The Gossip Bakery

Votes taken by The Wookie

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    QUOTE (MysticLibra @ 9/7/2023, 05:53 PM) 
    Found this today

    I think someone shared that a few pages ago, I forgot the details, but I think it was determined to be old, but the photos pick up posts from their Europe trip.
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    QUOTE (Queen Of Gab @ 9/6/2023, 06:34 PM) 
    A few of you are crossing the line. Such as " she thinks her kids are white", and the whitewashed comment, etc. Do better!

    Latina over here. These comments are very common and it's so destructive in my culture. If you are Latina/o, but can't speak Spanish, you are made to feel bad about it. If you are dark skinned, you will be made fun of and discriminated against. I had a relative say "thank God your son is light" when she saw him for the first time. We come in all shades, not all of us speak Spanish. Don't even get me started on the term "no sabo kid." With all of that said, some in the community cave in to the pressure and do try to hide their culture. I do think that Julianna is trying to straddle two worlds. It's not easy. I don't even know if I can describe the pressure that people in the culture feel. Some are so ashamed of who they are. I find that equally as sad as the ones who are passing judgement on Americanized Latinos. I do think it's messed up that she tried to hide this baptism. That was intentionally on her part and I think that is so messed up.
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    She had no intentions of sharing his baptism. You know homegirl doesn't miss a chance to have her followers swipe up on purchases. The decorations, his outfit, P's outfit. All of the planning. If it was really all part of the plan, she would have talked about it and explained the reasoning. She thought she was going to slide under the radar and Michele blew her cover. That is the only reason she shared.
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    I used to like her, but she really has shown her true colors. A part of me understands not stopping your life for an elderly parent. My mom is 93. We can't just sit around waiting for her to die. We are living our lives. We go on one vacation a year. I understand her days are numbered, but who knows if that day will be tomorrow or a year from now. But what Julianna is doing is more than that. It's not just one vacation a year. They are going on trip after trip. She is intentionally having her son baptized away from home. She's getting lip injections and who knows what else done on this trip. And she's hiding it all. The fact that she is hiding it tells us all that we need to know. It really is shameful. Why have her parents move there if she has no intention of helping them? Because taking off for trip after trip is not helping them.
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    They may have more success behind the camera. They were their worst enemy in front of the camera. If this company wants to hire them, so be it. I can't see how it will help their business, but that's their decision. The only problem I see with this is that they are using their kids. That crosses a line.
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    Nice detective work! At least their camera equipment isn't going to waste.
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    This may be an unpopular opinion, but if you need a glass of wine to unwind every night, that isn't healthy. He seems to always be on the couch with a glass of wine.
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    He needs to remove half of the crap on that entry table. Less is more, Cristopher.
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    She didn't even have to be responsible for her kids on her own. He would have paid for a nanny. She just wasn't willing to to do that because she was such a control freak with her kids.

    That baby talk was so manipulative. She turned it on and off effortlessly and to suit her needs.
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    Anytime he says he's going to post those vlogs where they took Gigi to Europe with their parents, I just roll my eyes. How many years ago was that trip? 2019? It was before the pandemic. I remember they missed their flight. They were all sitting in the airport doing God knows what and totally missed boarding. I get that it can happen because you are stuck in traffic or something. But they were all there in plenty of time, sitting down and waiting to board and they just missed the boarding call. How does a travel agent let that happen?

    That was the same trip that Gigi got sick with an ear infection. I always assumed that's why they never showed those vlogs. Gigi was probably fussy from feeling sick and they didn't want people to see that.

    If I'm right about the vlogs being from 2019, it's just plain ridiculous to release them now. Most of that content is no longer useful for travel information.
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    Is he deleting from his stupid Justin Planned It instagram account too?

    I think he is deleting people because they read here and know that people are sharing details here. I also think that they (or maybe just he) has a job that is not brag-worthy, possibly another attempt at a get rich quick scheme that will fail like all of the others. Or maybe he really did the trash business and doesn't want people to know about it.
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    The baby voice is so damn embarrassing. I 100% think she did this voice on her own. It wasn't Don that wanted that baby voice. She used it to manipulate, get her way, act like a brat, etc. The baby voice stopped once the kids came along and she realized that her "caged" life as she knew it was over. No point in baby talking after that. There were children who were Don's priority at that point.
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    "Don bought me the shoes and the mug". Girl, he bought everything you own, even post-divorce.
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    So sad! I didn't realize he was 70!
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    My biggest issue with both of them is the overconsumption of everything. Buy, buy buy. Vacation, vacation, vacation. it's all too much, even if you can afford it. I wonder if they ended up replacing that patio table that they restained?
3316 replies since 31/7/2016