The Gossip Bakery

Votes taken by UptownElegance

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    QUOTE (Laura Linden @ 3/29/2024, 02:54 AM) 
    I think it was Uptown Elegance who commented that Cindy doesn’t take pride in her appearance and doesn’t care about her health. I think that’s true to an extent, but I do think Cindy takes care of her hair, makeup, and nails. We may not like her makeup and hair but she does put a lot of work into it. What lies in between her neck and feet is the abandoned territory, because she’s heavy and doesn’t want to deal with it. Having been as heavy as Cindy, I understand this. You just want to wear something simple that shrouds your girth, ergo Cindy’s stretchy maxi-length dresses. When I’ve been heavy, I’ve never taken any joy in shopping for clothes. I approached it with the fear that nothing would fit and if it did it would somehow cling to my rolls of fat. As far as health, I knew I was obese and what that meant, especially for an elderly woman with arthritis in her feet.

    After I retired in 2018, I planned to lose the weight, but It seemed so overwhelming until in late 2021 I had just had enough of feeling lethargic, depressed, and my gut being an obstacle to even bending over. At that point, I thought I’ve got to get a handle on this before I hit 70, which is coming up this October. I also yearned to fit into stylish clothes and not to have to rely on medications to maintain some semblance of health.

    For all of her flaws, I hope Cindy hits this wall of frustration. I think a lot of her frenetic need to buy status stuff or just stuff in general is avoiding what she needs to do to substantially improve her enjoyment of life.

    When I commented that she doesn’t take pride in her appearance I was referring to her weight.
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    I remember with my first, I was so excited, I would stand to the side at the full length mirror and look to see if I was showing. I remember thinking those first few months….where is it! I didn’t see anything until about 5 months. The whole thing is just so embarrassing with her. Does she not know that everybody is thinking the same thing? This woman is insane!
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    She started all of this by going public with it and that speaks volumes. I wasn’t born yesterday and I didn’t need Ryan to say it…..she’s got plenty of money and she’s just trying to make as much as she can even if it means misleading her subscribers. How dare she. I hope it all backfires on her.
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    I wonder if her friend ever wants to babysit those kids….especially Eduardo. :smoking-smiley-face: Can you just imagine all of the sick comments they get from perverts as they parade their little boy around in dresses and such?
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    “Guess My Babies Gender” as she stands there showcasing all of her fat that she is mistaking for a baby bump! OMG, you really have to feel sorry for her she’s such an idiot! And it’s not “babies” Alex! It’s 👏🏻baby’s👏🏻. What a schmuck.
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    Tell me if I’m wrong. Didn’t she buy that first huge house before Chris came into the picture…..when she came into her grandparents inheritance? It was around the same time her brother purchased his new house right down the block from her? Then that huge house was sold and the one she lives in now was purchased? I don’t think Chris had a pot to pee in to help with the down payment for that second house….the one she lives in now… I’d bet his name is not on the deed….I’m sure her mother made certain of that if I’m right. Maybe she owes him for his contribution of whatever payments he made? I’m so confused now, lol! But that’s how I remember it.
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    After the Ruby Franke case you’d think they would put a stop to this family bullshit. I can only imagine what goes on behind closed doors with these sick morons.
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    QUOTE (LauraLee @ 3/27/2024, 09:09 PM) 
    Uptown, I was thinking it may all be a fabricated game to them. Who the hell knows. Why does he spend all that money on her?

    I'm always baffled by dopey stans who think she's wonderful. So weird to me. Over the top comments about nuked corn and asparagus.
    And like they never saw steak before. Who are those people??🤪

    The entire YouTube thing is bizarre. I think the women that fall all over her are missing something upstairs. You can’t be normal if you believe Cindy is a fabulous person and that she lives such a great life. Sometimes I think they’re all just lonely women and want to feel a connection to her so they leave those crazy comments. I can’t imagine. Crazy.
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    I tried to edit my post and lost it!

    Laura Lee thanks for grabbing those shots.

