The Gossip Bakery

Votes given by martiniflightlikedon

  1. .
    Wherever Don is, I hope it's a place where he gets better. We're speculating a lot going on very little info but it appears he has a second chance ahead of himself. Be better, do better and think less highly of yourself.

    Same advice for Gene.
  2. .
    This might be unpopular but having done some real dumb sh*t in my own lifetime (that involved cops being called) I am one for the belief that none of us truly know the facts or circumstances of a situation and the people directly involved are best positioned to decide what is best for them.

    T is a grown woman, and while everyone is quick to say drop that loser and run, it may be worthwhile for them to get collective help and figure this out for their family that I believe both of them are committed to. I am not one for forgiving crap treatment and giving multiple chances, but if this is his one big screw up and IF AND ONLY IF he’s willing to seek intensive help and commit to change I believe that is the better outcome than another uprooting for the couple and the children involved. As someone in a second marriage myself, I don’t advocate for drop and run. Keeping a family together with the added complexity of ex-spouses and step-siblings is hard work. Finding a co-pilot in life is also hard. I’m glad that T (appears to be) someone who doesn’t tolerate bullshit, and I trust her to make decisions that make sense for her and her household without speculating that things are at the extreme end of horrible.

    The one thing in this I am truly outraged by is how Jen has acted out online and made this all about herself. Whether she feels “vindicated” by this dirt or what ever her first priority as a mother should have been to protect her children because like it or not that is their father and their last name Jen is helping smear dirt on.
  3. .
    I won't stand for this Dan erasure!
  4. .
    Implying that Don was abusive is one of the worst things she's ever done. Without Don she would have nothing! Every good experience in her life was provided by Don! She has no social skills, no ability to make friends. She should be grateful for the 18 years she spent with him. If she had never met Don there would have been no traveling, no vacation home, no fancy schmancy dinners, no parties. Without Don she would have moved in with her parents, had a nervous breakdown and ended up working 10 hrs a week at a Hallmark store.
    I hope 2024 is a year of consequences for Jen. A year of Don, Tens, and her family telling her that her attitude is unacceptable and her tantrums are not going to work. A year of increased momming stints with an 8 year old who is much smarter than she is. I also hope it's the year she starts freaking out about her alimony ending. She will still have money but the fear of it not being endless would be a terrifying realization for her.
    What a smelly bitch.
  5. .
    she doesn't like sushi but had 10 years of sushi monday and a sushi feast in vancouver a couple of months ago
    she doesn't like meat but has a smoker worth a few thousand dollars, makes prime rib, eats burgers and steak at her solo restaurant outings
    she doesn't like chocolate but spent $300 on a luxe chocolate advent calendar, has hoards of chocolate tucked away in her closets and cars

    cc doesn't like cheese but we're having pizza for christmas and every friday, and she has a grilled cheese every day
  6. .
    If Don and Tens were divorcing Jen would be smug. Her wanting to complain but not talk about it probably means a) it has something to do with Tens and Jen doesn't want to acknowledge her existence. B) the truth would make Jen look bad. C) all of the above.
    Only Jen would describe more time with her children as her number being picked in the chaos lottery.
    Maybe Tens is starring in a shampoo commercial? That would be devastating for Jen.
  7. .
    This is Jen we’re talking about here. She is always so dramatic about absolutely nothing. Exhibit A: The hair parting video.

    All the hand-wringing is probably a result of Don asking her to please pick up the Circumstances 15 mins earlier next week :confused-smiley-emoticon-1:
  8. .
    I don't think this bitch wants to go there considering the year she had on this site telling people to kill themselves, and sending messages to random users. I keep receipts.
  9. .
    I imagine Jill walking through the door and seeing the pizza on the Traeger on the other side of the house and turning around and going home. She is texting Jen from the car, ‘Jennifer, this is your mother. Pizza for Christmas is unacceptable. Your father and I are going home’.

    Gravy speeds off, reminiscing of the good old days because, ‘put the pizza down’ would never articulate his rage in quite the same way.
  10. .
    Tensleigh absolutely crushed Jen's entire life with her cute little strappy heels and bunion-free toes
  11. .
    She's too lazy to even come up with an original photo for her drop-ship garbage


  12. .
    Elyse is from one of two groups I loathe on social media. The optimizers who think they can cheat death by doing life perfectly. They usually sell supplements. And people like Elyse who exploit their neuroses for validation.
  13. .
    "i'm your concirge and i'm super smart. :thumbs-up:

18495 replies since 6/12/2016