The Gossip Bakery

Posts written by UptownElegance

  1. .
    Everybody is entitled to their opinion.
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    TAMMYYYYYYYYYY!! :tearing-hair: For the love of your boyfriend…… take your hair out of that moronic thing on top of your head and get yourself a nice hairstyle! My god, all joking aside….doesn’t she look in the mirror? She looks ancient! I wouldn’t be caught dead looking like that! Makeup and clothing will not even help her at this point. Does she enjoy looking frail, sickly and older than her years?
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    QUOTE (Emmy Lou @ 5/5/2024, 02:26 AM) 
    I agree. Her last few videos have been a rather dark reveal of the true nature of her relationship with Eric. They are two drunks who are out of control. I wish I could write with confidence that maybe her reading The Bakery will give her a wakeup call but I'm not counting on it. Cindy has these bursts of reflection and then the ice machine churns and it's marguerita time.

    You’re so right. When she reads here she knows there’s a ring of truth in everything that’s said.
  4. .
    This new little video is just her way of letting everyone know she’ll be gone for a while if not a long time if you ask me. She’s says she hasn’t posted because she’s been sick but she just posted what two or three videos back to back? And guess what? She can see the future because she doesn’t see herself getting better any time soon. She may have the sniffles but she’s using it as an excuse because I think she’s taking a break. What do you think?
  5. .
    Was LeighAnn always as thin as she is now?
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    QUOTE (Garbage pail kids @ 5/1/2024, 09:45 PM) 
    QUOTE (NefariouslyHappiestAlone @ 27/4/2024, 15:51) 
    I stopped watching her because of the nanny. She was shady about it and then when she revealed it, I started to think she probably has a maid, etc.
    More recently, i checked in again and she made a video stating she likes to take an hour to herself daily to read a book by the pool. One of her kids was not school age and again I found her unrelatable bc unless you have a nanny, how are you basking in sunlight reading a book by the pool as a mom of 2?

    Honestly nanny or au pair, cleaning lady, etc doesn't bother me at all. I don't have them and wish I did. I'd have more time and be a better parent, less stressed in general, perhaps have any small amount of time for myself, maybe be able to earn more money. I don't understand why anyone would be upset if someone else has help. I'd love it but it isn't in the budget.

    Is she alone when she's reading by the pool? I remember her posting an IG reel awhile ago showing that both kids know how to swim now. Could they be playing nearby?

    QUOTE (Flamingos_are_real @ 1/5/2024, 08:06) 
    How are we not talking about Brittany’s unhinged Amazon Live? I didn’t watch it but I saw YouTuber Headlines and oooooff!

    Was it recent? I missed it and try not to watch youtuber headlines but if it's worthwhile maybe I will

    QUOTE (heyheyheynow @ 27/4/2024, 21:34) 
    The logo of Carter's school is clearly visible on his shirt in the Instagram story where he's cooking. $14,500 tuition a year.

    That doesn't seem excessively expensive for private school tuition to me because it's about the same where I live (nowhere near CA) but I send my kids to public school here

    Right, it may not be expensive for private school but she was trying to say she was broke a little while back. If you’re broke you can’t afford that!
  7. .
    QUOTE (UptownElegance @ 5/3/2024, 07:00 PM) 
    QUOTE (Laura Linden @ 5/3/2024, 04:02 PM) 
    What are the street address and unit number? What I found is as follows: 69411 Ramon Road, Unit 937, Cathedral City, Ca 92334.

    When I initially looked at several realtor sites, including Zillow and Redfin, the above residence was not listed for sale; it was off market.

    HOWEVER…when I scrolled down further just now, there was another Redfin listing for an unspecified unit at 69411 Ramon Road that had been for sale for 31 days for $110,000 and was in a pending status. The square footage of the lot it’s parked on—2,178 sf— matches the data provided by Truthfinder(the database I use) and the other Redfin listing that included the 937 unit number but stated the RV is “off market.” My thoughts: could the RV have already sold and is now being listed as off market, or could the sale have fallen through, or could the pending unit that is unspecified not be no. 937, which is Eric’s? The MLS number for the pending unit is SR24959099. There is a photo of the pending vehicle, which has a white jeep parked in front of it, as well as a golf cart.

    I sent you a PM that should clear it up. The unit number is wrong that you have. The site was updated a few hours ago and I think the sale is no longer pending but it’s still for sale.

    Upon further digging……I may be wrong!
  8. .
    QUOTE (Laura Linden @ 5/3/2024, 04:02 PM) 
    QUOTE (UptownElegance @ 3/5/2024, 15:18) 
    It’s been on the market for 171 days with a pending sale since April 19 if memory serves me correctly. Listed at 230 pending at 225. I’m out the door… be continued later…lol

    What are the street address and unit number? What I found is as follows: 69411 Ramon Road, Unit 937, Cathedral City, Ca 92334.

    When I initially looked at several realtor sites, including Zillow and Redfin, the above residence was not listed for sale; it was off market.

    HOWEVER…when I scrolled down further just now, there was another Redfin listing for an unspecified unit at 69411 Ramon Road that had been for sale for 31 days for $110,000 and was in a pending status. The square footage of the lot it’s parked on—2,178 sf— matches the data provided by Truthfinder(the database I use) and the other Redfin listing that included the 937 unit number but stated the RV is “off market.” My thoughts: could the RV have already sold and is now being listed as off market, or could the sale have fallen through, or could the pending unit that is unspecified not be no. 937, which is Eric’s? The MLS number for the pending unit is SR24959099. There is a photo of the pending vehicle, which has a white jeep parked in front of it, as well as a golf cart.

    I sent you a PM that should clear it up. The unit number is wrong that you have. The site was updated a few hours ago and I think the sale is no longer pending but it’s still for sale.
  9. .
    It’s been on the market for 171 days with a pending sale since April 19 if memory serves me correctly. Listed at 230 pending at 225. I’m out the door… be continued later…lol
  10. .
    We’ve been waiting for you Zombie Grandma! Did you read through all of these posts? Seems Eric’s trailer….i mean RV… for sale.
  11. .
    QUOTE (Sand&Sun @ 5/3/2024, 04:51 AM) 
    QUOTE (Coral @ 3/5/2024, 04:43) 
    It’s all very strange. I’ve rechecked and the information is the same as before,
    at least on my machine.

    Your machine must be better than mine!

    Google his name and when fastpeoplechecker pops up click on it. It has all his information. And i mean ALL.

    Haha! Unbelievable!
  12. .
    QUOTE (Coral @ 5/3/2024, 04:19 AM) 
    To add to the confusion:

    According to Zillow, his address, which must include the unit number,

    is not for sale.

    It is. I found the # attached to it.
  13. .
    QUOTE (Sandnsun2 @ 5/3/2024, 04:09 AM) 
    I found quite a bit on fastpeoplechecker .
    So much so I’m speechless.

    I’ll say! lol 😀
  14. .
    QUOTE (Sand&Sun @ 5/3/2024, 01:52 AM) 
    QUOTE (UptownElegance @ 3/5/2024, 01:11) 
    When you google his address it comes up but it shows all different RVs for sale with different prices……i think they all have the same address but different unit numbers? Did anybody see the pictures to compare it to what you remember if you saw the video where they filmed the inside of it? It’s odd.

    Yes. When I googled his name a website I think fast people checker came up that has more information.

    Ohhhhh, ok! 👍
  15. .
    When you google his address it comes up but it shows all different RVs for sale with different prices……i think they all have the same address but different unit numbers? Did anybody see the pictures to compare it to what you remember if you saw the video where they filmed the inside of it? It’s odd.
3221 replies since 1/8/2016