The Gossip Bakery

Votes taken by aryani

  1. .
    Do any of you watch Lorry Hill? She just put up this video recently about ending up with necrosis of her nose after getting filler injected into her nasal-labial folds. I’d never get fillers, not only do they look hideous but they are dangerous.

  2. .
    Did she slather her steak with butter in one of those pics??

    She really thinks she’s hot shit in her new reels 🤣🤣highlighting her eating off paper plates and McDonald’s. She’s such an inbred hick that she truly doesn’t have the sense to know how truly ridiculous she is. I’m here for it 🤣🤣
  3. .
    I may be in the minority but I don’t think Brick is a lesbian. She’s an attention whore who gets off on being provocative because let’s face it, what does she have going for her? She’s HOMELY, a true butter face who is using sexuality to get noticed. Her dear mother taught her that but really didn’t teach her anything else.
  4. .
    Can’t watch Cindy anymore, even for comic relief. The way she speaks, she can barely put a coherent sentence together anymore.
  5. .
    Those fat pads above her eyelids look so weird! Looming health crisis of some sort, that’s not normal. She’s truly a grotesque beast, isn’t she?
  6. .
    QUOTE (A.DoraBuhl @ 6/10/2022, 11:58) 
    My wonder . . . what is Jawn gets Covid who will open cartons!!???

    Guess Lisa will finally have a use for poor Will!
  7. .
    QUOTE (KnowItAll @ 25/8/2022, 12:30) 
    Uncle Fester and Cousin It

    Look at her legs in that thumbnail lol
    What in God’s name is going on here? 🤣🤣 that just looks awkward and ridiculous, certainly not sexy. Lol! Let’s face it - John’s ugly, boring and was nothing more than a Wallet to her when she married him. She stays with him simply because she’s too stupid and lazy to navigate life as a single woman.She’s gross, he’s gross, brooks gross and I just feel pity for her son. Thanks for the laughs Lisa!
  8. .
    QUOTE (BeautifulBuhyooteeful @ 14/7/2022, 02:25) 
    Not sure what this means?

    In the restaurant industry, there are certain words that are yelled out - BEHIND is used to avoid another employee turning quickly so there’s no collision. Another word is HEARD - used collectively to let others in a busy environment know that something important that’s been conveyed is understood. There are lots of restaurant memes that use these and other industry words. ☺️
  9. .
    Yup, Brook is a case of arrested development with her trolling like a 14 year old. She’s homely and boring, just like her mom.
  10. .
    Have you considered just recording the video from your iPad with your iphone? I’ve done that in the past in a similar situation. God, Cindy is a bonafide wackadoodle lol She has seriously lost the plot. Did she ever have it? lol
  11. .
    Ha! Dental surgery my ass! That’s what they always say 🤣 it should be quite evident what she really had done when she decides to show her homely face again lol
  12. .
    QUOTE (Chanelbaby @ 21/2/2022, 01:39) 
    Wow glad I'm glad I served your purpose - look at how my post got you all revved up. Better than reading about the Piggly Wiggly locations in the United States and "closed captioned". How boring.

    I don’t see anybody “revved up” other than you, possibly. 😆
  13. .
    That cat is 100% more sexy than old barrel bodied Sharon on her best day LOL
  14. .
    QUOTE (Cooldez @ 29/1/2022, 03:12) 

    In case you missed it, here again, is just the audio from Sharon's nasty bath video🤣

    🤣🤣🤣 omg! I’m dying! That’s so UN-SEXY and hilarious at the same time.
  15. .
    Like any of us give a shit what Sharon’s degenerate son thinks of us LOL
456 replies since 9/8/2016