    Cindy is huge because she allowed herself to get that way by overeating and because of her alcoholism. She doesn’t take pride in her appearance and doesn’t care about her health. I’ve never had a weight problem but as I’ve gotten older I do concentrate on eating healthy for the most part. I exercise and lift weights because I want to keep my body as tight as possible….especially my arms.

    As far as Eric goes…..Mary Mary…..I’ve always thought they were just friends from the very beginning and thot Cindy just used him for a made up storyline. Who really knows at this point and who really cares. She lies about everything.

    Webers….i think you are right about not trusting him. We know nothing about his past but what we do know is that he’s an overweight, dirty and unhealthy looking alcoholic.
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    She knows exactly what she’s doing and every word and expression is well thought out before the camera turns on. Planting the seed is what it comes down to. I don’t know how old any of you are but I’m 66 and have been around the block with all different types of people. I would never 👏🏻NEVER👏🏻 give her one red cent.
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    QUOTE (originalredwinefreak @ 3/25/2024, 04:16 PM) 
    In the first five minutes of the video Tammy comments, “if I didn’t use the skincare I use, I would look 105”. :cant-believe-my-eyes-smiley-emo. And the first thing that draws your eye is to her neck. I’m not sure if there is such a thing as neck fillers, Tammy sure would benefit.

    I realize the wedding was a second time around event, but it seemed odd at best. Bride/bridesmaids weren’t carrying flowers. The couple walked down the aisle together. :=/: Tammy must be in a hair rut. I pile my hair up like that when cleaning. I can’t imagine sporting that look at a wedding?

    OMG, that’s exactly what I thought. My hair is shoulder length with face framing layers and when I leave my house my hair is always styled, always…..even grocery shopping or whatever but it goes up on top of my head for the night or like you said if I’m going to be cleaning around the house but certainly not for a wedding.
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    QUOTE (originalredwinefreak @ 3/25/2024, 04:25 PM) 
    I would say Kimberly looks like a size 10. That isn’t a bad size ( neither is 12 ) but transparency is important to the viewers.

    Exactly. She’s a liar and nobody likes a liar.
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    QUOTE (SUNNYdaze925 @ 3/25/2024, 04:24 AM) 
    Wow, I didnt realize Cindy was that overweight. In the video she looks huge. Why wear sleeveless mumu dresses, put on a tunic and nice slacks. When Eric is talking she seems so uncomfortable, fidgeting, adjusting, flipping her hair, impatient while Eric talks...

    Right, but she does this with every single person that sits next to her. She’s a narcissistic bitch who thinks she should be the only one aloud to speak. Cindy knows nothing about what true relationships are all about and that’s how come at 74 she finds herself alone in her house with a bottle of booze….oh, well, she does have Eric when she wants him around but he’s truly nothing to write home about….he very well may be a nice guy but he’s just another obese alcoholic and if he wasn’t he wouldn’t give that pig the time of day. You won’t find a normal man ever interested in her, never.
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    QUOTE (nordan2 @ 3/24/2024, 11:16 PM) 
    I believe Tammy and Lisa compete to see who can be the most skeletal. And who can grow that hair the longest.

    Sickos. In today’s video when it came on I kid you not my stomach turned looking at Tammy’s neck. OMG is all I can say. She looked awful at the wedding.
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    QUOTE (TruthSerum @ 3/24/2024, 12:15 AM) 
    Thanks Zombie Grandma on Cindy's $$$. I only occasionally check in with her because her Bakery thread is so funny.

    Uptown: An obese hamster on a wheel :hearty-laugh:
    So true! Any insight on her daughter? She doesn't talk about her that much but I don't regularly follow her at all so maybe I've missed it. I'd croak if she were my mother on Youtube in all of her boozey glory.

    :snickering: I’m like you….i don’t watch her all of the time. I think it’s rare that she ever mentions her daughter though. Cindy is a total embarrassment from the way she looks to the way she acts.
3042 replies since 1/8/2016