The Gossip Bakery

Posts written by Identifying as Single Mom

  1. .
    The phrase keep the lights on means enough money to break even at a business, maintaining the current (or bare minimum) level of operations. Being able to pay the bills at the end of the month with nothing left over.

    Her Patreon does not keep the proverbial lights on. The Don dollar$ do. (And if she truly has the kids for months on end, he’s likely giving her a lot more child support to do it.)

    The Patreon money doesn’t come anywhere NEAR covering her travel expenses, much less all of her spending on other things related to her “content” - crowned athletics outfits, Peloton subscription, advent calendars, all the crap in her “office”, the list is long.

    Her Patreon money might cover her property taxes, and some of the expensive salmon, but not much else.
  2. .
    FINALLY her patrons are calling her out! That was such a thoughtful and well stated comment, that first one.

    This is what FRIENDS do, Jen. They call each other out on their sh*t sometimes. Real friends aren’t blind praise machines.

    And what is up with talking about people in a “not so kind” way? You mean like Paula claiming people are easily offended by ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING?
  3. .
    QUOTE (ShiseidoCottonPad @ 4/1/2024, 06:20) 
    Oh, friends, freedom's not a state like Brown vs The Board of Education. Freedom is a state of mind. And,I am blessed that we are on the journey together, assuming I am able to keep the lights on here at the WWC.

    Every time she refers to it as the WWC, it’s giving playing pretend school with her dollies in her bedroom, age 8. I’m dating myself here, but like when any of us would borrow a parent’s adding machine and clipboard, maybe some rubber stamps, and play “office.”

    Like she’s the president of the Babysitters Club and is holding the weekly meeting. A fan club meeting.

    It is arrested development in real time, weekly.
  4. .
    She’s gotten more views on that video than she has gotten on any other video in months.

    It’s not the stupid travel anyone is interested in. It’s Jen’s lack of perspective.
  5. .
    She has a “boo boo” :10:
  6. .
    Oof, the YouTube comments are a dumpster fire for Jen.
  7. .
    QUOTE (StuffedFriend @ 3/1/2024, 11:56) 
    I'd love to know why she's always gripping her kids in photos. (I don't say hugging because it's not a hug, it's a full on death lock!) Is she scared they'll run away if she doesn't? It's not a nice look. 🫤


    The same way there are daggers in her heart without her kids (but in reality momming is hard) and she only ever wants to be with her littles (but parenting them full time equates to having your number pulled in the chaos lottery) and of COURSE she’d prefer to be home and not traveling but her heart hurts without her kids (but she’s obviously distraught to not be traveling for a month or two.)

    AKA gaslighting.
  8. .
    It’s interesting that on Instagram, Patreon is described just as lifestyle content.

    She doesn’t mention that she uses it as her own personal clique, as her “safe space”, the place where she supposedly gets real and where she claims to be praying for everyone and doing things as a we.

    Probably because she knows if she described it accurately, nobody would join. She’s no dummy.

    That in and of itself needs psychological evaluation. If people pay you $5 a month, you tell them when you’re not going to be home and you show them more of your kids and your house and you claim to care about them as individuals and be connecting with them when all you’re doing is clicking like on a comment on a video.
  9. .
    7 on 7 off is a very normal 50/50 split, particularly when the parents live close by and kids are as young as the circumstances are.

    It would also help Jen with her traveling.

    Don can’t order her to stay home during her non-custodial time. I don’t even think a judge could order that, it would violate her personal liberty. These are NORMAL kids and as much as Jen grates on our nerves, she’s not abusive or neglectful in the legal sense.

    Don also can’t force her to have the kids for longer stretches, for any reason. He’d have to go to court for such a thing, a judge would have to sign off on that, and child support payments would have to be adjusted. Getting an advanced degree is not a reason to not see your kids.

    For as much as y’all hate on Jen for all of her exercising when the kids are with her, how on earth would you think it is at all okay for Don to voluntarily shirk his parental responsibilities for an advanced degree or to somehow teach Jen a lesson? That would be disgusting and would be grounds for her to take him to court.

