The Gossip Bakery

Posts written by OrganicTampon

  1. .
    QUOTE (ColdOne @ 13/12/2018, 02:10) 
    He can't keep it in there


    The way he does the airplane arms all the time is so bizarre to me.
  2. .
    I’m sorry but there is no way I’d miss my little girl in gymnastics. One of the best thing about having kids is watching them enjoy activities like that!
  3. .
    Her new Christmas decor is a mixture of Michelle1218 and CA and she’s sticking it in her attempt at TiffanyD’s house.
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    QUOTE (sweettreat @ 9/11/2018, 17:42) 
    You do not have the world's tiniest head Jennifer.

    She has the world’s tiniest brain 🧠
  5. .
    Michelle1218 posted a vlog of her having a rough day and at the end she said she felt like she was a bad mom that day. Jen is obsessed with her so hopefully Michelle’s honesty will rub off on her.
  6. .
    She’s showing Charlotte’s empty room on instagram. Michelle1218 just posted her daughter’s room tour. I’m sure Jen will be copying her or TiffanyD’s daughters room.
  7. .
    I don’t even think he’s fussy. I think it’s more that his mom is a moron and is so uptight with her schedule that she is refusing to help him through a normal rough patch.
  8. .
    I really don’t think there is anything wrong other than he is very unfortunate looking and he has Jen for a mother.
  9. .
    She is on instagram using the word “vibes” again 🙄
  10. .
    She said in one of her q&a videos that they went to Bora Bora on their 5th wedding anniversary.
  11. .
    QUOTE (FilofaxECBuJo @ 30/7/2018, 06:04) 
    I don’t remember if I’ve already said this, but man it pisses me off that she can fuck around with whatever she feels like eating, changing her diet a million times and still breastfeeds her baby no problem. Breastfeeding is freaking hard and I hate that of all people, it gets to come so easy for her. I know she had a lactation consultant come to the house (because no new mother can EVER leave the house...) but I don’t think she had actual supply issues. Correct me if I’m wrong. Just sitting here bitter over Jen’s milk.

    Yep. I am over here following a dairy free diet cause my baby is allergic and taking every vitamin to help me produce more milk and still have to feed her formula and supplement with what little breastmilk I can muster. Jen shot in the ass with luck Ross makes me sick.
  12. .
    It must be pretty depressing when your baby is so unfortunate looking that you feel the need to photoshop him!
  13. .
    I think the metal straws would remind me of the horrors of braces and a palette spreader 😳. I’ll stick with my plastic ones, thanks!
  14. .
    Her head is so little. She reminds me of that one robot on Mystery Science Theater 3000.
  15. .
    QUOTE (ReallyReallyReally @ 19/5/2018, 02:11) 
    She drives me buts with ALWAYS pushing her back off her forehead. Put it in a freaking ponytail, headband or barrette! This may make me more nuts than the swallowing!

    Not buts, NUTS

    I think it’s worse cause her hair always looks oily and dirty.
141 replies since 12/9/2016