The Gossip Bakery

Votes taken by Hairtie

  1. .
    How many black blazers does one need for the McDonald’s drive thru?
  2. .
    Because being the lazy losers that the goldturds are, they never bothered to potty train their dogs. They piss and shit everywhere so apparently they try and contain it to the family room and kitchen :sick:
  3. .
    Forgive me If I sound ignorant, but how does someone who works in an elective plastic surgery place get morally injured?? I genuinely want to know how on earth she is impacted???

    “Laser focused on growing my Hermès selection”

  4. .
  5. .
    QUOTE (BackpackPurse89 @ 20/12/2021, 09:17) 
    This is the gross one about Harper and the dog s**t.

    Holy mother of god!!!!!

    Not only is it absolutely horrific that it happened, but she thought that telling the world about it was a good idea?!!!??!!
  6. .
    QUOTE (ColdOne @ 20/12/2021, 19:31) 

    It’s hilarious but it’s not. Those kids are screwed
  7. .
    We need a slo mo of her elbowing Harper. She’s awful.
  8. .
    It would freak me out to have my kid running all over a house that’s got dog shit and piss everywhere. Can’t she put some shoes or slippers on the kid?
  9. .
    She always looks like such a sloppy turd.
  10. .
    I can’t with her outfits. FYI- there is NO air conditioning in Gruene Hall!!!!!! Its a super old building and not very large. Mostly standing room for concerts. You are basically mushed in with all of the other sweaty drunk people.
  11. .
    So two things

    1- it’s 90 here everyday still. No way in hell are people wearing actual sweats. It’s really still too hot to even wear jeans.

    2- I actually have those exact sweats they are from z supply’s. I remember when she bought them and I was horrified. They are absolutely not for 90 degree weather. They are in my drawer of things that I wear lounging around the house on a cold day.
  12. .
    Maybe he can review his fisher price grill while he’s at it :snickering:
  13. .
    He’s still got some Boston stuck on him??? He’ll loosen up and become an honorary Texan? Wtf does she mean by that?
  14. .
    They are both complete shitbags. It’s not super surprising that they have no friends.
  15. .
    QUOTE (rockster @ 27/9/2021, 20:53) 
    All that foundation looks even worse in real life too.

    I can assure you that it does!!
3753 replies since 4/8/2016