opening her stocking too? Or were they distracted by the weird dog toy stocking thing from dead Winnie?

    I love that she took time to edit her tone-deaf post, only to make it just as awful the second time around. She just doesn't get it.
  5. .
    Her greediness is one of her most repulsive traits, which is saying something because she has a large list of personality flaws.
  6. .
    She's just vile. How do these morons still believe this poor single mom act?
  7. .
    Tens and D** have lots of lovely furniture. She isn't scared of chocolate fingers and she has way more kid fingers at her house.

    Let me guess, nail files and lotion are part of the patriarchy...
  8. .
    Onion dip, now it's a party!

    We're just hanging out on the couch with our pets because of all the fireworks. I got my hair dyed back to my signature fun color so now I'm ready for 2024.

    I hope Jennifer has the year she deserves. May the chaos lottery continue for her.
  9. .
    2023 was also the year Jen didn't get a tattoo, but pretended like she did via weird Instagram reposts and she did not ride a motorcycle, even though she bought a pleather jacket and everything.
  10. .
    This whole thing feels like the lost hiker saga all over again. Jen co-opted someone else's traumatic event for headpats and content. It's gross. The vague (and not so vague) insinuations about her ex, the shit talking of everyone left in her real life, the nastyass attitude she has adopted, the blatant lies and revisionist history around her well documented life. It's all reprehensible behavior from a childish woman who is still fully dependent on her D** allowance to fund her rotten life.
  11. .
    I honestly don't care and don't believe anything she says. She exaggerates everything and is always the martyr regardless of reality. If something actually is happening over there it's still not her story to share. She shouldn't even be hinting at anything regarding her ex and his upgraded family.
  12. .
    I hope word of Jen's shenanigans have reached them and they get to unleash on her for fueling all this speculation. These hysterics around parenting her own kids have been ridiculous and a new low for her, which is saying a lot.
  13. .
    Teets always looks so cute and put together when in the care of D** and Tens. And I love that she gets rid of the stupid deep side part.
  14. .
    This has truly been a batshit crazy year in the Jeniverse.

    Releasing her bunion on all the unsuspecting viewers was not on my 2023 bingo card.

    Her being spotted in the wild was a real treat.

    Watching her gigantic mouth disgustingly inhale a lot of crap throughout the year was not a highlight.

    Lying about little things, lying about stupid things, lying about big things. Lots of lying.

    Finding out that she is even dirtier and grosser than we thought.

    The most shocking part of this year is the rapid change in her appearance and weight. She is the personification of giving up.
  15. .
    Not Moving Onward or Finding Magic Because Being Jen is Pathetically Tragic. #herwordisLoser
4014 replies since 31/7/2016