The Gossip Bakery

Votes taken by Dayate

  1. .
    Seems to me she punishes herself with these races and running so she can binge afterwards. As has been said before her feet hip etc are not setup for running. Think about the mental self torture…she can’t simply go to Disney and eat treats without running. She has so many body issues it’s insane.
  2. .
    Ironic that TSwift “we are never ever getting back together” was playing in the background when she was in the kitchen. What a crap show was heading her way. It’s sad really. She had a good thing going. I think Don wanted to do polyamory. She may have tried it but ultimately said no and he left.
  3. .
    If you ever want to know how a narcissist handles the death of a family member, all you need to do is read her post.

    Someone needs to send Lily that book “Recovering from Narcissistic Mothers”.
  4. .
    All these people do is perform rotating commercials. They even did a Nike commercial. Hard to believe Nike needs help selling their shit from these people? It’s gross and pushing unneeded consumerism so they can buy more houses, bigger houses, boats, cars, helicopters etc. oh and it’s all centered around our father Jesus?!?!? Sure Jan. it truly is disgusting. Speaking of father, haven’t heard about him in a while. I guess he wasn’t ready to leave.
  5. .
    Does anyone local know what happened with that puppy dog and tails place? Tiks practically lived in there buying/grifting everything from bones to clothes. Now never a mention.
  6. .
    That woman is a psycho! I hope that contractor walks off the job. He was very nice and polite in his reply. She deserves to be put in her place. It’s obvious she has NEVER built or remodeled anything before. Things like that happen on EVERY job. She acts like he did it on purpose. I can’t believe he would answer her back. I would ignore her and never come back. Also he should run an ad in their local paper showing the details of how the elected officials family treats workers. Ridiculous!
  7. .
    Next on the list for Jen……candles. She’s almost at the hygiene level of Krusty so maybe she will be the next genius entrepreneur to sell homemade candles. Wait, who am I kidding that would detract from her exercise time. :mocking_smiley_emoticon:
  8. .
    May have been mentioned but her kids have their bunsy at Disney World! First they shouldn’t have them anymore and second that is nasty. Think of the germs. Why does she try to keep them 2? That is not her job. She should encourage them to mature not hold them back. Don’t even get me started on the stroller for a seven year old.
  9. .
    What happened to her “never take them off” bangle bracelets? The only thing she is consistent with is lying and shilling. Wonder if she still sees her therapist? Invisalign? It’s all so fake.
  10. .
    Stephen is so full of himself and unlikeable. Kimmy has been raised to deal with it and follow what he says. I do think SK is a doll but I’m curious to see the dynamic when Tiff has the NEW baby girl. You know it will be nonstop competition between the girls via their parents. I also don’t understand why TCL and Steve didn’t want to spend Christmas with their parents. They are old and won’t be around much longer you would think they would want to spend Christmas in Park City visiting with them. Why not bring their parents to the MANSION to stay with them Christmas Eve? TCL hasn’t been to their Park City home much recently, I wonder why.

    Also I rolled my eyes when Kimmy said they are going on ANOTHER trip to ski. Don’t these people ever want to simply stay home? It’s like Tiff and Stephen are competing on who can take the most trips in 1 year. Poor Adam and Kimmy are along for the crazy ride.

    I do like Steve, not sure why. Maybe because he doesn’t hide his wealth and shill Walmart. Drive you Ferrari and buy helicopters and houses! Go Steve. I would 100% travel like him, if I was him. Jennifer trying to act like she’s pinching pennies when they own 4 or 5 houses and a helicopter is so fake. Id respect her more if she honestly gave tips on how and who they use to travel lavishly. Like Steve did on the India trip. He plainly said it’s not the budget route but I used… to help plan this trip.
  11. .
    This may have been said because I’m behind on reading. She keeps talking about nostalgia and things she did when she was a kid in NYC and she liked and missed it. She doesn’t consider that CC and Dawny will not have those nostalgic memories with HER because she never takes them anywhere. It is a blessing they have extended family and Tens and D to solve that issue. She will not be in any memory for them except baking cookies and pizza. Popcorn and stretched necks from watching a movie at home. Maybe?

    The fact this doesn’t even cross her mind proves what a selfish twat she really is. I think she doesn’t want them to taint her memories from when she was a kid. Those are all HERS. Just the way she likes it.
  12. .
    Ok so how do these charities work? Couldn’t TCL have simply donated what she spent on the decorations and labor to the charity and probably come out ahead donating more money to St Jude? She has easy $30,000 in decor alone. Add in all the labor she paid I would say $40,000? Plus a lot less work and busyness at the holidays. Hell they will probably go to Park City at Christmas anyway. I don’t understand all these mega rich people. I guess their narcissistic ways compel them to be flamboyant instead of simple.
  13. .
    Those large wax melters up on a wooden like bench up on a narrow counter!?! How many pounds did she say each of those hold? The kids were running around next to them. If one of those fell full of hot wax….. that seems so dangerous. Krusty only sees $$$ and wants to portray herself as being a hard working go getter but all we see is a delusional babysitter that’s deep in a mental spiral of trying to prove something to someone.

    Also $50,000 or $75,000 is a lot of revenue but it’s not her profit after taxes. She’s been doing this for 3, 4 or 5 months. That’s max $25,000 per month compared to $35,000+ per month she earned in her Dr job. Also she could come home to a not as cluttered house and work a lot less hrs.
  14. .
    Oh but pwegnant pwincess had to have her rest. She couldn’t possibly sleep on that hard bed. Then the drama with a headache/migraine the next morning holding everyone up so she could meditate her migraine away🙄. I promise you she didn’t have a migraine because no amount of meditation can stop that pain and 1 hour later she was shit eat grinning and hyena laughing at Disney. She only wants attention. PERIOD. At least Sam seems to have taken after Senior and appears to be more quiet and humble. Notice Kimmy and Stephen didn’t mention the VIP the next day? Hmmm. Wonder why not. You think Senior told them to stop bragging about it?
  15. .
    Well big daddy Warbucks is along for the Disney trip and NOW they are getting the VIP experience. They try to sell that the kids are all self sufficient and they don’t give them $$$. We aren’t stupid. You know he’s paying for the VIP. That’s $1000s per day. All the while Tiffany won’t give her parents the better bed. Spoiled brat! Those Murphy beds are like hard plywood. Pay for everything and have to sleep on cardboard. No wonder he didn’t look happy at all! They will be at the 4 seasons tomorrow. Watch and see. I’m also shocked they aren’t looking into buying into Golden Gate.
540 replies since 5/8/2016