The Gossip Bakery

Posts written by plaid shirt

  1. .
    She could sell the china at the same consignment shop she has the jewelry. She could also buy some nice pieces to fill that empty "ballroom".
  2. .
    She has no idea what a real career is.I had a career that was breaking me. I had worked there for 23 years. Good $$, but I was working 75 hours a week, my boss was perpetually critical and I was literally working myself to death. I quit. In the middle of a pandemic, I quit. Scary as hell, as I am a single woman that supports myself. I took a long weekend to rest, and reconnect with my friends and family that I had not even talked on the phone with in over a month.
    I had a new job, within a month. It was hard, but that's what had to be done.

    Anyway, back to Jen- She melts down on camera, and ends her video with a planner haul. You can hear the excitement in her voice when she talks about that Moon planner, that she will never use.
  3. .
    I haven't paid attention to it until now, but does she only have a drink on the evenings she has the kids?
  4. .
    I'm glad she finally put some ornaments on the trees. That being said, it's sad that she doesn't have any kid-made ornaments. How is that possible with 2 pre-school kids that are in school every day? I understand some things being painful with the divorce, but there is not one special, meaningful ornament on her tree.

    When DS was little, every year we did some kind of ornament project for him to give as gifts to the grandparents, aunts and uncles. He's 27 and I still put those hand painted ornaments on my tree. :) I have the Christmas crafts my nieces and nephews made over the years, too. There are so many ideas for kid's Christmas art projects.

    At least she makes cookies with them.
  5. .
    I love painted furniture. I hate chalk paint. The idea of not having to strip or sand is appealing, but it goes on thick, I do not like the matte finish and you do have to use a wax finish if you want it to last.

    The chalk painted furniture will not go with the the vibe of the house, it is too rustic. Now, Jen's vibe is all over the place, so she may love it. I think she is ruining the bookshelves.
  6. .
    I would not buy anything she has shown. So much clutter.
  7. .
    The photo of Charlotte on the school FB is really cute. But, I think it is sad that it is not liked by ANY member of her family. It has about 7 likes that I assume are teachers or classmates parents. Do none of the Rosses or Boyles ever look at the school FB? The best thing about FB is it makes it easy for extended families to see what the kids are doing.

    I understand the privacy aspect, specifically since Jen is well known on SM. But as we have all mentioned, someday Charlotte and Donnie are going to be old enough to see everything on the internet.
  8. .
    Did anyone else notice the status of Ross Manor 1.0 ..has changed to "Cancelled". Does that mean they took it off the market? It is still on the Compass Website. All the photos are gone, and there is now a virtual tour.
  9. .
    If she doesn't use the glasses that often, she should put them on the top shelf, get some CLEAR bins for the tea and move them down lower so she can reach them easily. How much tea can she drink before it gets old? Same with all the cider stuff.

    She still has so much stuff. I don't think she will ever host a "party" in that house. Yet, she has service for 12. That she doesn't use.

    She should use those narrow cabinets in the breakfast nook for pantry storage. Boxes, cans and jars of food will not get lost in them.

    She keeps buying new storage containers, ( ziplocks and disposable plastic conainters,jars, round glass bowls, new plastic storage containers) and never gets rid of the old stuff.
  10. .
    I remember her saying she had another name she wanted to use for the re-brand, but it was already taken. Pretty Neat Living was her second choice. I have no idea where or when she said this, but I remember it because I always thought it was stupid for her to re-brand.

    She should have just consolidated everything under the Organized Like Jen channel. It has her name in it, her followers still remember it better than PNL.
  11. .
    How do Jen and her children manage to look homeless while living in an $800,000 home.

    Why in the hell does she show an empty room with empty bookshelves with no sound and Donnie in his underwear?

    I really want to have a chat with the Jenions that find her so inspirational and brave.
  12. .
    Does anyone believe those garden pictures are really in their backyard and Pookie is doing all the work? I call bullshit.

    Why not take a picture of the whole garden if it looks that beautiful? She only showed close up shots of each plant.
  13. .
    QUOTE (pinksims @ 7/20/2020, 12:07 AM) 
    Can someone please tell Jen that dancing on Instagram stories like a person who's escaped from a hospital for mentally unstable people is not cute or funny and is certainly not content. I'm glad she's so happy to be rid of her children for the 5th time this week, and maybe if someone I'm not in a relationship with had bought me a $800,000 house I'd be that happy too. But she needs to get off the internet and start coming up with some decent content if she wants to be taken seriously at any point. Because right now, what exactly is the point of Pretty Neat Living? :lol:

    She doesn't need PNL to have a point. She has a large enough following to stroke her ego when she needs it. She puts so much on Instagram now, and she knows it goes away in 24 hours. All the stories last summer about the swim leggings/ long sleeve swim shirts were on Instagram, so most people forget them. So now she can make up stories like she's never bought a bathing suit before. But she still gets the head pats from her Instagram on comments in her weekly boring YouTube vlogs.
  14. .
    The lay out of that house is so awkward. The formal living room and family room connected to each other with the step down, is such a waste of space. As the kids get older and have friends over it will be so loud. There is no way for anyone to use the formal LR ( maybe Practicing piano) if someone is watching TV in the family room. Jen made it worse putting the TV on the wall right next to the LR. They took a house that was not open concept and tried to make it open concept and it does not work.

    The wet bar is a waste of space, especially for Jen's lifestyle. Of all the things she changed in the house, I really hope she took it out. It would have been a good space for the tv or built in bookshelves.

    The more she shows, the more I like Ross Manor 1.0 (except for the ugly fireplace).
  15. .
    QUOTE (Lauralie @ 7/13/2020, 03:53 AM) 
    Check out this former golf course neighbor! I love her old street.

    Wow, that is a nice house. That is the kind of house she thought she would be moving into when she referred to Ross Manor as the "starter home".

    Edited by plaid shirt - 7/13/2020, 04:01 AM
212 replies since 3/8/2016