    Most custody agreements give the other parent first right of refusal. The default would be that if Don CAN’T exercise his custody rights, they would go to Jen.

    So the logical conclusion here is that Don is unable to exercise his custody rights. A surgery would not preclude that unless he was inpatient in the hospital for an extended period of time. He has a wife and a nanny to assist during his custody time if he is physically unable but is at home, and he does have the right to utilize them to be able to see his kids at home.

    If he truly is not seeing them for weeks or months on end, it is because he’s physically unable to, AND IS NOT HOME, either due to a medical reason or a legal reason.
  10. .
    The Peloton subscription is like $60/month.

    She just bought more DVC.

    The RunDisney trips are expensive just for the travel and the race itself, then she spends even more money on ornaments, more shirts, more ears, Gideons, all the things.

    Her Patreon income for one month can’t even cover one of her trips.
  11. .
    Are you KIDDING ME? Keep the lights on? From the person who literally just got off a Disney cruise, who flies to her SECOND VEHICLE that exists solely for her to frivolously spend money, drinking out of $300 coffee mugs and running on her treadmill in expensive ugly outfits?

    This is why nobody ever lets her get away with claiming she’s a single mom.
  12. .
    Isn’t she the one who likes to flare her nostrils and tell people not to watch her if it upsets them?
  13. .
    She’s in the Happiest Place on Earth
    And then on a cruise
    With her babies who she claims that is the only thing that makes her happy is being with her babies and being away from them feels like daggers to her heart.
    Her word of the year is magic
    She has nowhere she HAS to be, more money than she knows what to do with, and other than her grotesque feet - which are fixable - she’s healthy.

    We all ask, what is the travel all for? What is the point of running the same Disney races over and over? What is the point of having a Patreon “Community” when you refuse to connect on a personal level with anyone? What is the point of therapy if you still don’t have any friends and haven’t identified that you are completely unrelatable and unlikable in real life, and then do something about that? What is the point of hosting Thanksgiving when you are so beyond annoyed about it that you’ll criticize the only human beings willing to be around you?

    What is the point of a whole craft room dedicated to “memory keeping” when you don’t bother to make memories worth remembering? Another random all trails hike, another 36 hour visit to a random metropolis to move the car that you had another random night alone watching YouTube videos in?

    What IS the point?

    What is the point of purchasing a gigantic home that has a layout that is terrible and you can’t be bothered to furnish it? What is the point of making Peloton your entire personality? Which…ain’t much. What is the point of lying about your depression and lying about who initiated the divorce and lying about what went down and lying about how connected you are to the children you obviously have no connection to?

    What IS the point?

    We’ve been asking ourselves that about you, Jen, for years. You’ve spent four years wasting time that you could have been truly living and happy, but you insist on being miserable, lying about it, wondering why nobody wants to be your friend, and blaming all of it on everyone but yourself. Grow up, get on meds, see a real psychologist, and get your shit together.
  14. .
    QUOTE (GrownUpStickerBook @ 2/1/2024, 04:28) 
    “Perspective”, Jen. Choose that as your word. You’re on a Disney cruise with your healthy children. You also said you and your parents are healthy. Money is no object. And bonus—your parenting stints with your beloved children have increased drastically. NO MORE DAGGERS! No need to travel as a coping mechanism for your mama heart. You can settle in for a cozy winter with your love podiums. What a beautiful way to start 2024!

    Or wallow in self-pity. Iowncare.

    This needed to be quoted and brought back up. This is SO TRUE. But she wants sympathy for her suffering.

    She is DEPRESSED. Cannot cope. Cannot accept that she created the situation she’s in. Cannot accept that it’s up to her to change it if she doesn’t like it. The first step to that is intensive therapy. With a real doctor.

    She has everything within her reach to do something about her own misery. But nobody else can make her do it. And when she digs in on her stubbornness for the sake of being stubborn, she creates a situation where nobody has any sympathy for her “suffering”, because she is 100% responsible for her reality.
  15. .
    Jeff how was lunch?

    There was a lot of drama.

    Look at how short I am and I’m not going to acknowledge you said anything.

    Don’s burger was overcooked and he seemed annoyed by that.
2633 replies since 15/8/2016