The Gossip Bakery

Posts written by OrganicTampon

  1. .
    That post was gag worthy 🙄
  2. .
    I can't help but hope that Liz is a therapist for Charlotte. Or even a play date really. Something to give Charlotte a change from her mother.
  3. .
    (Edited for content re info of non-YouTube family member)

    Edited by LateKate - 16/11/2016, 10:00
  4. .
    Do the Hermes bracelets go in the "Summer Haul" category???
  5. .
    Her lips look particularly gross in this video. That bottom one just doesn't look right.
  6. .
    Her face is looking a little gaunt. I hope she isn't being dumb with her eating/exercise again.
141 replies since 12/9/2016